Chapter 411 Rumu fried too! (4/5)

Jiang Xiaobai said this sentence inexplicably, but the instinct of being an awakened person will instinctively attack the enemy when he is dazed.

Just like now, looking at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him, although he has not yet reflected his current situation, this University of Tokyo student with a split head has once again maintained the strange posture before and issued a gray faint. The shadow swept towards Jiang Xiaobai.



But this time, just when this University of Tokyo student used that kind of…hypnotic innate skills to Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai still stood in place with a smile on his mouth.

But his face turned pale for a while, and he couldn’t help but exhale horribly.

As everyone’s eyes condensed, they could clearly see a blood arrow shot out from a local position of the University of Tokyo student.

The blood spray room left a blood trail in a sputtering state on the floor directly behind him.

And after this blood arrow shot, the student of Tokyo University still had drops of blood constantly dripping.

Seeing this scene, everyone at the University of Tokyo and the Magic City Academy was dumbfounded.

Obviously it was this University of Tokyo student who used his talent skills against Jiang Xiaobai, but how could it be that this University of Tokyo student partially exploded for no reason. It was not just 317 students from two schools who had this question. , Even Wei Xuehai and Ozawa Taro are equally embarrassed.

Just now, the student from the University of Tokyo suddenly became unbalanced and knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

But now, Ozawa Taro can be sure that from beginning to end, Jiang Xiaobai did not move at all, and even the fluctuation of the star power in his body was not revealed in the process.

Therefore, this one is…somewhat weird.

“Could it be that the…hypnotic talent skills used by this guy have side effects”

A student at the Magic Capital Military District Academy couldn’t help but ask in a low voice.

“I know the side effects, but you have seen anyone whose side effects were caused by Kikube”

“I also think that watching that guy use his talent skills is completely unscrupulous. It doesn’t seem to have side effects.”

…Except for…Jiangnan University, the students from the other two schools looked at the situation in the field with a look of puzzlement.

But don’t wait: everyone thought about it, the battle between Jiang Xiaoxin and others in the field has quickly attracted the attention of others.

Originally, under Jiang Xiaobai’s training, Jiang Xiaoxin and others were far superior to the same level.

So even if the level is a little bit higher than that of the opposite University of Tokyo, the strength is indeed not inferior to the four people from the University of Tokyo.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai was added before, and his strength has further increased.

Moreover, in the long-term training brought into the dimensional space by Jiang Xiaobai, the cooperation between the four people is extremely proficient.

It is only a few minutes before the start of the battle, and Xin’s cooperation has already faintly pressed the University of Tokyo’s side.

The battle between the two sides has only just begun, and his own side has already faintly revealed its defeat.

This made Ozawa Taro’s expression, who had been so indifferent before, finally began to change.

Looking at the middle-divided student who was pale and blank at the same time, Ozawa Taro couldn’t help but yell: “Panasonic Kazuka, what are you doing, don’t hurry up and solve your enemy.”

Hearing that, the University of Tokyo student who kept the middle division, that is, Matsushita Hefeng quickly recovered.

After a quick feeling, and after confirming that although the pain in the Kikube was, but the effect was not great, Matsushita Kazuka quickly regained his attention.

The figure suddenly violent and stood up directly from the ground.

During the action, a cross pattern gun suddenly appeared in his hand:

However, just when the Panasonic Hefeng spear was just raised, and before he could stab Jiang Xiaobai, Panasonic Hefeng was…feeling that his legs were soft again.

Then the body that just stood up just…kneeled straight on the ground again.


Kneeling on the ground again, it was Matsushita Hefeng who couldn’t help but yelled, and he couldn’t figure out why his legs suddenly became weak again.

But it is the top students selected by the University of Tokyo.

Even if he knelt down again, Matsushita Hefeng’s reaction was very fast, the cross pattern gun in his hand: After a pause, he continued to stabbing Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Matsushita Hefeng and Jiang Xiaobai are nearly half a meter away, with the length of the cross pattern gun in his hand, he can also attack Jiang Xiaobai.

Seeing Matsushita Hefeng’s shot, and the tip of the gun was already less than 30 centimeters away from Jiang Xiaobai, Ozawa Taro’s expression on one side eased again.

During the previous trials, Ozawa Taro knew very well that Jiang Xiaobai’s level was only the ninth level of the Stardust Realm.

And in such a short distance, even the awakened of the first and second floors of the Galaxy Realm, I am afraid that it will not have time to avoid the shot of Matsushita Hefeng.

In Ozawa Taro’s view, as long as Matsushita Hefeng resolves Jiang Xiaobai, and then rejoins the battle, five-on-four, plus Matsushita Hefeng’s talent skills, this battle can be said to be won.

But the idea is full, but the reality is full of skinny.

It was also when Ozawa Taro thought that Jiang Xiaobai was inevitable, he only saw Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth twitching in the field.

Flicking his right hand, he directly shook the thing in his hand, sending out a cold light.

At the same time that this three-inch knife was thrown out by Jiang Xiaobai, Matsushita Hefeng’s cross-patterned gun: The distance from the tip of the gun to Jiang Xiaobai was already less than five centimeters.

But just when he was about to plunge into Jiang Xiaobai’s body, in the astonishment of everyone, Matsushita Hefeng even put the cross pattern spear in his hand without saying a word: he threw it on the ground, and then his body slammed to one side. Went out.

The next moment, in the sluggishness of Ozawa Taro and others, Matsushita Kazuka had already rushed to a dozen meters away, kneeling on the ground with his hands folded.

In his palm, there was a knife about three inches long: a small knife.

At the same time, at the moment when he knelt on one knee and caught the knife, the enthusiasm in Matsushita Kazuka’s eyes had already dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, Matsushita and Kazuka couldn’t help but place the knife in his palms.

At the tip of this knife, a long piece of paper is tied with a red string.

On the note, there are a few large characters written upright.

“Ru mother fried it too!”


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