Chapter 49 Invitation, Silver Dimensional Space (3/4)

From the time Yuan Yang told himself today, Jiang Xiaobai was already puzzled.

After all, given the same status and status, Jiang Xiaobai is impossible to waste time on someone who is not very familiar.

Unless…for another purpose.

Now hearing what Yuan Xiaoning said, Jiang Xiaobai is also more certain of his conjecture.

Afterwards, Yuan Xiaoning asked slowly: “What I want to know now is your talent skills, are they only effective for people, or are they equally effective for those dimensional spaces?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai had a vague guess in his heart.

After pondering for a while, he replied: “It is also effective for dimensional creatures.”

Yuan Xiaoning’s eyes lit up, and a smile appeared on his face for the first time.

Immediately he explained slowly: “In fact, this time I returned to Yucheng, one of my goals was to go to a dimensional space with some friends at school, but the monsters in the dimensional space we chose were a bit difficult. I tried it before. Failed.”

So you took a fancy to my talent skills and asked Xiao Bai, raising his eyebrows. Yuan Xiaoning heard the words and nodded gently and said: “Yes, your talent skills can make you kneel down. If you play well, it will be of great help to us. After Yuan Xiaoning has revealed his purpose, Jiang Xiaobai After a little silence, he asked, “Silver Dimensional Space? ”

It can be troublesome for Yuan Xiaoning. It can’t be the dimensional space of the bronze level, only the dimensional space of the silver level can do this.

Yuan Xiaolin nodded and said, “Not bad.”

As soon as this word came out, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly twitched his mouth, and then pointed to himself, “Sister, see clearly, I just awakened not long ago. Even if it’s a normal bronze dimension, I guess I won’t be able to play even when I go in, let alone Baiyin. Private space, you seem to be teasing me?”

Perhaps because of Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction, Yuan Xiaoning didn’t care, and shook his head and said, “Don’t worry, the people on our side are strong enough, it’s just that the dimensional creature in the silver dimensional space is too troublesome.

Just relying on our strength, if we want to kill it, it will be too difficult, and the danger is too high, so it is your help.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t rush to answer but asked: “Which other people are there besides you? What is their strength?”

Yuan Xiaolin immediately responded: “The standard five-person team.”

Needless to say, the danger of the dimensional space is obvious, as tens of thousands of awakened people fall into it every year.

Therefore, generally speaking, unless they are particularly confident of their own strength, even if they enter the dimensional space, most people will choose to team up.

The standard team is a five-person team.

The five-person team contains an awakened who has awakened the defensive talent skills, just like Thursday Sea.

There are also two awakeners who have awakened powerful melee talent skills.

And an awakened person who has awakened a ranged talent skill.

Generally speaking, the squad also includes an auxiliary awakener.

However, auxiliary awakeners are too rare, and most of their skills are not very useful, so on the contrary, there are very few teams carrying auxiliary awakeners.

But according to Jiang Xiaobai’s understanding, Yuan Xiaoning is only a freshman.

Being able to pull up this team is also very surprising.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai meditating, Yuan Xiaoning did not urge.

After all, in Yuan Xiaoning’s opinion, for Jiang Xiaobai at this moment, dimensional space is completely synonymous with danger. If he agrees directly, then there is a problem.

Immediately, Yuan Xiaoning continued: “Of course, as a participant, we will not let you help for free. You will directly get one-sixth of the income in the dimensional space.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart moved.

Through the previous practice, Jiang Xiaobai has already understood that he is different from the ordinary awakened person, perhaps because of the system, every time he uses the star orb, he will absorb the star power very quickly.

The only price is that it consumes a lot of star orbs, but it consumes 5 bronze-level star orbs in just over an hour.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai’s demand for star beads is greater than that of ordinary people.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai asked, “Can I know which dimensional space is your goal?”

There are a total of four silver dimensional spaces around Yucheng. Jiang Xiaobai needs to clear which dimensional space Yuan Xiaoning and others are aiming for before he can make a decision.

Yuan Xiaoning said: “In the dimensional space of the colorful spider, I need the fangs and venom sac of the colorful spider king.”

Jiang Xiaobai’s expression suddenly condensed.

Although the colorful spider dimensional space is only a silver-level dimensional space.

The monster level in it is not particularly high, almost equivalent to the level of the first level of the Stardust Realm to the third level of the Stardust Realm.

The strongest is just the colorful Spider King among them, equivalent to the strength of the fifth layer of the Stardust Realm.

However, although the level of these dimensional creatures is not high, most awakened people will not choose this dimensional space.

Nothing else, just because spiders mostly act in groups. Once encountered, at least a dozen will be encountered.

at the same time. These giant spiders are not only extremely fast, and the webs that are ejected are also accompanied by a certain amount of toxins.

Not only does it have a certain chronic toxicity, but it also has a powerful paralysis effect. Even if it is stained a little, it may lose part of its combat effectiveness.

Therefore, in the eyes of most resolvers, this colorful spider dimensional space is absolutely dangerous compared to other dimensional spaces of the same level.

“How can you guarantee my safety”. Jiang Xiaobai asked the most important question.

Yuan Xiaoning shook his head, “No one can guarantee this, but I can guarantee it. If you encounter danger, there will definitely be others rushing in front of you, and you will stand in the middle of the team.

Unless we are in danger, you will never have any problems. ”

Jiang Xiaobai squinted his eyes, feeling that Yuan Xiaoning’s statement was a bit unreliable.

As if he had noticed Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction, Yuan Xiaoning waved his hand and said, “Don’t worry, we’ve entered this dimensional space several times. The ordinary dimensional creatures don’t have any major problems at all. The main purpose is to solve the problem of the Colorful Spider King at the end. At that time, there were too many dimensional creatures around.

If you want to break through, the danger is too great, so we need your skills to temporarily affect those dimensional creatures, so as to create opportunities for us.

Jiang Xiaobai thought carefully in his mind for nearly five minutes, and finally slowly said: This matter is too dangerous, at the same time. There are no guarantees for many things, so I have two conditions. “*

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