Chapter 394 Someone is going to be unlucky (1/5)

At the same time, as Okamoto Hikawa and others left the training ground with a gloomy look, and just arrived at the gate of Jiangnan University, they were on the face… bumped into a group of foreign students.

“Mr Drake!”

Seeing this group of teams and the few people headed by them, Okamoto Hikawa’s eyes lit up and quickly greeted him.

It is the person who ate the deflated Sheng Neya College on Jiang Xiaobai’s side in Southeast Asia not long ago.

Drake looked up and saw Okamoto Hikawa and the students behind him gloomy and frustrated, Drake raised his eyebrows slightly.

But when he noticed the people behind Okamoto Hikawa and the others who were carried on their backs, Drake seemed to think of some death, his expression slightly changed.

Immediately stepped forward and said: “Okamoto, your Akita Academy has lost”

As soon as he opened his mouth, he directly called his name and mixed with a faintly questioning tone.Drake’s attitude made Okamoto Hikawa frowned slightly.

After a pause, Okamoto Hikawa said with a gloomy expression: “This time we challenged, our Akita Academy was defeated.”

Obtaining the confirmation from Okamoto Hikawa, Drake couldn’t help asking: “The strength of Jiangnan Academy should be greatly reduced to 26. Why did your Akita Academy lose? Could it be that you underestimated the enemy before?”

Okamoto Hikawa shook his head and said, “No, I have already sent out the five strongest students in the team.”

Although he said that, Okamoto Hikawa still felt a little weird in his heart.

Up to now, Okamoto Hikawa has not figured out how the students on his side lost. Of course, Okamoto Hikawa naturally cannot explain this to others.

After pondering for a while, Okamoto Hikawa said, “In addition, Zhang Xunkun has returned with the group of students who originally left the station.”

“Well so fast”

Hearing what Okamoto Hikawa said, Drake’s face was slightly surprised.

But after a while, Drake was already sneered with a sneer on his face. “Alright, I originally thought that I would go to him after picking the base camp of Jiangnan University today, but I didn’t expect to come back on my own initiative.”

As he spoke, Drake’s expression was obviously a bit sullen.

This made Okamoto Hikawa wondered and asked, “Why did Drake-kun have any conflict with that Zhang Xunkun before?”

Drake glanced at Okamoto Hikawa and… and said quickly: “What’s the matter with you?”

After speaking, after a pause, Drake suddenly glanced at Okamoto Hikawa and snorted coldly: “Even a group of seriously injured students whose strength has fallen sharply can’t be dealt with, Akita Academy, huh!”

In the words, Drake was not familiar with the disdain and ridicule of Okamoto Hikawa and Akita Academy.

As Zhang Xunkun said, Drake is arrogant and must be reported.

Before, I was ashamed on Jiang Xiaobai’s side, and even five students were killed.

The first time he returned to Saint Nea College, Drake came up with a way to draw a salary while supplementing the participating students.

Before, Jiang Xiaobai and others were not very good, so they should be freshmen and sophomores in the school.

Therefore, in Drake’s view, Jiangnan University’s strategy this time is… to exclude the less powerful students like Jiang Xiaobai, freshman and sophomore, to go to various schools similar to Southeast Asia to accumulate points.

At the same time, the stronger people in Jiangnan University act as defense.

Such a strategy is not uncommon, and even many schools adopt this model.

Therefore, with this in mind, Drake immediately teamed up with other schools in East Asia and Europe to challenge Jiangnan University, so as to clear Jiangnan University’s points.

Now, all of this has progressed relatively smoothly.

Since yesterday, Jiangnan University has already lost two consecutive games.

But now, Okamoto Hikawa gave 10 points and 10 points for free to Jiangnan Academy, which made Drake also scolded in his heart. How could he have a good face for Okamoto Hikawa? Listening to Drake’s words, Oka Today Chuan’s face turned pale.

But don’t wait: Okamoto Hikawa responded that Drake had already left with the others behind like a proud rooster.

In this regard, Okamoto Hikawa also snorted in his heart.

In the previous battle between the students of the two sides, Okamoto Hikawa always felt that the reaction of the students including Guito Masao was a little unusual.

Obviously many times in the middle, it was possible to directly defeat the participating students from Jiangnan University, but the reaction of Guitou Zhengxiong and others was a few beats slower than normal.

It’s just that from beginning to end, Okamoto Hikawa has been…observing around.

Okamoto Hikawa is confident that no one can do it under his nose without letting himself notice it.

Originally, Okamoto Hikawa just wanted to remind this matter.

But at this moment, looking at Drake’s arrogant expression, how could he be willing to talk to Drake.

Looking at the Drake and other Saint Neya Academy teams that went far away, Okamoto Hikawa snorted heavily and continued to walk outside.

On the other side, Zhang Xunkun suddenly received a call while Jiang Xiaobai was waiting for a group of students to be busy.

After a while, Zhang Xunkun spoke quickly: “Hurry up, Drake from Saint Nea College has just entered school 907 with someone, and it is only a dozen minutes away from here.”


Hearing what Zhang Xunkun said, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help turning his head in surprise.

“Yes, it’s… that guy.”

Zhang Xunkun nodded.

After confirming that what Zhang Xunkun said was indeed Drake, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but tilt his head.

At this time, as if he had noticed something, Jiang Xiaobai slowly raised his head.

After glancing at Zhang Xunkun’s slightly deep eyes, Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback, and he realized it instantly.

Immediately, the corners of his mouth were picked up, his eyes glanced at Zhang Xunkun inexplicably, and then he nodded gently.

Seeing Zhang Xunkun and Jiang Xiaobai look like this, Xu Yan couldn’t help sighing slightly.

Just by looking at the reaction of the two of them, Xu Yan knew that someone was going to be unlucky.

Afterwards, he glanced at the situation of some of the students left, Jiang Xiaobai hurriedly urged a few times.

It was also when several girls all put on makeup for He Weihua and others, and blood was re-emerged on the wounds, there was already a Jiangnan University who was responsible for various challenges during the points competition at Jiangnan University in the training field. The teacher of the participating team.

Behind it, it was Drake with an arrogant look and a group of students from Saint Nea College.

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