Chapter 457 Can you change the terms? Or just start that

On the field, the students of Bowen College were stunned, holding the game flowers in their hands, and retreating from the field in a strange posture.

Only Camille is left, who is still: in front of Jiang Xiaobai “嘤嘤嘤”

“I am waiting for you in the hotel room.”

Jiang Xiaobai left a word and walked away directly.

Yuan Xiaoning, Zhou Jia and others’ sorrowful eyes floated leisurely behind him.

Uh, and Camille’s grievances… “Xiao Bai, wait for me!”

Yuan Yang took the big knife and quickly caught up with Jiang Xiaobai.

“Xiaobai, that…Camille will definitely be fooling you, why did you just bet with her…”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled faintly: “That’s not necessarily true.”

Naturally, Yuan Yang didn’t know that Camille was… the killer recruited from the dark web by Drake, and he had assassinated Jiang Xiaobai once before.

In Jiang Xiaobai’s view, Camille will definitely not let go of this opportunity.

As your own maid, you can naturally be alone with yourself.

What a good time to get off the phone.

“Xiao Bai, although I have to admit, you are really handsome.”

Yuan Yang obviously didn’t believe Jiang Xiaobai’s words. He pouted 107 and said again: “But is your brain hard to use other people’s Camille and you have never met before? Why do you serve as a maid for a month because of an unreliable person? Gambling”

Jiang Xiaobai laughed and said nothing.

Yuan Yang saw that Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be confident, and he couldn’t help but start complaining about Jiang Xiaobai feeling good about himself.

However, Yuan Yang was soon slapped loudly by the cruel reality.


In front of the hotel where Jiangnan University lived, a girl with long legs in a maid costume stood impressively.

This woman is fair and beautiful, just now she was still in the battlefield “嘤嘤嘤”

Camille! Apparently, Camille was waiting for Jiang Xiaobai at the entrance of the hotel. When Jiang Xiaobai appeared, she immediately folded her two small hands on her lower abdomen, and then bowed slightly.

Yuan Yang almost stared out two eyeballs.

“This this this…”

Camille, who was still raining in Ewha just now, was really going to be Jiang Xiaobai’s maid. Yuan Yang said that he wanted to hit his head against the wall, so that Jiang Xiaobai would be fine and don’t look for himself…Fortunately, He Weihua and Yuan Xiaoning waited. People are still there: waiting to confirm the winning sign on the field, otherwise Jiang Xiaobai will inevitably have to suffer a “death and chase”

!”Come with me.”

Jiang Xiaobai took Camille back to his room.

As soon as he walked in, Camille looked wary and white: “You don’t want to take advantage of me, otherwise…otherwise…”

After thinking that he couldn’t beat Jiang Xiaobai at all, Camille suddenly felt that the threat of self-confidence seemed to be lacking in confidence, so she couldn’t continue.

“No need otherwise!”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Camille and curled his lips: “I’m fine, but this is exactly what I want to say to you-you must not take advantage of me, otherwise I will definitely take it back.

Camille: …but I heard Jiang Xiaobai said in a serious way: “Apart from taking advantage of you, it’s okay to let you do other things.”

When Camille heard this, he nodded immediately, still having a face, Tsundere replied, “Of course!”

In fact, Camille really wants to introduce her skills in front of Jiang Xiaobai, so as not to be looked down upon by this bad personality.

However, as soon as he thought of being teased by Jiang Xiaobai’s methods, Camille immediately dismissed the idea.

The embarrassment is thrown into the house, and there is nothing else to show except…Besides being boring, it seems that Jiang Xiaobai can’t let Jiang Xiaobai take a high look…Just when Camille was full of resentment, Jiang Xiaobai I didn’t know where to take out a lot of test papers, and then threw them in front of Camille.

“This is my university’s advanced mathematics homework. You can do it for me tonight.”

Camille: “”

However, looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s serious look, Camille couldn’t believe it and had to accept this fact.


The doorbell suddenly rang, Jiang Xiaobai opened the door, and Yuan Yang pushed in with a look of thief.

Originally, Yuan Yang wanted to come and see what was going on. Before he could speak, he saw that he was burying his head.”

Camille from “Junhai”.

Suddenly, Yuan Yang’s whole body was petrified.

“Beasts…no, it’s just that… beasts are not as good!”

Just when Yuan Yang’s whole person was not well, another person appeared at Jiang Xiaobai’s door.

But Zhou Jia, who had already received the wind, learned that Jiang Xiaobai really brought Camille back to the room! Originally, Zhou Jia had been gearing up all the way, and was going to let Jiang Xiaobai know why the flowers are so popular.

Unexpectedly, I saw this extremely weird scene as soon as I came here! Camille was actually here: helping Jiang Xiaobai with a high number of homework, Zhou Jia immediately turned anger into joy, and after a smile, the wind turned around and ran again.

However, before Yuan Yang recovered from the shock, Zhou Jia had already returned.

“Fortunately, I also brought the school homework this time, here-please work hard, you can finish it together.”

With that said, Zhou Jia put a stack of test papers, which seemed to be thicker, to Camille again.

Camille couldn’t help but lost her face in shock, and turned her head to look at Jiang Xiaobai aggrievedly, as if she wanted to say something.

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even raise his eyelids, and said nonchalantly: “One sheep is also rushing, and two sheep are also released, so you just accept it all.”

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Yang finally came back to his senses.

“Hey, my homework seems to be with me! By the way, there is also my sister’s…”

After a few murmurs, Yuan Yang walked away.

Soon, Yuan Yang came back again.

Looking at the mountain-like test paper that Yuan Yang held in his arms, Camille, who had already turned pale, even wanted to die.

…Within half an hour, Jiang Xiaobai’s room was almost like a station arriving.

Wang Ningxiang came to the ground with shame, and then left.

He Weihua “hehehe”

Came with a smile, and then walked away with ease.

Jiang Xiaoxin came in the name of visiting her brother, with a “present” in her hand

, And then waved his sleeves, did not take away a test paper, no, it was a cloud! At this time, Camille placed a full half-meter-high test paper in front of him.

The content of the test paper covers advanced mathematics, landscape design, college English, university Russian, and Yuan Yang’s elective university Dongying: Language…Camille raised her hand weakly to touch those…test papers, and then Looking at Jiang Xiaobai faintly.

“Can you change the terms, or you can take advantage of me.”

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