Chapter 475 No friends

The final of the team competition is over and Jiangnan University won.

However, all the staff of the competition committee were scratched by this result again.

The original plan was that the losing team in the final would compete with the winner of the knockout round, Jingshi University, for the runner-up.

However, it seems that this is no longer necessary.

Because of St. Louis.



The school’s participating students have been killed completely!…In fact, He Weihua originally wanted to let Macbeth go. After all, letting a person who has no eggs live is… the biggest punishment.

But Yuan Yang didn’t think so.

“If Macbeth seduce a few men, wouldn’t it be troublesome to come to Jiangnan University for revenge”

Therefore, before Macbeth could defend himself, Yuan Yang swung a knife at Macbeth.

In the evening, the competition committee, which had been arguing for most of the day, finally made a decision and announced the results of this global competition team competition.

Of course Jiangnan University is the champion.

Since Beijing Normal University lost 12 opponents, it won the runner-up! As for the third runner-up, it was awarded to St. Louis.



The school, although the team members of this school have been wiped out.

As for the third and lower ranks, they were awarded to the Vatican Sacred Academy, Hanhai Academy, Mordu Military District Academy, French Academy, Frankfurt Academy and other schools.

At the same time, the competition committee announced that the global competition individual competition will start tomorrow.

The reason for the arrangement is so ridiculous.

In the competition committee, the European and American judges made a fuss about Jiangnan University’s violation of the judges’ order to stop the competition in the finals and clamored to sanction Jiangnan University.

The China judges fought back with Macbeth’s use of space props in violation of regulations.

Therefore, the two sides quarreled violently.

When everyone was tired and noisy, I had to decide to put aside the dispute and arrange the next individual match.

However, at this moment, the staff of the competition committee tremblingly brought out a data sheet, saying that the casualties in this global competition were unprecedented.

Up to now, there are no more than ten teams that have to be all-tailed! Moreover, more than half of the teams that have reached the top 16 teams have less than half of them…Look at this casualty statistics According to the data, judges from various countries were dumbfounded, but they couldn’t help but start to feel distressed.

You know, the students who can be assigned here to participate in the competition can be regarded as elite students from all countries, and they are also the hope of the future of all countries.

In just a dozen days, the death and injury were so serious.

There are even schools with only one person left.

For example, Akita Academy in Japan…Actually, if St. Louis.



If the college is not before the end, if you force a few students from the Vatican Academy, the French Academy, and the Frankfurt Academy into your team, I am afraid that after Saint Louis, you can only go back to a principal.

Speaking of the principal, there is still a school lost! According to Oliver of Saint Nea College, the principal of Saint Nea College, Drake, disappeared the day before the final.

Moreover, after exhausting all means, it is impossible to contact.

When the people of the competition committee heard it, they could vaguely guess what was going on.

From the beginning of the challenge, Drake has been dissatisfied with Jiangnan University and other Chinese schools. 80% of this matter was done by Jiang Xiaobai:! And the judges from China are not just guessing, but Know well.

After Zhang Xunkun killed Drake, he had already passed the anger with the China judges.

Since it was a done deal, and Drake did have a connection with the dark web, the China judges just heard a joke and did not communicate with other judges at all.

…It is unprecedented for a game to be held like this.

Therefore, the competition committee finally agreed on one thing.

That is to end this year’s global competition as soon as possible, so as to avoid more serious casualties among students from various countries.

After the individual competition system was released, the person who came to Jiang Xiaobai first was not Zhang Xunkun.

“Student Xiaobai, are you interested in coming to our Beijing Normal University for postgraduate studies in the future. There are many women in Beijing Normal University. There are too many boys like Xiaobai to balance the male-to-female ratio.”

The president of Beijing Normal University spoke to Jiang Xiaobai sternly.

Jiang Xiaobai listened and replied politely: “I’m not that kind of person…but well, I can consider it.”

Hearing that, the president of Beijing Normal University felt that there was a drama, and when he was about to persuade a few more words, a knock on the door suddenly sounded.

As soon as the door opened, Zhang Xunkun and other Jiangnan University students turned out to be outside.

In front of the president, the president of Beijing Normal University couldn’t dig a corner anymore, and left with a few words.

This made Zhang Xunkun look suspicious.

“What did he come to do with you?”

Jiang Xiaobai replied casually: “Come and thank me for helping Beijing Normal University win the runner-up.”

This statement is reasonable and reasonable. After hearing this, Zhang Xunkun could only give Jiang Xiaobai a suspicious look. Then he said seriously: “This time we won the team championship. Not only did we win glory for the country, but also made great contributions!”

This is the truth.

According to regulations, the champion, runner-up and runner-up of the global competition can get 50%% of the dimensional space distribution rights for the three.

As for the remaining 50%%, it will be allocated by the Third Army and the seven teams below the Third Army.

And in this 50%% dimensional space, the championship can win 50%% for your country! The second and third runners can get 30% and 30% for your country respectively. Twenty percent%%.

This also means that in this global competition, Jiangnan University and Jingshi University alone won 40%% of the total dimensional space for China980! Among them, Jiangnan University contributed the most, and even the runner-up of Jingshi University, in fact, There is also half the credit of Jiangnan University.

After all, the final race for the runner-up was due to St. Louis.



The school has been killed by Jiangnan University and directly bye.

If you count the top ten Hanhai Academy and other Chinese schools, China has won almost half of the dimensional space in this global competition, which is the biggest winner.

“All the students who participated in the competition will not be forgotten by the country.”

Zhang Xunkun solemnly said to the people at Jiangnan University in the hotel.

“Moreover, a country tycoon sent me a message, as long as Jiang Xiaobai can return home safely, the country will give you a glorious and rich reward!”

Having said that, Zhang Xunkun looked at Jiang Xiaobai with scorching eyes.

Hearing that, He Weihua and others also looked at Jiang Xiaobai with envy.

Isn’t it what young people want to become famous, and that’s what young people want to pursue? Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly in the face of He Weihua and others’ attention: “Why don’t you look at me, Principal Zhang said? Everyone has rewards.”

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Yang immediately wailed: “Jiang Xiaobai, you have become a big show this time. After you go back, you are so beautiful and you are so coquettish, and you will have no friends in the future!”

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