Chapter 4 An arrow in my knee

Feeling the information prompt in his head, he looked at Wei Yuanlong in front of him.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.

Except for Wei Yuanlong kneeling in front of him, nothing happened at all around him.

Naturally, the source of this achievement point is obvious, it is because of Wei Yuanlong kneeling this time.

“Kneeling can get achievement points, what kind of ghost logic is this?” Jiang Xiaobai thought a little puzzled.

However, without entangled in this issue too much, Jiang Xiaobai’s attention has been taken back and continues to be placed on Wei Yuanlong’s body in front of him.

Originally thought Wei Yuanlong knelt down because he wanted to admit his mistakes.

It turned out that an explanation full of contempt made Jiang Xiaobai understand that Wei Yuanlong did not want to admit his mistake.

Therefore, looking at Wei Yuanlong who is kneeling on him at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai took a breath and nodded slightly and said, “Flat body.”

When speaking, Jiang Xiaobai even raised his hand, a posture of an ancient emperor in a TV series.

Seeing all the students around the class couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Looking back at Wei Yuanlong, listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, he suddenly felt that his whole person was not good.

As a 16-year-old student, Wei Yuanlong, who is also an awakened, arrogant and awe-inspiring in his heart, now actively kneels in front of Jiang Xiaobai, who was bullied by himself in the past, in front of the whole class.

Can you imagine the impact on Wei Yuanlong’s heart?

Feelings of shame, annoyance, doubt, etc. all flashed in Wei Yuanlong’s heart at this moment.

But all this turned into a strong humiliation after Jiang Xiaobai uttered the word “flat body”.

Especially when he knelt down in front of Jiang Xiaobai twice in a row, and the knee still felt obvious pain at this moment, Wei Yuanlong suddenly had an urge to hide his face and tears.

But at this moment, Wei Yuanlong’s mind flashed, and suddenly he thought of something.

Since he was an awakened person, and Wei Yuanlong was a second-level astrology mechanic, his body’s strength was far superior to that of ordinary people under the long-term stellar power warmth.

But just twice, Wei Yuanlong knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai somehow.

And there was no interference from any external force, it was just that there was a problem with his legs, and then the master knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

If it is only once, the key is to do it twice in a row.

This is obviously not normal?

Unconsciously, Wei Yuanlong suddenly thought that Jiang Xiaobai had just awakened, and naturally he had awakened his talent skills.

Thinking of his performance just now, Wei Yuanlong suddenly had an idea.

Immediately after swallowing, Wei Yuanlong asked hesitantly: “Jiang, Jiang Xiaobai, your, your awakening talent skill, wouldn’t it make people kneel down?”

Originally, I was watching the scene of Wei Yuanlong being treated as a courtier by Jiang Xiaobai, and the students in the classroom looked uncontrollable.

But when they heard Wei Yuanlong’s words at this moment, everyone was shocked.

At this time, everyone also reacted.

To be honest, the matter of Wei Yuanlong kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai twice before, in everyone’s opinion, is indeed a bit weird.

Even if there is any problem between classmates, it won’t be as serious as kneeling.

It’s just that no one had thought of coming here before.

Now that Wei Yuanlong said this, the students in the classroom couldn’t help turning their heads to look at Jiang Xiaobai, as if they were waiting for Jiang Xiaobai’s response.

Not to mention these students, even Zhao Deliang on the podium was shocked and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise.

For a time, when all the classmates and Zhao Deliang’s eyes gathered on the podium, Jiang Xiaobai was also shocked.

Seeing that there was indeed a curious and solemn Wei Yuanlong on the face in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and reacted.

But not to mention the awakening skills, even the current awakening, Jiang Xiaobai also feels inexplicable, but vaguely feels that it is inseparable from the system.

“Huh? System”

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought of the skill tree in his mind.

When I was about to immerse myself in my mind again, I looked at the only skill that lit up on the skill tree to show that it had been successfully activated.

“I hit an arrow in my knee (1 level, it requires 1000 achievement points to improve.): Passive effect: When there are creatures around the host that have hostile or unruly thoughts on the host, there is a 10% chance of being directly affected by the skill Presents a kneeling state (passive effects are affected by the enemy’s strength.).

Active effect: The host spends energy to select the enemy and attack the enemy’s knees with star power, forcing the enemy to kneel down (the active effect is affected by the enemy’s strength). ”

Looking at the name of this skill in his mind and the specific introduction of this skill, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but twitched.

Because of the different personalities of each person, the talent skills acquired after awakening are naturally different, but generally speaking, they are nothing more than offensive talent skills and auxiliary talent skills.

But what the hell is your own skill that makes others kneel down?

The scene of the mighty power encountering the gods, the gods, the Buddhas, and the Buddhas, seems to be a bit off the beaten path.

However, after understanding the information of this skill on the skill tree, Jiang Xiaobai, who only faintly felt strange, also understood that he would give himself a big gift for Mao Wei Yuanlong’s disagreement.

The co-authors are all because of the passive effect of this skill.

However, with a 10% probability, Wei Yuanlong can be recruited twice in a row. This luck is almost equal to that of a non-Chief, right?

ps: During the new book period, ask for collection, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation votes, everyone! *

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