Chapter 466 Is this okay?

The melee and the knockouts came to an end on the same day, and the competition committee had to make adjustments again to combine Jiangnan University and St. Louis.



The battle for the championship of the universities is one day in advance, and it is scheduled to be three days later.

The winner of these two schools will directly become the champion.

The loser competed with Jingshi University, which had come out of the knockout round, for the runner-up.

Originally, these three days were time for these three teams to rest.

However, Jiang Xiaobai has no blessings.

Dimensional space rental office.

Jiang Xiaobai once again wanted to persuade Jiang Xiaoxin to return to the hotel to rest.

I entered the void dimension space this time entirely to lure Drake and then ambush Drake.

With the level and strength of Drake Nebula Realm’s seventh level, this trip is really dangerous.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai is really unwilling to pull Jiang Xiaoxin into the water.

However, Jiang Xiaoxin did not agree with life and death.

“Don’t you want to leave me, go on an adventure alone!”

Looking at the stubborn look on Jiang Xiaoxin’s face, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help secretly scolding that he was not doing enough…secret.

Originally, only Yuan Yang, Yuan Xiaoning, and Zhang Xunkun knew about this matter.

However, Yuan Xiaoning was worried about Jiang Xiaobai’s safety and couldn’t hold back Jiang Xiaobai, so he had to secretly tell Jiang Xiaoxin the matter.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaoxin has been following Jiang Xiaobai since the end of the melee, for fear that Jiang Xiaobai will enter the void dimension space alone.

“Then let’s talk about it first, you must listen to me obediently after entering, and you are not allowed to leave me for half a step!”

In desperation, Jiang Xiaobai had to agree to take Jiang Xiaoxin into the void dimension space.

As soon as they entered, the two found that Wei Xuehai, Liu Hanshan and Zhang Xunkun were looking at themselves with a smile.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai was slightly surprised and couldn’t help asking: “When did the three of you come in, aren’t you afraid that Drake will notice it from the rental office?”

However, Zhang Xunkun smiled mysteriously and said: “With our current cultivation base in the Nebula Realm, it is not difficult to sneak into the dimensional space without hiding the staff.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded after listening.

As long as you don’t get rid of the grass and startle the snake.

What I fear most is…, I am busy doing this for nothing.

Zhang Xunkun looked at Jiang Xiaoxin who didn’t say a word, and reminded: “Most of the dimensional creatures in this space are only from the third floor of the Star River Realm to the first floor of the Star Sea Realm.

But the laws of space are very chaotic.

Since you brought your sister in, you must protect her.”

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this, he replied angrily: “I’ll use you to say that you still think about how to kill Drake for a while.”

Jiang Xiaoxin said lightly: “I came to protect my brother, not to ask him to protect me.”

…At this moment, Wei Xuehai suddenly said something a little bit ashamed: “Although Drake can’t use space props to leave after he comes in, but how do we find out when Drake’s voice fell, Liu Hanshan also nodded solemnly. : “This is indeed a troublesome thing. I was thinking about it when I first came in, but I haven’t figured out anything.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled suddenly: “I have a way!”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai took a few people to the depths of the space.

“Trouble the three principals to help catch a few Voidwalkers back and use them.”

Wei Xuehai was a little speechless and dissatisfied: “Are you treating our three 3s as your free labor?”

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and replied, “If it doesn’t work, I will get it.

Let’s go-let’s go back to rest and see how Camille’s homework is done by the way…”

Having said that, Jiang Xiaobai took Jiang Xiaoxin’s hand and made a gesture to leave.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun had no choice but to come forward and make a round.

With that said, Zhang Xunkun has already greeted Wei Xuehai and Liu Hanshan to catch the Voidwalker.

But in a moment, Wei Xuehai, Liu Hanshan, and Zhang Xunkun all captured a Voidwalker and returned.

Moreover, they all used their own imprisonment skills to restrict the mobility of the Voidwalker.

“It’s up to you next!”

Wei Xuehai threw the Voidwalker in front of Jiang Xiaobai, but there was a hint of curiosity in his heart, what exactly did Jiang Xiaobai want to do to catch this Voidwalker.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, the star power in his hand gathered, and he lost three 3 “Growth Pain” towards the three 3 Void Walkers.

The golden light condensed by the star power flashed away, and the three 3 Voidwalkers suddenly made strange movements.

Originally, Voidwalker was an elemental creature, and there was no real part at all.

However, after Jiang Xiaobai’s skill was thrown out, he could see a certain position of Voidwalker, just like a balloon leaking, slowly leaking elemental energy.

Zhang Xunkun:…Wei Xuehai:…Liu Hanshan:…This skill is simply too inhuman, Voidwalker is obviously elemental creatures with no local parts, OK! At this time, the three 3 Voidwalkers are roaring, But they are all bound by imprisonment skills, and they can’t move at all.

Within a moment, the three 3-dimensional walkers had already turned from blue to dark blue.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun’s heart tightened and immediately shouted: “.

No, the Dimensional Walker is about to blew himself up.”

Since they chose to start in the void walker dimension, Zhang Xunkun and others must of course do some homework in advance.

Voidwalkers are elemental creatures with very low intelligence.

However, the Star Orb of the Voidwalker can be used as a medium for intermediate space skills.

Moreover, Voidwalker’s natural skills are dimensional walking and mental shock, which are strongly offensive to all life-type objects.

What’s more important is that in addition to dimensional walking and mental shock, Voidwalker can also master a “dimensional burst”

Detonation skills.

Once the low-intelligence Voidwalker feels that he is in danger, he will use the Dimensional Burst, killing the enemy in a self-destructive way.

Someone once suspected that the reason why Voidwalker could influence the law of Dimensional Konghao King Zhao was because of the special skill of Dimensional Burst.

Regarding the information about Void Walker, Jiang Xiaobai actually knew it beforehand.

As soon as Zhang Xunkun’s reminder fell, Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently: “It’s okay.”

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai already had an inferior flying knife in his hand.

“Principal Wei, you unblock your Voidwalker.”

Wei Xuehai faintly understood in his heart, and immediately acted according to Jiang Xiaobai’s words.

As soon as the Voidwalker regained his ability to move, Jiang Xiaobai instantly launched “100% empty handed hand”

Skills, throw away the throwing knife in the distance.

Voidwalker immediately stopped casting “Dimensional Burst”

Skill, turn to chase Jiang Xiaobai’s flying knife.

At this moment, the color of this Voidwalker has also returned to normal.

Seeing this scene before him, Wei Xuehai blurted out a foul language.

“This can be the same as this”


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