Chapter 479 Xiaobai, are you free tonight?

Jiang Xiaobai ignored this group of guys who had never seen the world, and walked into the classroom lazily.

However, a group of male cattle in the classroom was also discussing this exchange student! A short boy said with joy: “You see that the girl that Mr. Xu brought just now is not a foreigner, she is so beautiful!”

Some people in the horse said, “I saw it a long time ago, and I also know that…the beautiful girl is an exchange student from Europe…”

“Cut, who doesn’t know that, when Teacher Xu and the vice principal were talking to me just now, I was there too!”

Another boy also rushed to say, as if hearing this news would make him and that…beautiful foreign girl somehow connected.

“Fuck, it’s true”

Someone obviously didn’t know the news yet, and said with surprise, “Exchange student-then which class is she assigned to?”

The first mention of “exchange students”

The boys immediately.

Scolded “six five zero”

: “Are you not thinking about the people Mr. Xu took, which class do you think you will be assigned to?”

When I heard that I was about to have a beautiful foreign girl in my class, all the boys immediately surrounded her.

Yuan Yang is no exception, his eyes glimmering: “What is the height of the beautiful girl who is coming to our class…, what color is the skin color, and how many measurements…”

Seeing this, Zhou Jia angrily said: “A group of sex embryos!”

Jiang Xiaoxin at the side chuckled softly: “Who makes you show off to these boys in ordinary times, don’t you let others be tempted to other girls?”

Zhou Jia immediately retorted: “You are not the same as everyone calls you cold beauty.

Besides, I am not worried about this, I am afraid…”

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai appeared in Zhou Jia’s sight.

“What are you afraid of”

Jiang Xiaoxin also saw Jiang Xiaobai, so she asked.

Zhou Jia glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, and suddenly said with a smirk: “I’m afraid that…the beautiful foreign girl will steal the title of the first beauty in your actual combat class!”

While laughing, Xu Yan walked into the classroom, followed by a blond foreign girl.

Suddenly, there was abrupt silence in the classroom.

All the boys watched that… the foreign girl with the book in his arms.

“I will introduce you a new classmate, an exchange student from Sweden.”

Xu Yan introduced her new classmates in her mouth, but there was a meaningful smile in her eyes, and she was looking at Jiang Xiaobai leisurely.

However, no one of the students in the classroom seemed to be listening to Xu Yan at this time.

One mind is all on the new classmates.

Including Yuan Yang and Jiang Xiaobai.

It’s just that Yuan Yang looked constipated, as if he had encountered something he couldn’t figure out.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at his new classmate and Xu Yan, with a few black lines hanging on his forehead.

The new classmate wore a long dress that was ironed to fit the body, and the two lotus root-like jade arms showed white and flawless skin.

And those slender and straight long legs seemed to be a bit shorter in the skirt.

The exquisite figure is curvy and Tingting, and the eyes are as delicate as the girl in the comics.

It’s just that the foreign girl’s long eyelashes flickered and her eyes flickered, staring at a certain place and no longer moving, and her small mouth curled into a chuckle.

Just as the boys were guessing that the new classmates chuckled at the lucky ones, Xu Yan suddenly said: “From now on, you will sit next to Jiang Xiaobai.”

With that said, Xu Yan stretched out her hand and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai as if she was afraid of her new classmate.

Suddenly, those guys who were just now guessing the minds of the new classmates all looked at Jiang Xiaobai with their eyes.

However, he found that Jiang Xiaobai was staring at Teacher Xu with black lines, as if he wanted to question something.

At this time, the new classmate had walked up to Jiang Xiaobai and said cautiously: “Long time no see.”

As soon as the voice fell, the classroom immediately seemed to be fried.

“She actually knew Jiang Xiaobai”

“It’s over, the lover of my dream has been robbed of love by the horizontal knife again…”

“Fart, you don’t even know their name!”

While the boys were still: noisy and yelling, Xu Yan smiled slyly again, and said as if she had just remembered: “By the way, the new classmate’s name is Camille, everyone will take care of her in the future, especially Jiang Xiaobai. ”

At this time, Yuan Yang finally recovered, and said to Camille with a strange look: “How did you chase here, can’t you become addicted to Xiaobai as a maid?”

Hearing this, there was another wailing in the classroom.

The new classmate actually worked as a maid for Jiang Xiaobai. What kind of situation must be false, it is an illusion! “Shut up, you big mouth!”

Zhou Jia scolded Yuan Yang angrily, a little bit of resentment appeared on her small face, but she asked Camille suspiciously: “Aren’t you addicted to doing homework for us?”

……When the students in the actual combat class saw that even Zhou Jia said so, they knew immediately that the new student must have met Jiang Xiaobai during the global competition… Could it be that Kamier fell in love with Jiang Xiaobai at first sight? , So I first served as a maid for Jiang Xiaobai, and then chased him to Jiangnan University for a while, and the actual combat class ignited a raging gossip fire.

No girl classmates began to cast resentful eyes at Camille, who was still standing next to Jiang Xiaobai.

And the boys all started to ask Yuan Yang about the “maid”

s story.

Jiang Xiaobai was…not too much fussing about Camille’s appearance. After confronting Xu Yan for a long time, he raised his eyebrows at Camille and said, “Sit down first-you Your father also brought China”

When Camille left the Grand Canyon early, he said that he would bring his father to Jiang Xiaobai for treatment.

That’s why Jiang Xiaobai has this question.

It’s just that this 80% is… the gift Xu Yan prepared for herself… Jiang Xiaobai thought helplessly.

While Mi’er looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s expression, she replied: “Well, I rented an apartment nearby, and I settled my father in the apartment first.”

While she was talking, Xu Yan on the podium cleared her throat and said loudly: “Okay, let’s talk about it after class, now we will go to class.”

…In less than half a day, the whole Jiangnan University was going crazy, and a Danish female exchange student came to the school, who looked like a fairy who went down to earth.

As soon as school is over, there are freshman students on the road beating their chests and feet.

“Why didn’t I choose to go to the actual combat class”

Immediately someone replied with a mocking tone: “Because you don’t have the ability! By the way, that…Nordic 0.

2 The girl grows up like a doll, not to mention how beautiful it is.”

In this regard, some boys sneered and said: “Hey, no matter how beautiful it is, it can’t be as beautiful as Yuan Xiaoning, the iceberg beauty, and Jiang Xiaoxin!”

It seems that this boy is a fan of Yuan Xiaoning and Jiang Xiaoxin… “If you don’t believe it or not, go to the freshman actual combat class!”

Under this proposal, a group of boys flocked to the actual combat classroom.

On the road, I even met “comrades in the same way”

, I’m also arguing whether the new beautiful girl can be better than Jiang Xiaoxin’s beauties.

When a group of people came to the door of the actual combat class classroom, they finally met Camille as they wished.

Suddenly, they were shocked.

However, before the boys in this line of men recovered, they heard Camille Chong Jiang Xiaobai say: “Are you free tonight?”

In an instant, there seemed to be a heartbreak.

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