Chapter 436 Xiaoyue Python King (3/5)

“The principal said, don’t keep your hands when you meet an enemy! You guy just doesn’t listen. When you look at that…the girl student is pretty and relentless. If Xiaobai reacts quickly, I see what you do!”

Zhou Jia reprimanded Yuan Yang, who had just stood up from the ground.

Yuan Yang is a thick-skinned guy, even grinning stupidly.

This group of people in front of them is already the third group of opponents Jiang Xiaobai and the others have encountered in this half an hour.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai thought before, the closer the competition is to the end, the more frequent and intense the fights between schools.

Without Jiang Xiaobai trying to lead others to the door, the participating teams from other schools have already targeted them.

However, these people are now the same as the people in the two schools before, and they have all turned into dead bodies.

Among them, Jiang Xiaobai made great contributions.

Every time an ambushing opponent wants to sneak an attack on someone from Jiangnan University, Jiang Xiaobai’s Daha can always detect it in advance.

Even if Daha is oversight for a while, there is Jiang Xiaobai’s perverted passive skill.

All the enemies who wanted to secretly attack, without exception, knelt down in front of him.

In just half an hour, he has already gained thousands of achievement points.

It’s just that fellow Yuan Yang, just now I saw that the female student was beautiful, and it was…

That…the snake-hearted female student of course would not let go of such an opportunity to make a sudden killing move and almost kill Yuan Yang.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai reacted quickly enough, and rescued him with lightning.

However, Yuan Yang still suffered a little injury.

In the face of Zhou Jia’s complaint and the stare of everyone, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but muttered, “Hey, dying under the peony flower, it’s also romantic to be a ghost.”

Zhou Jia’s ears were tipped, and after listening to it, her face became sharp, and she raised the thick-backed machete at him, and snorted coldly: “What did you say?”

Yuan Yang waved his hand in a hurry and fled behind Jiang Xiaobai.

Everyone didn’t bother to care about this live treasure anymore and began to discuss the next actions.

At this time, Jiangnan University’s points have been as high as: more than 30,000 points.

This result is enough.

However, now there is still an hour and a half before the end of the global competition.

After calculating in his heart, He Wei saw that Jiang Xiaobai hadn’t spoken, so he came to him and asked: “Jiang Xiaobai, in your opinion, we will continue to hunt those…dimensional creatures. , It is still necessary to clear the participating teams from other schools.

After experiencing so many things, he has long been convinced by Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, when making a decision, he consciously or unconsciously will take the initiative to ask Jiang Xiaobai’s opinion.

However, before Jiang Xiaobai could respond, a violent roar suddenly broke out.

This roar was full of fierce aura, it was obviously the movement of dimensional creatures.

Even Jiang Xiaobai’s Daha shuddered, his ears stood high, but his tail was slightly tightened, as if he was facing an enemy.

Seeing this, He Weihua and others couldn’t help but wait and see in the direction of the sound.

Just as they were all startled and untimely, Yuan Xiaoning suddenly retracted her gaze and looked at the crowd and said in a low voice: “This voice…could it be Xiaoyue Python King”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai nodded: “Such a mighty power, it should be Xiaoyue Python King!”

Everyone was surprised when they heard this.

However, Jiang Xiaobai said lightly: “It seems that someone is already dealing with King Xiaoyue Python.”

There was a trace of astonishment and hesitation in the eyes of He Weihua and others.

You know, Xiaoyue Python King is the strongest dimensional creature in this dimensional space.

According to the staff, its strength has reached the first level of the Star Sea Realm.

If someone can successfully kill King Xiaoyue Python, they will be able to directly earn up to 20,000 points! In other words, if any school can kill King Xiaoyue Python, it will only rely on the 20,000 points obtained. It is enough to make this school squeeze into the top ten of this global competition.

“Xuedi Jiang, what should we do”

He Weihua and the others had difficulty making a decision for a while, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai again, wanting him to make an idea.

After all, Jiangnan University now holds more than 30,000 points, and there is no need to mix this muddy water.

What’s more, Xiaoyue Python King is at the first level of the Star Sea Realm after all, and the difficulty of hunting is definitely not small.

Moreover, He Weihua and the others are worried that the team that dared to play against Xiaoyue Python King must be of extraordinary strength.

If people from Jiangnan University join in hunting and killing King Xiaoyue Python, the danger is too high.

“If someone is really trying to deal with King Xiaoyue Python, there is probably more than one team over there!”

Jiang Xiaoxin thought carefully, and said in deep thought while thinking.

With Xiaoyue Python’s Star Sea Realm level, an ordinary team of twenty students could not have the confidence to win it.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaoxin would guess like this.

After listening to her, He Weihua and others frowned.

If it is exactly what Jiang Xiaoxin said, then it is likely that several teams have begun to unite together to face the enemy.

If they just rushed past like this, they would be besieged by others! He Weihua was usually arrogant and conceited, and at this time he couldn’t help but want to retreat.

He swallowed two mouthfuls with a solemn expression, and then said: “Or, let’s not take the risk. I don’t know how many people have gathered over there.”

Hearing this, someone immediately agreed: “I think so too.

We have so many points now, there is really no need to take risks anymore.”

Jiang Xiaoxin’s eyes narrowed slightly, and she thought: “If there are really a few teams over there, the King Xiaoyue Python may not be able to escape.”

When Yuan Xiaoning and others heard it, they all nodded slowly in order to agree.

But when she heard her continue to say: “We will infer according to the worst plan.

If they succeed in killing King Xiaoyue Python and then divide the 20,000 points equally, it would be better.”

Having said that, she paused for a while, turned her eyes to Jiang Xiaobai, and continued her analysis: “I’m afraid they will assign the points to a school in the end.

Or they will end up fighting each other at the end…”

Speaking of this good point, everyone also understood what she meant.

If it is really as Jiang Xiaoxin speculated, then the school that survives will definitely be able to overwhelm other schools and become the champion of this global competition in one fell swoop! With Xiaoyue Python King’s 20,000 points, plus those… …The points accumulated by each team before.

Think about it, so many points are concentrated under the name of a school, it is difficult not to win the championship! What should be done is a bit difficult for everyone to choose, so they have to look at Jiang Xiaobai differently.

It seems that everyone wants Jiang Xiaobai to make the final decision.

Under everyone’s gaze, Jiang Xiaobai first glanced at Daha on one side, then thought about it for a moment, then twitched the corner of his mouth and said: “You haven’t seen the dimensional creatures of the Xinghai Realm, right? I haven’t seen it either.”

Having said that, he turned to look at the place where the fighting sound was coming from, and continued to say indifferently: “How can you not see it with such a good opportunity?”


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