Chapter 463 I have evidence that someone colluded with the dark web!

In fact, Jiang Xiaobai had already anticipated this situation as early as when the lottery results came out.

Since those…European and American students and judges have begun to target the participating teams of Jiangnan University and other Chinese universities, Macbeth and others will obviously not fight internally.

And the Vatican Sacred Academy of its own group, when facing the teams of the three Chinese universities of Jiangnan University, Hanhai Academy and Mordu Military District Academy, obviously will not seek its own death.

Next, you have Zhang Liangji, and I have a wall ladder.

Since those…students from European and American universities can voluntarily abstain, the team at the University of China may naturally also focus on the overall situation.

However, in fact, the Hanhai Academy and the Modu Military Region Academy who voluntarily surrendered were not injustice.

After all, if you face the gongs and open the battle, then Jiangnan University must have won.

Rather than…running the risk of losing the game, it is better to let Jiangnan University represent China to compete for the distribution of dimensional space.

However, in this way, it will be the turn of those…European and American judges are not satisfied.

However, the previous…European and American judges spoke too quickly.

Now that St. Louis has been announced.



The academy won, now how can I doubt that the decision of Hanhai Academy and Magic Capital Military Region Academy is a double standard, and there must be a bottom line.

“Okay! The melee matches are all over, Jiangnan University from China, and St. Louis from the United States.



The university wins, and the final will be played in three days!”

While those European and American judges were still hesitating whether to break through the bottom line, a China judge had directly announced the result.

Hearing that, the European and American judges couldn’t help but look at each other, and they all felt regretful in their hearts.

Modify the competition system by myself, obviously I want to restrict those in China…the participating teams.

Unexpectedly, the 100 secrets were sparse, so that China’s participating teams would directly win with the good luck of the draw.

It’s really a resounding slap on his face! In fact, at the end of previous global competitions, there will always be some young hawk moths.

After all, the result of the game is of great importance and directly determines the distribution rights of the dimensional space.

But it’s never been like this time, someone actually tried to play with the game system.

The result is this kind of funny scene right now.

It happened suddenly, and the competition committee didn’t have the slightest preparation at all.

In a rush, the people of the competition committee had to make a temporary decision to arrange for the two winning teams to send people to the stage to express their opinions.

The people of the competition committee hurriedly arranged the elimination game that was originally to be held tomorrow.

St. Louis.



The university naturally sent Captain Macbeth to speak on stage.

However, Macbeth was obviously absent-minded.

But… Jiangnan University, originally He Weihua, the highest grade student, came to the stage to speak, but Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought about it and directly “replenished.”

He Weihua is on stage.

“I won’t sell chicken soup for the soul, I mainly wanted to say one thing.”

Jiang Xiaobai still hugs the dog in his arms, and what he says can no longer be straightforward.

“Some school principals are really eye-opening, and they are secretly colluding with the notorious dark web!”

Speaking of this, Jiang Xiaobai paused deliberately, staring at Drake with the same expression.

Drake was originally telling St. Neja Oliver and others about the knockout game he was about to participate in.

Although Saint Neya College abstained from one game, it still won the second place in the group stage with Oliver’s seven or eight.

Therefore, the student Ma of Saint Nea College participated in the cruel knockout.

At this time, when Jiang Xiaobai suddenly mentioned the dark web, Drake’s color changed.

Regardless of what game tactics were told to Oliver and others, Drake fixed his eyes on Jiang Xiaobai, for fear that Jiang Xiaobai would name himself in the next sentence.

However, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be deliberately torturing Drake, he did not say which school the principal was on the spot, and he did not directly name the principal.

“I have collected enough evidence now. After the competition is over, I will directly submit it to the competition committee!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai returned to his team with Daha casually.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

You know, the principals of most participating students, as well as the judges of the competition committee, can be regarded as the best in their respective countries.

Just like Wei Xuehai, these people have also participated in the siege and suppression of their own domestic darknet organizations.

Therefore, these…the awakened are more or less enmity with the dark web organization.

At this time, when I heard that there was collusion between the school principal and the dark web among the people present, these people immediately exploded.

“Jiang Xiaobai, hurry up and say, which principal is in collusion with the dark web”

“Zhang Xunkun, let your students say the guy’s name!”

“The competition committee, I request that the game be suspended, and the person who colluded with the dark web should be found out first…”

For a while, even the principals of the Frankfurt Academy and the Holy Academy of Vatican screamed loudly.

It’s…St. Louis.



The principal of the university looked calm.

He even sneered again and again.

“Huh-Jiang Xiaobai is just talking nonsense, it’s so stupid that these guys actually believe it!”

Fortunately, St. Louis.



The principal of the college just murmured, otherwise everyone would be suspicious.

As for Drake in the audience, he has already been in a mess.

Can’t wait any longer.

You must kill Jiang Xiaobai before the end of the game! Thinking of this, Drake looked at Oliver subconsciously.

“Have you heard about Jiang Xiaobai?”

Drake couldn’t take care of the fact that the limelight was in the limelight, and directly asked in a whisper.

…….. Oliver was surprised when he heard it, his eyes widened and shocked: “Principal, you wouldn’t be…”

Drake immediately pretended to be nonchalant, and smiled reluctantly: “I just want to teach Jiang Xiaobai what I am thinking about.

Have you forgotten how Jiang Xiaobai tortured you before?”

Hearing this, Oliver hesitated again and again before finally saying the answer Drake wanted.

“I accidentally heard a female student from Jiangnan University mentioned that Jiang Xiaobai seems to be going to the Voidwalker dimension space, and there are only two people, Jiang Xiaobai and his sister…”

Drake listened and couldn’t help being overjoyed.

Voidwalker dimension space Jiang Xiaobai, you have no chance to submit evidence of my connection with the dark web to the competition committee! As long as you enter the Voidwalker dimension space, you can no longer contact the outside world.

No matter how good you are, you can only die obediently in my hands…Just as Drake was overjoyed, the committee members had already stepped forward to appease the angry crowd.

“Below are eight teams participating in the knockout rounds to enter!”

With an order, three teams from China, as well as five teams from Europe and the United States, including Saint Neya College, entered the competition.

At this time, Drake didn’t care about whether Saint Nea College could win.

Anyway, I already know where Jiang Xiaobai is going to die.Even if Oliver of Saint Neya Academy died in the knockout match, it doesn’t need to be a pity.

Even Drake hoped that Oliver would die in the knockout.

Lest I have to kill people and kill my mouth!

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