Chapter 477 Brocade box

After returning to the hotel, Jiang Xiaobai opened the text message from the dark web again.

In fact, there is a link attached to the end of the message.

But there were so many people on the court just now, it was not convenient for Jiang Xiaobai to check.

After clicking on it at this time, it was surprisingly found that this was the download link of the dark web.

All of them are so secretive, and the dark web is really cautious.

After the installation, Jiang Xiaobai took a look, but found that he had automatically bound his dark web.

“Can you only log in to me on this phone in the future”

Jiang Xiaobai murmured, then retreated first, and couldn’t help laughing again.

I remember that the dark web on Camille’s mobile phone is an icon for a memo, and the icon I just downloaded is actually a clock icon…After entering again, Jiang Xiaobai took a closer look, and finally got an impression of the dark web. The task is understood.

Most of the rewards on the dark web are assassinations, kidnappings, and various space rewards.

The last type of mission is mainly for adventure missions in various dimensional spaces. The reward targets are star orbs of various dimensional creatures or directly…

In addition, no matter what kind of task, there are 803 rewards that can be obtained after the task is completed, and the points given by the dark web to the task undertaker.

The dark web points can be used to increase the level of dark web hunters like Jiang Xiaobai and Camille.

At present, Jiang Xiaobai’s level is very low, and only the dimensional space below the gold level can be seen as a reward.

Assassinations, kidnappings and other tasks are also divided into difficulty levels by titles such as bronze, silver, gold, and diamonds.

Like Jiang Xiaobai, it is only bronze now, and can only receive gold-level tasks at the highest.

“This is a bit interesting. It seems that the higher the level of mission, the more the core secrets of the dark web are involved.”

Jiang Xiaobai thought about it for a while, and understood the deep meaning of such a strict dark web level.

“Perhaps high-level tasks can be contacted with more shocking tasks, or you can contact the task publisher”

Thinking of this…When Jiang Xiaobai swiped his finger, he found an indifferent taskbar.

This made Jiang Xiaobai happy.The meaning of indiscriminateness obviously means that darknet hunters can take on tasks without level restrictions.

However, after clicking on it, Jiang Xiaobai discovered that there was only one mission here, and it was heinous! “Acquisition of the Awakeners from the Stardust Realm to the Starry Sky Realm.”

Below are the prices of various realms and levels, each of which is extremely high:

Especially the price of the Starry Sky Realm Awakener, the long string of zeros behind it made Jiang Xiaobai secretly speechless.

It’s just that Jiang Xiaobai can’t figure out why the dark web wants to buy the Awakeners at a high price.

This means.

When he was puzzled, Zhang Xunkun suddenly came to Jiang Xiaobai’s room.

Jiang Xiaobai immediately took this strange thing to Zhang Xunkun.

Zhang Xunkun listened, his face changed slightly, and he groaned for a while.

“Some awakeners, like dimensional creatures, choose to swallow other people’s star upgrades in order to improve their strength.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being really sick.

This is not just the same as her own Daha, Xu Yan, who said yesterday that if Daha wants to improve his realm, he must eat other high-level dimensional creatures.

But after all, human beings are different from dimensional creatures. How can they swallow other people’s star power like dimensional creatures? Zhang Xunkun seemed to have not noticed Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction. After a short pause, he continued, “However, this behavior is all The country explicitly prohibits it.

Moreover, those who want to increase their realm by devouring the star power of others must master an ancient evil technique.”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and nodded thoughtfully before asking about Zhang Xunkun’s intentions.

However, Zhang Xunkun said in a huff: “I’m here to remind you, don’t leave behind the ones that should be taken back to the country, and leave them here for me if they shouldn’t be taken back to the country!”

With that said, Zhang Xunkun glanced at the pile of homework meaningfully.

Jiang Xiaobai saw this and immediately understood.

Camille had left here yesterday, saying that she was going back to find her father.

And Zhang Xunkun was obviously afraid that he would really let Camille be a maid for a month and bring Camille back to the country.

…The next day, all the participating teams in China finally embarked on their way back to China.

After a long flight, the plane finally landed at the domestic airport.

Upon getting off the plane, Jiang Xiaobai and others discovered that the airport was full of students and school leaders, including Jiangnan University.

There are even government leaders where the schools are located.

Of course, these people are all here to welcome the students participating in the competition.

Everyone fought for the country and returned with honor. Of course, a grand ceremony must be arranged in the country.

Looking at the flowers on the ground and the white pigeons in the sky, and the endless cheering crowd, even Jiang Xiaobai was a little excited.

…After a long welcoming ceremony, the Jiangnan University team finally returned to school.

“You are free to move around, go home if you want to go home, or go out to play–Jiang Xiaobai, you will come to my office later.”

After Zhang Xunkun confessed, he exhorted Jiang Xiaobai in front of everyone.

Hearing this, He Weihua and others immediately thought of something, and then Qi Qi looked at Jiang Xiaobai with envy.

Even Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t restrain her curiosity, and asked Jiang Xiaobai: “Brother, what do you think the national awards President Zhang said will be?”

Jiang Xiaobai scratched his head and replied: “It is estimated that it will not be too bad, after all, it is a reward from the state.”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai threw his salute to Yuan Yang, and then went to the principal’s office in the envy of everyone.

At this time, Zhang Xunkun was discussing business with several vice principals, and when Jiang Xiaobai came in, he immediately stopped the previous topic.

“You go first, I’ll tell this kid something.”

Several school leaders probably knew everything in their minds, one by one, they looked at Jiang Xiaobai for appreciation, and others patted Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulder with their hands and gave them thumbs up.

“Hey, it’s a pity that my family gave birth to a son. If I could have a daughter…”

Before leaving the house, a nonchalant deputy principal said with such feelings.

Jiang Xiaobai was full of black lines, and he didn’t know that…what exactly the vice principal wanted to make.

After those people left, Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand at Zhang Xunkun.

“Principal Zhang, bring it.”

Zhang Xunkun didn’t expect Jiang Xiaobai to be so direct. He couldn’t help but laughed. He pointed to a brocade box on the desk and smiled: “Hey, that… is… the special reward given to you above, you can open it yourself.”

Jiang Xiaobai took a look at it and found that the box was antique, and it looked very simple at first glance.

When I opened it, it was actually covered with a thick red cloth.

Jiang Xiaobai probed his right hand and took out the red cloth.

However, there is nothing under the red cloth!

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