Chapter 402 Abnormal Saint Nea College (4/5)

The next day, early in the morning, at ten o’clock, Zhang Xunkun and Jiang Xiaobai and other Jiangnan University people had already rushed to the place where Sheng Neya Academy was located.

The scale of Saint Neiya Academy is similar to that of Jiangnan University, with a typical European academy style, gorgeous decoration, exquisite shape and strong sense of color.

Moreover, it is located on the edge of the city and covers an area even more than Jiangnan University.

“My dear!!, this academy alone is expensive.”

Yuan Yang sighed and said.

The others couldn’t help sighing for a while.

Zhang Xunkun said indifferently: “It’s nothing strange. In the last global competition, Saint Neya College directly rushed into the top 20, helping Europe to obtain a certain dimension of space.

Naturally, the government in Europe also rewarded a lot of Saint Nea College. Soon after the global competition ended, Saint Nea College was expanded.

In the past twenty years, it has gradually formed the scale you see now.”

When talking, Zhang Xunkun’s expression was slightly dark.

After all, the achievements of Saint Neya College can be said to be accumulated by stepping on China.

Although this method is a bit tricky, it has already become a fact.

As the car stopped at the main gate of Sheng Neya Academy, Zhang Xunkun directly took Jiang Xiaobai and others to the inside of Sheng Neya Academy.

During the global competition, all qualified universities have set up a point to receive challengers.

Because of its concealment, most colleges disguise it as something like an admissions office.

After Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan stepped forward to negotiate, someone directly led everyone to a relatively hidden training ground.

Several people waited for a while on the training ground, and a group of people have slowly entered the training ground.

The headed one looks forty years old, tall and wearing a suit.

Zhang Xunkun and the others saw that it was not Drake, but this strange man, which surprised everyone.

“Hello, I’m the vice-principal Louis.

Hughton, we will make arrangements for your school’s challenges immediately.”


Hughton greeted this side slightly, appearing very polite.

However, this makes Jiang Xiaobai feel very unnatural.

No matter what, I had pitted the Saint Neiya Academy twice, but now since they are still politely receiving myself.

Abnormal, this is too abnormal.


Headmaster Hughton, is Dray in?”

Zhang Xunkun thought for a while and said.

The reason why St. Nea College was selected for the first stop this time was because Drake had targeted Jiangnan University before.

Therefore, on this occasion, everyone naturally saw Drake himself.

It seems that Zhang Xunkun would have long been expected to ask about this, Louis.

Hughton didn’t rush and said: “Principal Drake has something to do, so I will be responsible for things about Saint Nea College.”

Drake’s absence made Zhang Xunkun and others slightly surprised and frowned.

But the other party has already said so, and Zhang Xunkun is not good to continue to inquire, otherwise it seems too deliberate.

“Xiaobai, do you think the people at Saint Neya Academy are so polite?”

Here, look at Louis.

After Hughton’s reaction, Yuan Yang showed some doubts and couldn’t help asking in a low voice.

Although the contact with Drake is not long, the other party’s personality is too clear.

If you know that you are waiting for someone to hit the door directly at this moment, you will definitely appear angrily for the first time.

Instead of avoiding it like this, let another school leader stand up.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said: “I don’t know, but I feel something is wrong.”

But the other party does not appear, Jiang Xiaobai and others have no way.

After waiting for a few minutes, Louis.

Hughton and Zhang Xunkun have already discussed the challenge mode for this time, which is still the most long-used five-person and five-team battle, and the students designated to participate in the battle can only be sophomores.

In the process, when it was mentioned that the students from both sides can only be sophomores, Zhang Xunkun and Jiang Xiaobai could clearly feel Louis.

Hughton’s expression paused slightly, and it was a bit unnatural.

In response to this, Zhang Xunkun and others at Jiangnan University couldn’t help but sneer in their hearts.

Two times in a row, the students of Saint Neya College were wiped out by Jiang Xiaobai or Jiangnan University.

Now, with the exception of… the senior students, the students of Saint Nea College’s other ages are all experiencing faults.

Even if it is added now, the level of strength is obviously worse than before.

As for why it is a sophomore and not a freshman, I am afraid that it is from Drake that I learned about Jiang Xiaobai’s situation.

Knowing that once the target is locked on the freshman, Saint Neya Academy will not have the slightest chance of winning.

After both sides confirmed the name list and information of each other’s sophomore students, and there was definitely no false information, the participating students from both sides stood up.

…..After that, when both sides started fighting in the field, Jiang Xiaobai and others also watched with interest.

In the process, compared to the last time, this time Jiangnan University can be said to be pressing against Saint Neya College.

Basically, the students from Saint Neya College can barely cope with it.

The battle hadn’t lasted for ten minutes before Yuan Xiaoning kicked the last assistant from Saint Neya College to one side and broke a few bones and couldn’t get up as the end.

After all, it is on someone else’s turf. If there is no accident, even Jiang Xiaobai and others can’t go too far.

So this time the match was just hurting people, not cruelty.

However, during the whole process, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to focus on the battle in the field.

But more, still glanced at Louise.


From beginning to end, whether it is the advantage or the final defeat of the Saint Nea Institute, Louis.

Hughton didn’t show too much surprise or other expressions, it seemed that there was no fluctuation in his heart, and he had already expected such a situation.

Afterwards, Louis.

Hughton also readily gave their last ten points and 10 points to Jiangnan University, without any hindrance.

“This is a bit interesting!”

Glancing at this scene, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but narrow his eyes.

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