Chapter 444 Are you still my pro-Principal?

The organizer is still more humane, and before the start of the team competition, the participating students are given three days of rest.

However, these three days are also three days of undercurrents.

After leaving Drake, Zhang Xunkun went directly to the hotel room to find Jiang Xiaobai.

No, there is “Do Not Disturb” hanging on the door of Jiang Xiaobai’s room

Of cards.

“What is this kid doing?”

With this kind of doubt, Zhang Xunkun was a little worried, and decided to take a look.

Unexpectedly, he knocked on the door for a long time, and the person who opened the door for him turned out to be Yuan Xiaoning! This Xiao Nizi’s face was flushed, and when he saw Zhang Xunkun, he immediately became even more charming.

“Jiang Xiaobai, President Zhang is looking for you.”

After yelling, she slipped into the room and hid.

Zhang Xunkun looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a weird expression, his eyes full of meaning.

Jiang Xiaobai faces “Three Zero Zero”

Without a heartbeat, he asked casually: “Principal Zhang, why are you here just to ruin my good deeds?”

Hearing his unscrupulousness, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help coughing twice, and then said seriously: “I’m looking for you to have a business, you follow me to my room.”

His original intention was to imply that he had a confidential matter to discuss with Jiang Xiaobai, and it was not convenient to talk here.

Never thought, Jiang Xiaobai pretended to be astonished, and said righteously: “With Principal Zhang, you have misunderstood the person! I am not the kind of person who…will betray yourself for a little bit of benefit.”

With that said, he still looked at Zhang Xunkun with a vigilant look.

Zhang Xunkun was really speechless, rolled his eyes to lower his voice, and threw a sentence at him: “If you want to kill Drake, come to my room!”

After speaking, he left first.

As the principal, Zhang Xunkun knew that Jiang Xiaobai was a thick-skinned boy, so he didn’t care if he would be smashed by someone.

But Yuan Xiaoning is known as the beauty of the iceberg. To avoid embarrassment for Xiao Nizi, he is better to take the best strategy.

When Jiang Xiaobai heard that the matter was related to Drake, his expression moved.

After a little thought, he returned to the room with a smile, hugged Yuan Xiaoning and said, “Don’t be anxious, I’ll be back later.”

As soon as the voice fell, Yuan Jianing screamed at him, and said something to cover up: “I go shopping by myself, don’t bother me if there is nothing wrong.”

Duplicity! Jiang Xiaobai whispered quietly in his heart.

…After arriving in Zhang Xunkun’s room, Jiang Xiaobai accidentally discovered that the principals of several domestic universities were gathered together.

Liu Hanshan, the president of the Haixue Academy, and Wei Xuehai, the president of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy, are old acquaintances.

There are also several principals, although Jiang Xiaobai has not dealt with them much, but they have all met.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai coming in, Zhang Xunkun was solemn and wanted to introduce each other to everyone, but was stopped by Liu Hanshan.

“Old Zhang, stop talking nonsense, we all know him.”

“Yes, Classmate Jiang is young and promising. He was just sixteen years old, and he has already broken through to the Galaxy Realm. He must have a bright future in the future!”

“Student Jiang, are you interested in coming to our school. There are many girls, beautiful, and…”

A group of principals opened the building while talking.

“Hey hey hey-you guys are too much!”

In order to avoid being dug into the corner, Zhang Xun brought the topic back.

“Jiang Xiaobai, we have found out what happened last time, and it was done by the killer hired by Ke on the dark web.

So, after discussing it, we unanimously decided to kill Drake!”

Hearing that, although the other principals did not speak, they all nodded at Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said with a smile: “It’s great! With so many of your principals working together, Drake will definitely die even if he grows eight heads.”

As he spoke, he changed his head again.

“In fact, you don’t need to ask my opinion on this matter, I definitely support it.

Then it’s settled, nothing else, I’ll go back first…”

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai made a move.

Zhang Xunkun hurriedly stopped him: “You smelly kid, wait for me!”

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and said with a dazed expression: “Why, haven’t I already agreed to the principals’ plan?”

Zhang Xunkun knew that this guy was deliberately pretending to be stupid, so he had to make it clear: “We just discussed a plan and want you to lead Drake out.”

I know it’s not that simple! Jiang Xiaobai laughed in his heart, and said with a soft mouth: “You mean, let me be the bait.”

With that said, he hadn’t looked at the other principals angrily.

His expression made it clear that he was unwilling.

Seeing this, a trace of embarrassment flashed across everyone’s faces.

But they didn’t speak, they all winked at Zhang Xunkun.

That obviously means that this kid is a student of your school, and his ideological work must be done by you, Zhang Xunkun, who is the principal. .

Anyhow, you guys also help me to say something.

You’re so embarrassed to just wait for the ready-made food… “Ahem-Xiaobai, don’t you want to kill Drake if he stays in his place, how can we start?”

Zhang Xunkun spoke with a heart and soul, and began to persuade him.

But when I saw Jiang Xiaobai glance at him lightly, he spread his hand and said: “It’s not that I don’t want to, but I’m not professional in this matter of bait.”

Although his words were so polite, he still slandered in his heart.

A few old foxes wanted to use me as a gunman again. No wonder they put on such a big scene.

Na Drake is at the ninth level of the Nebula Realm! This level is almost two realms higher than him.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly looked at Zhang Xunkun and the principals and asked: “Are there any principals here who have fished?”

Hearing that, everyone couldn’t help but was stunned, and they didn’t understand why he suddenly asked this question.

Although Zhang Xunkun knows that Jiang Xiaobai is selling Guanzi, he still has to cooperate, otherwise this kid may really slap his ass and leave.

“I have fished, what do you want to say”

Jiang Xiaobai moved his eyes to his face, and said innocently: “The principal Zhang must know, no matter…

Did you catch a big fish in the end? The bait will never come back in all likelihood!”

With that, his 0.

5 After another glance, he turned his eyes back to Zhang Xunkun’s face, and hummed: “Want me to do such a dangerous business, you are still not my principal.”

Hearing this, Zhang Xunkun’s face turned black.

This kid made it clear that he was pretending to be pathetic.

At this time, several principals finally couldn’t sit still.

“Jiang Xiaobai, are you afraid…”

Not waiting: After the principal finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai said plausibly: “That’s right, I’m just afraid.”

Cut, such an idiot radical technique, even if you lose it, you are embarrassed to use it.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly received a WeChat.

It was sent by Yuan Xiaoning.

“I was in the hotel lobby and was stopped by a student from Saint Neya Academy!”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes flashed, and suddenly he raised his head and asked Zhang Xunkun: “If I agree, is there any benefit?”


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