Chapter 473 Want to run after pretending to be forced?

At this moment, Angela and Chrysler, who were kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai, were full of shock.

I have heard before that Jiang Xiaobai has a very strange skill that can make people kneel in front of Jiang Xiaobai in full view.

At that time, both Angela felt that this kind of skill was too wicked.

Think about it, you’re still there: when you were fighting a serious life and death battle with Jiang Xiaobai, suddenly you kneel down in front of Jiang Xiaobai like a worshiper.

This is too embarrassing! However, now that they have personally learned, Angela and two of them can’t take care of the “humiliation.”

The humiliation, I just want to quickly escape from Jiang Xiaobai.

It’s a pity, how could Jiang Xiaobai release the prey sent to the door with compassion, “Just stay here since it’s here.”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly and said lightly.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai’s hand has been pinched to Angela’s neck, crushing Angela’s throat severely.

The other hand directly lifted Chrysler high, and like a tree, it suddenly smashed Chrysler’s head into the ground in the arena.

Before dying, Angela and Chrysler faintly heard a word.

“Your luck is so good that you have lived so long!”

People like Macbeth are indeed lucky.

Just now when the Wilsons were besieging Jiang Xiaobai, “I got an arrow in my knee.”

This passive skill has not been triggered.

You know, the trigger probability of this passive skill is as high as 50%%! After killing eight European and American students including Wilson, Angela, and Bordeaux, Jiang Xiaobai turned his attention to Jiang Xiaoxin.

However, after losing the three 3 long-range attacks of Angela, Macbeth and others can no longer suppress the students of Jiangnan University.

And the students of Jiangnan University will naturally not let go of this good opportunity.

“Wang Ningxiang, cover!”

He Weihua yelled, and several clones had already dispersed and attacked St. Louis with He Weihua.



College students.

In a rush, the formation formed by Macbeth and others couldn’t help being rushed into chaos.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia simultaneously swung their swords and rushed into the formation of Macbeth and others.

At this time, the most dramatic scene happened.

With the deaths of Bordeaux, Wilson and others, St. Louis.



The players who temporarily joined the academy have lost their original captains.

And with Macbeth alone, obviously there is no way to control this improvised team so quickly.

When Zhou Jia, He Weihua and others broke into their own formation, St. Louis.



It is obvious that the students of the college are starting to be in a hurry.

Low-level mistakes in coordination are even more frequent.

Rao brought together St. Louis.



The strongest of the four academies, the Academy, the Academy, the Frankfurt Academy and the Holy Academy of the Vatican, St. Louis.



The academy’s team still inevitably began to show defeat.

In just ten seconds, three European and American students have been seriously injured by Jiangnan students.

“Damn Chinese!”

In desperation, Macbeth cursed angrily and began to give up commanding the few students who were temporarily incorporated into the team.

“Murkes, Macron, you deal with the man with a knife”

“Karen, Terenei, go and deal with that girl.”

Macbeth was unwilling to be overturned by Jiangnan University, but still: trying to stabilize his position.

The four people named are all real St. Louis.



College students.

These four people and Macbeth’s classmates all the way to the present, and they have a tacit understanding with each other.

Macbeth suddenly disappeared from everyone’s sight.

“Be careful-it’s a space alien technique!”

Seeing this, He Weihua, who was still continuing to disrupt the opponent’s formation, screamed, wanting to remind the other students of Jiangnan University.

However, as soon as the voice fell, Macbeth suddenly appeared behind He Weihua.

When Zhou Jia reacted and wanted to step forward to hack Macbeth to death, He Weihua had a dagger inserted in the back of the waist! The sudden change occurred, and no one expected that Macbeth was also a skill of the Space Element.

Jiang Xiaobai, who just killed Chrysler and Angela, also had no time to rescue He Weihua.

In the viewing area, Wei Xuehai, Liu Hanshan and other principals are all incredible.

“Impossible! Macbeth is obviously a wind system awakener!”

As soon as his voice fell, Zhang Xunkun said with a gloomy expression: “Either we old guys are blind and misunderstood, or it is…”

I didn’t say the following words, but Wei Xuehai and others have already reacted, and their faces are full of anger.

Macbeth dared to violate the regulations and use space-based props during the game! At this moment, there was a long roar in the battlefield, but Jiang Xiaoxin was suddenly furious.

Although he doesn’t have much contact with He Weihua, He Weihua is very good to Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin on weekdays.

At this time, He Weihua was stabbed deeply by Macbeth in front of Jiang Xiaoxin’s eyes.

In Macbeth’s suspicious eyes, Jiang Xiaoxin’s black hair turned white in an instant.

When the violent star power fluctuated, Jiang Xiaoxin had already used a skill that he hadn’t fully mastered before-“Breakout of Ice”

In an instant, countless ice ridges fell from the sky.

See this, all St. Louis.



The students of the college screamed and fled.

Macbeth grabbed a classmate and shouted with a cold face, “Use your fire skills!”

…Speaking, several wind blades appeared beside Macbeth and the European and American student, slicing the ice ridges into pieces one by one.

And the student Macbeth was holding on has already condensed star power on his hands.

A few seconds later, a huge fire burst into the air.

Upon seeing this, Macbeth and others were overjoyed.

However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, Macbeth and others suddenly discovered that there were still countless ice ridges passing through the pouring fire and attacking themselves.

The reason why it is called the “Breakout of Ice”

, It was because the ice ridges formed by this skill were not what ordinary fire skills could resist! Suddenly, several European students who could not evade were nailed to death on the field.

After just a few seconds, St. Louis.



There are only five members left in the academy team.

By now, Macbeth, who has exhausted all kinds of conspiracies and tricks, shouted like crazy: “Damn China girl, I will kill you!”

The words fell, and several of the wind blades surrounding Macbeth struck Jiang Xiaoning.

It is too late and then soon, Jiang Xiaobai has already pulled his long bow.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaoxin was in danger, a star power was already condensed on the compound longbow, and the Nine Stars Lianzhu suddenly activated.

When those wind blades were still halfway, they were smashed one by one by nine long arrows shot by Jiang Xiaobai.

Immediately afterwards, another star power dissipated in Jiang Xiaobai’s body, and the compound longbow shot nine long arrows again, attacking Macbeth like a thunder.

At this time, seeing that the defeat was set, the poorly skilled Macbeth rushed to the competition committee and shouted: “We surrender…

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