Chapter 404 This skill is too much, right? (1/4)

Watching Jiang Xiaobai sweep the broken glass…in front of the waiter, Zhou Jia and others were speechless.

And the waiter himself was left in place by Jiang Xiaobai’s operation, and he couldn’t react.

After the reaction came, after listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, and then looking at the broken glass on the ground, the waiter couldn’t help but twitched at the corner of his mouth.

“Thank you for me!”

I couldn’t help but burst out a swear word in my heart, but the waiter still had to forcefully suppress the urge to cut people in his heart and squeezed a smile before saying: “Guest, you laughed.”

While talking, the waiter still looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

The eyes are extremely sincere.

And the price of this sincerity is to bend both legs, and then continue to kneel down like this.

Feeling the sharp sensation above the knee position, the waiter’s face was completely black.

However, before the waiter could think about it, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in the area.

Turning his head and looking, on the floor behind him, there were already 28 bright red blood arrows bursting out.

“Xiaobai, don’t play anymore, hurry up and finish it, let’s eat!”

It was also at this time that Zhang Xunkun on one side suddenly shook his head and said.

You know, everyone is holding a five-percent six-row row in front of them.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai made such a shot, glancing at the red blood stains on the floor, and then looking at the steak on the plate, it always feels a little weird, no one has an appetite to eat. Hearing the words, the waiter who was still kneeling on the ground seemed to have reacted to death, and his face suddenly changed and couldn’t help but ask: “You already know who I am.”

“You know whether it is a man or a ghost, but you are the only one who is still in the dark.”

Seeing the waiter’s reaction, Yuan Yang curled his lips and said disdainfully.

“Damn it.”

The waiter cursed secretly.

After listening to Zhang Xunkun’s words, Jiang Xiaobai did not continue to toss.

Glancing at the waiter with blinking eyes in front of him, and after thinking about it for a while, Jiang Xiaobai said slowly: “I raise your wife, and you are safe.”

Zhang Xunkun: “”

Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan were both taken aback when they heard this inexplicable and at the same time sounding cheap.

After all, although Jiang Xiaoxin and others knew about this skill, Jiang Xiaobai had not used it in front of others.

Therefore, Zhang Xunkun, Zhao Hanshan, and even other students did not understand the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s skill.

The waiter who kneeled in front of Jiang Xiaobai was even more one, not sure what Jiang Xiaobai suddenly meant.

But the next moment, in the eyes of everyone, as Jiang Xiaobai’s voice fell, a golden light flashed from Jiang Xiaobai’s side and quickly flashed into the body of this suit.

As the opponent’s body shook lightly, the look in Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes gradually changed.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Bai had a sincere and trusting expression, and said with a feeling of dying loneliness: “Brother, my wife will be handed over to you.”

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan only reacted.Although they don’t know what the situation is, it is definitely Jiang Xiaobai who is secretly playing a ghost.

Looking at Zhang Xunkun, Zhao Hanshan and other students who were a little confused, Yuan Yang took the initiative to explain Jiang Xiaobai’s control skills to the others.

After listening to Yuan Yang’s explanation of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, not to mention other students, even Zhao Hanshan and Zhang Xunkun are a series of “I Cao” in their hearts.

“This skill is too much”

When this thought came to mind in unison, Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan’s mouth corners: twitched, the look in Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes became more and more weird.

Counting them carefully, the two found that each of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills was exceptionally powerful, and his ability effects were also strong.

But no matter…

Which skill, the first time people know it, it feels a bit weird and shocked.

It seems that I have never thought that there will be such a talented skill.

If it’s one or two, it doesn’t matter, the key Jiang Xiaobai’s every talent skill is so cheap.

This is something worth thinking about.

However, thinking of Jiang Xiaobai’s behavior and style in the past, Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan felt that such talent skills matched Jiang Xiaobai himself.

Regardless of the reactions of others around him at the moment, after using the skills against the guy in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai directly asked: “Brother, what are you doing here?”

Hearing that, the waiter in front of him responded directly: “Brother, I took the task of killing you in the organization, so I came here to kill you.”

Because of the influence of skills, the waiter speaks honestly and casually, as if he completely regarded Jiang Xiaobai as a brother of life and death who knows everything and speaks endlessly.

But listening to the conversation between the two, everyone around them felt a little awkward.

After all, this kind of familiar and trusted tone says “I came here to kill you”

This sentence, no matter how you look at it, makes people feel that it is against the peace.

Even Zhou Jia on one side couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

After glancing at Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaobai continued to question.

“Organize 393, what organization”

“Dark Web.”

The waiter replied.

However, the waiter’s voice just fell, and Zhang Xunkun’s expression on one side changed. He couldn’t help but frown and said, “It turned out to be the dark web!”

Seeing Zhang Xunkun’s reaction, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask: “What is the dark web.”

Zhang Xunkun looked at everyone’s sights, pondered for a moment, and slowly explained: “The dark web is… a worldwide killer organization that only takes on the task of hunting the awakened. It’s just that this organization is extremely mysterious, and ordinary people are in contact with it at all. No, I didn’t expect that this time someone from the dark web was recruited!”

With that said, Zhang Xunkun still talked about some of the information he had learned.

Powerful people in the Nebula Realm go down to senior executives and politicians of various countries, as long as they can pay a starting price, they can publish tasks on this dark web.

In the past, various countries wanted to uproot this so-called dark web, but in the end, only a small stronghold was dropped and it was no problem. It is said that behind the dark web are some other countries, so as long as it is not too hot, each country It will also open one eye and close one eye.

After hearing Zhang Xunkun’s words, everyone couldn’t help taking a breath, feeling slightly in their hearts.

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