Chapter 416 Me, Jiang Xiaobai, will play fifteen (4/5)

Then, while everyone paused, Jiang Xiaobai was already leaving.

All the attention of everyone in the field was originally on Zhang Xunkun and Ozawa Taro, and the rest of the people stopped in place.

Now Jiang Xiaobai started suddenly, naturally attracting other people’s attention.

Even Zhang Xunkun, who was still angry, and Ozawa Taro, who was injured.

Facing the eyes of everyone, Jiang Xiaobai slowly walked to one of the remaining University of Tokyo students in the field.

Afterwards, in the eyes of everyone, Jiang Xiaobai directly stretched out a hand and pinched the student’s neck and twisted it suddenly.

When he slowly released his hand, there was no support point, and the University of Tokyo student had fallen softly to the ground.

However, Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his hand without rushing, and continued to move forward, moving lightly but casually.

Then, in the eyes of others, Jiang Xiaobai walked to the second University of Tokyo student.

After the second University of Tokyo student was killed, the people present also reacted and knew what Jiang Xiaobai wanted to do next.

323 “Kojiro, Higashino-kun, run!”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai continue to walk towards the other two University of Tokyo students, someone from the University of Tokyo can’t help but speak out.

But for these… the words of the University of Tokyo students, the two remaining University of Tokyo students in the field turned a deaf ear, still staying quietly.

After waiting until all the students from the University of Tokyo who were fighting Jiangnan University this time died under Jiang Xiaobai’s hands, the other students, including the students of the Magic City Military District Academy, couldn’t help but take a breath.

Jiang Xiaobai is not rushing, but the student of Tokyo University, who is the enemy, knows that he will be killed by Jiang Xiaobai next, but still stands motionless.

I have to say that the impact of this scene is a bit big.

It was even more shocking than the previous… Matsushita Hefeng controlling the Mordu Military Command’s students attacking their own people or even committing suicide.

The students from Mordu Military District College and the University of Tokyo looked at Jiang Xiaobai who had killed five people in succession, but still had a quiet smile on his face. Suddenly, he felt a slight chill in his back and looked at his students one by one. Like a lamb, he was easily killed by Jiang Xiaobai, without any resistance or counter-attack in the process, and Ozawa Taro’s face was already flushed.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes, the killing intent almost burst out.

Regarding the murderous sight of Taro Ozawa, Jiang Xiaobai was frankly right.

After pondering slightly, Jiang Xiaobai turned his head to look at Zhang Xunkun and said slowly: “Principal, I want to use the school’s two hundred points to make a bet with the University of Tokyo, okay?”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhang Xunkun was startled.

After a while, he nodded and said, “If you want to gamble, you can gamble.”

Hearing this, Wei Xuehai on one side couldn’t help but pick his eyelids fiercely.

After getting Zhang Xunkun’s consent, Jiang’s eyes were already placed on Ozawa Taro again.

“Ozawa Taro? Two hundred points, bet, I am alone, and challenge you to the remaining sophomores, juniors, and seniors from the University of Tokyo.

If you win, the points are yours. If you lose, in addition to the 100-points just now, your University of Tokyo will give out another two hundred credits, dare you?”

Jiang Xiaobai has always believed in that you scold me and I will stabb you.

What Ozawa Taro’s behavior today really made Jiang Xiaobai really angry.

Since you value this global competition, I will slaughter all the participating students of the University of Tokyo.

I, Jiang Xiaobai, will fight fifteen.

As soon as these words came out, except for the people from Jiangnan University, the people in the other two schools were shocked, and looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze was like looking at a lunatic.

You know, the level that Jiang Xiaobai revealed was only at the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

As for the University of Tokyo, the strongest are already on the first level of the Stardust Realm, let alone the big three and four.

According to the situation in previous years, there is no shortage of students at the University of Tokyo who have reached the fifth or sixth level of the Stardust Realm.

Now Jiang Xiaobai dares to say that one person deals with fifteen people, which clearly means…find death and give points to the other party.

For a time, everyone couldn’t help but look at Zhang Xunkun.

And Zhang Xunkun was also shocked by what Jiang Xiaobai said at this moment.

Although Zhang Xunkun knows Jiang Xiaobai’s strength, he absolutely cannot look at it at this moment.

But now what Jiang Xiaobai is talking about is after all facing fifteen enemies at the same time, and they are all geniuses of higher level than Jiang Xiaobai.

If you change someone else, I’m afraid Zhang Xunkun will reprimand him for “mischief” without even thinking about it.

But it was Jiang Xiaobai who said this at the moment.

Based on Zhang Xunkun’s understanding of Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai is definitely not an unreasonable person.

Therefore, after thinking for a while, Zhang Xunkun was so silent.

Wei Xuehai on one side looked at Zhang Xunkun’s reaction and couldn’t help but anxiously said: “Lao Zhang, why are you stupefied, why are the students from your school really messing around?”

Zhang Xukun said quietly: “My Jiangnan University’s teaching method is… so, since he has such courage, regardless of whether he wins or loses, life or death, all the consequences are carried by Jiangnan University. It is only two hundred points. I will give it to Jiangnan University. rise.”

This made Wei Xuehai curse secretly in his heart, “Give me more points for the Magic Capital Military District Academy!”

You know, by now, after the Magic Capital Military University lost to the University of Tokyo in the last game, now the remaining points are only 60 points.

In the next time, in order to successfully obtain the qualifications for the global competition, the Magic Capital Military District Academy must be busy for a while.

And now, Zhang Xunkun said…throw away two hundred points.

But people want face and tree want bark, after all, Wei Xuehai didn’t say this shameless remark.

At the University of Tokyo, listening to what Jiang Xiaobai said, he took another look at Zhang Xunkun, who had no sadness or joy on his face and could not see the inner reaction, and Ozawa Taro couldn’t help but become suspicious.

Seeing Ozawa Taro didn’t immediately.

In response, Jiang Xiaobai already hummed softly: “A bunch of gangsters.”

With these words, every student at the University of Tokyo glared at Jiang Xiaobai.

After all, in the eyes of other University of Tokyo students, Jiang Xiaobai is no more than a ninth-level Stardust Realm, and any one of the remaining students at the University of Tokyo can easily solve Jiang Xiaobai.

And some students couldn’t bear Jiang Xiaobai’s arrogance and asked Ozawa Taro to agree.

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