Chapter 469 There is a big guy who plays with his own bird every day

“You can’t kill me!”

Drake, who had an arm cut off, almost snarled frantically, “I am the principal of Saint Nea College, and my students have many European dignitaries!”

“Oh, I see.”

Wei Xuehai nodded, took the Star Power Long Knife in Zhang Xunkun’s hand, and took it down, and Drake crashed to the ground with an expression of disbelief.

Zhang Xunkun naturally remembered that Drake led the students of Saint Neya Academy to the blood debts owed to the students of the Magic Capital Military District Academy.

“Okay, it’s over.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, but Jiang Xiaoxin struggled out of Jiang Xiaobai’s arms with a flushed face, and then said nothing.

“Well, since Drake is dead, we should go back too.”

“Three Three Three”

Liu Hanshan’s body shape has been restored at this moment, but Jiang Xiaobai suddenly stopped the three principals, and then looked at Wei Xuehai and the three with weird expressions 3.

“Several principals, let me be the bait this time, don’t you have any expressions”

Hearing this, Wei Xuehai couldn’t help but stunned: “Drake is going to kill you. We killed Drake for you, what else do you want to say?”

Who knows, Jiang Xiaobai immediately made a distressed look.

“Shen Neya College killed so many students of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy in the previous points match. This time it is to avenge President Wei’s students. Isn’t this what you should do, President Wei?”

Wei Xuehai was dumbfounded by Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

Seeing this, Liu Hanshan couldn’t help but laughed and said: “I have heard Director Zhou say that you are very smart, let’s talk about it, let us do what old guys do.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, pointing to the Voidwalker wandering nearby and spoke.

“Although the Voidwalker in this dimension is not high in level, the Star Orb is extremely rare:

Several principals can imprison these… Dimensional Walker, why don’t you help me get some star beads”

Voidwalker will explode at any time, and if you want to get the star orb of Voidwalker, you must kill Voidwalker before exploding, the difficulty is indeed very high.

And the spatial attributes contained in the star bead of the Voidwalker are even more rare.Of course, Jiang Xiaobai does not want to enter the treasure mountain and return to the sky.

After figuring out what Jiang Xiaobai meant, Zhang Xunkun scowled and said, “Jiang Xiaobai, respect the teacher, do you know that, you really use our old men as free labor.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai said plausibly: “President Zhang, my pet, Daha, has now reached the sixth floor of the Stardust Realm and needs a lot of Star Orbs to improve.

And only after Daha advances, can I continue to win honors for China and Jiangnan University.”

The three 3 principals listened, and after a moment of indulging, Wei Xuehai tentatively asked: “How many star orbs do you want? Your… pet can be advanced”

Jiang Xiaobai touched his chin, solemnly: “It is estimated that three to five thousand, it is almost the same.”

After finally seizing the opportunity to summon the three Nebula realm bosses, he wanted to make more money from these three principals.

However, when Wei Xuehai heard it, he immediately furiously said: “Three to five thousand, it is almost the same, is your pet an advanced galaxy realm or a star sea realm”

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, “If President Wei thinks about it, when I return to China, I am going to take a part-time job and tell stories under the sky bridge. There is a Nebula realm guy who plays with his own birds every day… Wei Xuehai : “…500, more interviews!”

Jiang Xiaobai: “Deal.”

Wei Xuehai: “”

With the help of three big brothers, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t be too relaxed in the dimension space.

But in half a day, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and got five hundred rare space attribute star beads.

The group of people left the void walker dimension space.

After returning to the hotel where the game stayed, Wei Xuehai and Liu Hanshan soon bid farewell.

Zhang Xunkun took Jiang Xiaobai back to his room.

“Xiao Bai, the competition has gone up to now, in fact, it doesn’t matter what rankings are taken.

I’m sure you are now a thorn in the flesh of every college.”

Seeing Zhang Xunkun’s solemn expression, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but nodded.

Actually, Jiang Xiaobai knew it well without being told by others.

Now other colleges are going crazy. This time the competition committee suddenly adjusted the competition system because Jiang Xiaobai was too bad! “The most important thing now is your safety. Do you understand what I mean?”

Although Zhang Xunkun saw Jiang Xiaobai nodding his head, he still looked uneasy.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai so extravagant, Zhang Xunkun was also speechless for a moment.

It really doesn’t hurt to sell Ye Tian! It took so much time for myself, Liu Hanshan, and Wei Xuehai to get these five hundred star beads.

Now Jiang Xiaobai takes these… Starball feeds Daha, but he doesn’t take it seriously… “If there is nothing wrong with you, go back to your room, I see It hurts!”

Zhang Xunkun said with a distressed look, he had already started to blast Jiang Xiaobai away.

…In the two days before the final, Jiang Xiaobai finally relaxed and stayed in the room to feed Daha the Star Orbs of the Voidwalker.

Daha swallowed hundreds of Star Orbs of Voidwalker one after another, and his strength has been improving since the beginning.

However, Jiang Xiaobai soon discovered that after Daha broke through to the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, he would not gain any strength after eating the Star Orb.

No matter how generous Jiang Xiaobai was, he didn’t want Daha to eat star beads as a snack, so he had to ask Xu Yan to come over and check it out.

“In order for a dimensional creature like Daha to advance, it needs to swallow the same high-level creature.

And Daha was wind attribute before, you 2.

0 actually feeds Daha the space-like star beads directly, it’s a miracle that Daha didn’t have an accident!”

After the investigation was clear, Xu Yan couldn’t help but stare at Jiang Xiaobai, explaining the reason while teaching a lesson.

Jiang Xiaobai listened, first patted Daha’s dog head, and then replied, “I see.”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s inattentive appearance, Xu Yan couldn’t help but stared at Jiang Xiao with an angry look: After a glance, he solemnly said: “Tomorrow, the team championship will start. You must pay attention to your safety. .”

Jiang Xiaobai was still absent-minded.

When Xu Yan saw this, she couldn’t help but gritted her teeth secretly and said meaningfully: “When I return to China, I have a gift for you!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai’s spirits suddenly shocked.

However, Xu Yan left the room without any explanation…

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