Chapter 454 You are too happy

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xunkun once again called Jiang Xiaobai to his room alone.

“Jiang Xiaobai, if you want to get rid of Drake without trouble, it is best to introduce Drake into the dimensional space.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai was a little puzzled.

But I heard Zhang Xunkun helplessly say: “From the beginning of the challenge, our Jiangnan University has repeatedly been in the limelight.

First, he won the third place in the challenge without precedent, and then he successfully killed King Xiaoyue Python in the dimension space…”

Speaking of this, Zhang Xunkun also deliberately took a look at Jiang Xiaobai.

“Yesterday you competed privately with Saint Nea’s Academy, and today they just abandoned the team competition-do you think the judges and people from other schools are all fools?”

Jiang Xiaobai listened and was startled.

“Uh, you mean, because we have won one after another, we have been targeted by someone with a heart.”

“Seven Two Three,”

Zhang Xunkun nodded and said, “More than that, Jiangnan University has become a thorn in the eyes of all foreign teams.

In this case, if you want to secretly get rid of Drake, I’m afraid it will be impossible.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully.

Zhang Xunkun was right.

Jiangnan University’s performance is indeed too eye-catching.

Right now, I am afraid that even other schools in China will be closely watched by those………foreign schools.

In this way, principals like Zhang Xunkun, Liu Hanshan, and Wei Xuehai were afraid it would be difficult for them to act at will.

“There is only one way, that is… kill Drake in the dimension space.

Because killing in the dimension space does not violate any law.

Even during the global competition!”

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai seemed to be lost in thought, Zhang Xunkun added another sentence.

Drake used the tricks to target Jiangnan University several times, so it would be impossible to get rid of this scourge, so as to avoid future troubles.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled suddenly, and asked Zhang Xunkun: “Principal, is there any…suitable dimensional space nearby that can be used as a place to ambush Drake”

Now that Zhang Xunkun had already thought of his idea, he naturally did a survey long ago. Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s question, he immediately replied: “I have chosen the dimension space for you.”

In the vicinity of the competition venue, in addition to… the previous scoring contest’s Xiaoyue Python space, the competition committee also provided some dimensional spaces for contestants to train.

In order to be foolproof and get rid of Drake, Zhang Xunkun has searched almost all the dimensional spaces here.

“However, the use of the dimensional space I selected is very valuable…”

Zhang Xunkun suddenly said something with words.

Listening to the sound, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t hear Zhang Xunkun’s off-string meaning, and immediately smiled: “It’s none of my business.

Principal Zhang, when will you finish your preparations, and when will you notify me.”

Zhang Xunkun is really getting darker, and he wants to make himself pay for the dimensional space account.

Is it possible that there is no door! Zhang Xunkun had long expected it would be like this, but he struggled helplessly.

“Boy, after you enter the dimensional space, the star orbs you get are all your own.

A little money, don’t be so stingy…”

Jiang Xiaobai was too lazy to talk to Zhang Xunkun any more, straight, he didn’t even close the door to Zhang Xunkun…After coming out, Jiang Xiaobai was about to sneak into Yuan Xiaoning’s room, but he didn’t want to but met Camille, who was still pale. .

Although this beautiful foreign girl has changed into a long dress without blood stains, her walking posture is still very awkward.

Jiang Xiaobai knew at a glance that he had experienced the “growth pain”

The sequelae are not healed.

Yes, after all, it is less than two hours before the game.

Camille obviously didn’t expect to meet Jiang Xiaobai here.

The students of Bowen College actually live in this hotel, but they are not on the same floor as Jiangnan University.

And Camille had just come out from the leader of Schrak, and was about to go back to his room.

Seeing the meaningful smile on Jiang Xiaobai’s face, Camille managed to stabilize her mind, and suddenly stepped forward to Jiang Xiaobai’s side and proactively said hello: “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.”

Camille didn’t know, but Jiang Xiaobai had already recognized himself.

The reason why she took the initiative to talk to Jiang Xiaobai was because Camille thought of her mission again.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows: “You are too happy too early.”

Camille: “…”

Is this guy… the legendary steel straight man? He is also a beautiful woman with white skin and long legs. Jiang Xiaobai is not so good at chatting. Still, my mission goal this time is actually a topic terminator. After Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a few seconds, Camille had no choice but to leave 0…..Next to it was…the room of Zhang Xunkun, the president of Jiangnan University. Mi’er wouldn’t be so stupid to act on Jiang Xiaobai here.

Looking at Camille’s back, Jiang Xiaobai quietly communicated to Zhang Xunkun.

“Principal, this girl outside your door is… the killer Drake found from the dark web this time.”

Zhang Xunkun was also cautious enough to be afraid that he would startle the snake and did not come out to wait and see.

“Do you want to kill this Camille”

Zhang Xunkun also used sound transmission technique to communicate with Jiang Xiaobai calmly.

But Jiang Xiaobai replied: “This Camille, but the key to lure Drake to be fooled, keeping her is more useful than killing her!”

When Zhang Xunkun heard this, he immediately asked curiously: “You already have an idea.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled deeply, and only replied: “You will know when the time comes.”

…After returning to the room, Camille opened the dark web and started communicating with dark web contacts.

“The goal of this mission is too tricky, and I need more staff from the headquarters.

Moreover, the remuneration that I said before must be increased by 50%%, otherwise I can only give up this task.”

A reply from a dark web contact came quickly, but it was asking why Camille did this.

Thinking of Wei Xuehai and Zhang Xunkun just now, Camille replied: “Task 1.

1 There is always the protection of a Nebula realm-level boss next to the sign.

This is the truth.

Since the first assassination failed, Camille has been secretly watching Jiang Xiaobai’s whereabouts and habits.

However, Camille soon discovered that the presidents of China University such as Zhang Xunkun and Wei Xuehai always appeared near Jiang Xiaobai intentionally or unintentionally.

In the private duel between Jiang Xiaobai and the students of Saint Neya Academy, Camille originally thought it would be a good opportunity.

It’s a pity that Zhang Xunkun suddenly appeared without waiting for Camille to move his hand.

This made Camille attack and kill Jiang Xiaobai’s dark web contacts. After a moment of silence, he finally gave a reply: “I will send a message to the task publisher. As for whether the publisher will agree to your conditions, I can’t give it to you. guarantee.”


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