Chapter 427 Tomb Tou Bengdi (5/5)

“It’s a pity.”

Looking at the body of the Xiaoyue Python on the ground, a trace of regret appeared on He Weihua’s face.

The fight with Daha just now clearly shows that the snake skin of Xiaoyue Python can weaken physical attacks and is a superior armor material, but the competition time is so short that students from Jiangnan University are not allowed to collect it at all.

“It’s okay, the most valuable thing about Xiaoyue Python is the star orbs. Collecting star orbs as much as possible can ensure everyone’s profit in this competition.”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the crowd, “I can basically determine the strength of Xiaoyue Python, are you ready?”

He Weihua: “”

Looking at He Weihua and the others with a stunned expression, Yuan Yang smiled, “Get ready, Xiaobai, go with peace of mind, we will miss you.”

Before Yuan Yang finished speaking, his face suddenly twitched, his eyes widened, and five words popped out of his teeth.

“Xiao Bai, I was wrong!”

The moment he spoke, Yuan Yang was already shaking.

Facing the situation of his body, Yuan Yang suddenly looked black.

Jiang Xiaobai next to him didn’t have a good air: “What I need is a teammate who shouts 666, not a bad mouth.”

Yuan Yang looked resentful: “If you can’t afford it, you can’t afford it.”

He Weihua: “Jiang Brother, what are you doing?”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai showed a faint smile and said, “You’ll find out in a while.

I don’t know if you have heard the song of the power train.”

“Xiao Bai, this is a global competition, so high-profile, isn’t it?”

“Power Train”

He Weihua and others are even more confused.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly took out a speaker, hung it on Daha, and pressed the button, and the singing voice floated from the speaker.

“Let us be with Hong Chen and live a chic and unrestrained life…”

“Well, this song is a bit inappropriate.”

Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, switched to another song, then stepped on Daha’s back, patted a shit and said, “Find out those things.”

Daha nodded, understanding Jiang Xiaobai, and sank directly into the jungle, disappearing into the sight of everyone.

Listening to the singing of Daha’s body speakers, He Weihua and the big three and four students fell into collective rigidity, but for a long time, Wang Ningxiang sighed.

Wang Ningxiang joined Jiang Xiaobai’s team last, but even with the previous experience of entering the dimensional space training with Jiang Xiaobai, watching this scene at this moment still feels a bit contrary.

It’s so swagger in the dimension space, and it’s still in the global competition.

This feels like a solemn memorial service suddenly turned into a graveyard.

Everyone: “…”

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai was already flying through the rainforest quickly, and Daha quickly found his first goal.

A Howling Moon Python was sitting cross-legged in a clearing where the sun fell, Jiang Xiaobai looked at this Howling Moon Python, it was a circle larger than the previous one, and it should look like it was on the seventh floor of the Galaxy Realm.

Now that I met Jiang Xiaobai, don’t think about it.

Thinking of this, the pain of growth is…falling on Xiao.

The originally comfortable Xiaoyue Python’s body shook, but because of the irritation, the snake head that was originally placed on the body suddenly lifted, and Huang Chengcheng’s eyes went wide.

At the same time, nearly 10,000 achievement points in my mind arrived instantly.

It has to be said that as a dimensional creature in the middle of the Galaxy Realm, the dimensional creature Howling Moon Python, the achievement points benefits it brings are very impressive.

Hiss, hiss.

Xiaoyue python spit out the snake letter, and angrily looked at the person and wolf who appeared in front of him.

I’m here to enjoy the sun with peace of mind, this is someone who provokes someone. “Silly dog, what are you doing in a daze?

Looking at the dazed man, Jiang Xiaobai slapped the dog on the head.

Daha heard it, turned around, taunted Xiaoyue Python, and ran without looking back.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai ran straight here, the Xiaoyue Python swung its tail and directly chased it up.

…Ten minutes passed.

A trace of worry appeared on He Weihua’s face.

Although I have seen Jiang Xiaobai’s strength, this competition is in the platinum level dimensional space, not to mention the dimensional creatures of the Xinghai Realm. Although I have not been with Jiang Xiaobai for a short time, all Jiangnan University students have already used Jiang Xiaobai. Become the core figure of the team.

He Weihua couldn’t help getting a little worried, and couldn’t help but ask, “Is Xiaobai brother okay?”

“What can he do?”

Zhou Jia said something, then looked at the time of the watch.

“Looking at this point in time, it’s almost coming back.”

As soon as Zhou Jia’s voice fell on his front and back feet, in the perception of everyone, they could feel a huge commotion, and everyone felt that the ground under their feet was shaking.

In the jungle in front of everyone, large tracts of big trees fell down, and the birds, insects and beasts all fled in all directions.

Soon in the sight of everyone, a person and a dog appeared vaguely. The two, weren’t they… It was Jiang Xiaobai and his dog who walked out ten minutes ago. However, there were ten people who appeared at the same time as Jiang Xiaobai. Several Xiaoyue Pythons vomiting red letters.

Each eye was staring straight at Jiang Xiaobai, as if with a deep hatred, knocking away the big tree in front of him, and closely following Jiang Xiaobai’s back.

And under the abdomen of Xiaoyue Python behind him: the blood flowing out.

………. “I rely on!”

“It’s a big game!”

Everyone who knew Jiang Xiaobai’s skills instantly understood what Jiang Xiaobai did.

On the other hand, Jiang Xiaobai, who was riding on Daha, had a relaxed face, as if he were walking in the jungle, he was like a okay person.

Although Daha can’t beat these…Screaming Moon Python has an advantage over speed.He can’t beat it, but Daha is very good at running.

So those… Xiaoyue Python endures local pain while chasing Jiang Xiaobai.

After ten minutes, Xiaoyue Python’s anger had escalated to the extreme.

After seeing this scene, the faces of the juniors, thirds, and fourths all changed drastically, and the corners of their mouths twitched severely.Rather, Yuan Xiaoning and others, who knew Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts in advance, frowned slightly.

There have been a dozen Xiaoyue Pythons, this one is too big for playing! “I said, Xiaobai Xiaobai couldn’t make it out of the snake’s nest.”

A senior student stared and couldn’t help but say something.

“I can’t stand it without playing like this!”

A junior girl looked at these more than a dozen Xiaoyue Pythons, and almost cried.

When he was about to get close to the crowd, Jiang Xiao Abai, who was sitting on Daha, waved his hand enthusiastically at the crowd, as if he was traveling and bringing back souvenirs for his old classmates, and the sound of the stereo came out simultaneously.

“The beauty of the West Lake, the spring rain is like wine in March, and the willow is like a knife”


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