Chapter 488 Invitation card

It is said that the tortoise shell of the red flame scale turtle is a good medicine for aphrodisiac, so many wealthy people of the World Affairs Office are secretly seeking to buy it.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care much about impotence or something.

If you don’t believe it, Yuan Xiaoning, who is already asleep, is…iron evidence.

What Jiang Xiaobai values ​​most is the star bead of the Scarlet Flame Scale Turtle! This is an extremely rare spiritual star bead, and it is what Jiang Xiaoxin needs most at the moment.

If he can complete this rewarding task, Jiang Xiaobai can kill two birds with one stone.

It can not only use the identity of the poisonous wasp to get some contact with the senior middleman in the dark web, but also help Jiang Xiaoxin improve her realm.

If it were the five million world coins bounty, it would be three birds with one stone!

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai directly applied for this task in the name of Venomous Hornet.

Soon, the middleman of the dark web sent a message.

“Your previous assassination mission has been completed”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t expect that he was just applying for a task, and he drew doubts from the dark web middlemen.

“No, that kid escaped.”

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Xiaobai tried to reply.

“I originally wanted to kill him with a single blow, but his dog found out-he went out with the dog!”

Soon there was another message from the middleman on the dark web.

“This goal is very tricky. Someone has missed it before, otherwise I would not directly recommend a master like you to the task publisher.

Now that you have already stunned the snake, you can hibernate for a while, and then find a chance to shoot.”

After reading this news, Jiang Xiaobai knew that he had deceived the middleman on the dark web.

“I received the news that this kid is going to the Scale Turtle Dimensional Space soon, and I want to try again.

Even if he doesn’t have a chance to start, he can still find out his details, and I don’t know if he has… other hidden means besides… that dog.”

This is already a little bit of the target information given before questioning the dark web… it is detailed.

After a while, someone from the dark web came back with a message.

“It is indeed the negligence of the organization. I haven’t taken the target person too seriously before.”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being covered with black lines.

Well, this is to blame me for not saying that the killer you sent is incompetent, why do you still feel sick? “The organization has already decided, and you can’t let this goal go wrong, otherwise it will affect the organization’s reputation.

I have agreed to your mission application, and I will send someone to the Scale Turtle Dimensional Space to assist you at that time.”

After reading it, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know if he should be happy or worried.

The task of assassinating oneself has failed one after another, and the dark web organization has clearly listed itself as a key target.

“How can the people you sent help me? You don’t even know who I am.”

Jiang Xiaobai took a gamble and asked tentatively.

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know if anyone in the dark organization knew poison yellow.

But if you are a killer, you probably won’t be exposed outside, especially for a huge and taboo dark organization like the Dark Web! Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai has made a bet.

“The entrance to the Dimensional Space of the Scale Turtle is in Versailles, where there is one of our base camps.

You only need to find the target in the dimensional space of the scale turtle. It shouldn’t be difficult for you.”

After reading this message, Jiang Xiaobai was overjoyed and couldn’t help but laugh again.

Could it be that I would play hide-and-seek with myself, but the middleman on the dark web accidentally revealed a very important message, which was a surprise to Jiang Xiaobai.

I originally wanted to set more information, but after sending this information, the dark web intermediary directly closed the dialog box.

Jiang Xiaobai held the phone in thought for a moment, and a playful smile slowly appeared at the corner of his mouth.

…The next day, Jiang Xiaobai and Yuan Xiaoning returned with a full load.

And Daha, after eating a few star beads on the return flight, he fell asleep directly.

However, Jiang Xiaobai was not worried, knowing that Daha was about to break through.

As soon as he returned to school, before Jiang Xiaobai went to Zhang Xunkun’s report, He Weihua came to him, and he looked very strange.

“Xuedi Jiang, Beijing Normal University sent someone to send an invitation letter. Those of us… have participated in the global competition.

If you are not there, they will leave it to me for safekeeping.”

With that said, He Weihua handed a beautiful invitation to Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai took it casually, and a faint sweet scent came to his nose.

He Weihua said with a look of enviousness: “Junior Brother Xiaobai, you are the most sassy student I have ever seen. You even hooked up with the beauties of Beijing Normal University.

Liu Rong was very famous before Beijing Normal University!”

“Isn’t Liu Rong the fourth place in the individual competition? I remember her summoned beast seems to be the Magic Moon Butterfly, which is very powerful.”

Jiang Xiaobai recalled that he had opened the invitation letter in his hand.

However, it is the Beijing Normal University that is going to hold a sorority party, and Jiang Xiaobai and others are sincerely invited to participate.

And the signature place really says “Liu Rong”

The name.

However, Jiang Xiaobai looked at He Weihua somewhat puzzled.

It’s just an invitation letter. How can it be related to the hookup Liu Rong? He Weihua seems to have seen Jiang Xiaobai’s doubts, and then handed the invitation letter he received to Jiang Xiaobai.

“Look at it-the inscriptions on the invitation letters of those of us all read ‘Beijing Normal University’s External Liaison Office’, and you are the only one who is Liu Rong.”

Jiang Xiaobai’s face turned black when he heard it.

“Have you peeked at my invitation letter before?”

Hearing this, He Weihua couldn’t help but feel a little embarrassed.

If I hadn’t seen it, how could I envy Jiang Xiaobai just now.

But the focus now, shouldn’t it be Liu Rong? In order to avoid Jiang Xiaobai holding on to what was just now, He Weihua had an idea and talked about what happened when he sent the invitation letter.

“Our invitation letters were all sent by the participating team members of Beijing Normal University, but Liu Rong only took the invitation letter for you, and she intends to hand it to you personally.

Later, I heard that you were not here, so I asked me to hand it over to you, and repeatedly asked me to persuade you to participate…”

However, He Weihua is still there: while chattering, Jiang Xiaobai has already turned and left.

What Liu Rong looks like, Jiang Xiaobai has now forgotten.

And during the global competition, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t talk to Liu Rong at all, let alone pay attention to Liu Rong.

He Weihua, 80% of this guy is thinking of spring, so that so many plots will be crooked…Tucao He Weihua, Jiang Xiaobai has come to Zhang Xunkun’s office, and he has attacked Yuan Xiaoning and the middleman on the dark web. He said it again during the conversation, and finally said: “Principal Zhang, I plan to do everything, but you have to help me.”

Zhang Xunkun listened, his expression was very serious, and he said solemnly: “This matter is of great importance, I want to report to it.”

After speaking, Zhang Xunkun said with a serious face: “Before this, you must not act rashly.

You know, your life is more important than a stronghold of the dark web three!”


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