Chapter 391 This guy is so cheap (3/5)

: This chapter is more compatible with music. Those who can listen to music can watch it while listening! “The Pain of Growth”

When this skill is used, it does not directly reveal the fluctuation of star power.

Therefore, this skill is also best for black box operation.

Even Okamoto Rikawa and others on the opposite side were only a dozen meters away from him, but they could not notice that Jiang Xiaobai had quietly intervened in the battle.

Feeling the tactile sensation of this blow on the body of Guitou Zhengxiong, the junior students at Jiangnan University finally reacted after being taken aback.

I understood in my heart that it was the same as I had thought before.

Jiang Xiaobai’s previous words meant that he would help them secretly.

After understanding this, this Jiangnan University junior has already doubled his confidence.

Glancing at the Guitou Zhengxiong who flew out obliquely over there, his heart was already “Aoao”

Yelled twice and rushed up excitedly.

And after being sturdyly hit by such a stick, Guitou Zhengxiong flew obliquely like a kite with a broken string for more than ten meters before landing on the ground.

Even Guitou Zhengxiong’s level is on the third floor of the Galaxy Realm, but if he takes it so hard, Guitou Zhengxiong is absolutely uncomfortable.

When he stood up, his face turned pale and there was blood in the corners of his mouth.

363 “Enguitou Masao, what are you doing?”

At the same time, looking at a Guitou Masao who was directly beaten out by a student from Jiangnan University under his face, Okamoto Hikawa already snorted in a low voice.

The words are full of strong dissatisfaction.

You know, Jiangnan University, a junior student, seems to have just entered the second floor of the Stardust Realm.

And he suffered a lot of injuries.

It stands to reason that in the face of such a situation, Guitou Zhengxiong should have defeated the opponent in one face, but the result was the other way round.

Turning into Guitou Zhengxiong, Jiang Xiaobai shot him out.

Feeling the dissatisfaction in Okamoto Hikawa’s words, the look of Guito Masao who just stood up here is also startled.

Almost subconsciously… want to explain.

But when the words came to his lips, Guitou Zhengxiong fell silent.

What can I say, can it be said that it was just unprovoked, and I was partially convulsed, and the feeling of rushing up made Guito Masao couldn’t help being distracted. Let alone this, Okamoto Hikawa couldn’t believe it.

Even if Okamoto Hikawa believed what he said, it was impossible for Guito Masao to say such a thing.

It’s too hard to tell.

After that, he twisted his butt without a trace.

At this time, the junior from Jiangnan University who succeeded in flying Guitou Zhengxiong in one blow continued to rush forward with the long stick Jiang Xiaoguitou Zhengxiong.

At the same time, after feeling a little at this moment, after confirming that his partial position has returned to normal, Guitou Zhengxiong glanced at the junior student from Jiangnan University who was rushing to the side, his face sinking.

“Dare to take the initiative to rush forward, do you really think I can’t do anything with you?”

After a cold snort in his heart, Guitou Masao had already raised the Taishou in his hand again.

But this time, I didn’t wait for Guitou Masao to do it, but when he raised the sword, suddenly there was a sound of music and song title.

The feeling of music is exactly…the kind of music that might only be played in a nightclub.

It is full of metal and subwoofer bounce.

Of course, if it’s just like this, that’s all.

The key is that as soon as the sound of this music sounded, Guitou Zhengxiong felt that his part once again felt a twitching sensation.

And this time, my partial… twitching feeling perfectly matched the rhythm of the music played by Jiang Xiaobai.

“Bump, bounce, bounce, bounce…”

Whenever there is that kind of… low sound in the music, the part of Guitou Zhengxiong will violently shake once, and even with it, Guitou Zhengxiong’s body will also violently shake.

If you put aside the flushing face of Guitou Zhengxiong at this moment, and then look at the surrounding environment, I don’t know why it is really because Guitou Zhengxiong at this moment is completely dancing to the rhythm of the music.

If it is on weekdays, then forget it.

But now, Guitou Zhengxiong is in the points challenge, and there is an enemy in front of him.

With this kind of localized constant vibration, Gui Tou Zhengxiong’s attention could not be concentrated.

Even if he used the sword to resist it forcibly, he quickly couldn’t cope with being slammed once again by a junior from Jiangnan University.

After being sturdy twice in a row, Guitou Zhengxiong’s mouth was on the spot… a mouthful of blood spurted out, and his face turned pale.

The original movement and speed have slowed down.

Seeing that it was relatively fair here, Jiang Xiaobai’s goal turned around and it was already placed on other people.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai shifting the target, the rest of the Akita Academy students, without exception, understood what it means to sway with the rhythm.

Feeling the part that was perfectly vibrated with the sound of Jiang Xiaobai’s music, the students of Akita College involuntarily fell into a stiff, and then they were directly hit by the people from Jiangnan University in front of them.

But at the moment these students were injured, they didn’t look at their enemies for the first time, but looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a puzzled look on one side.

They couldn’t figure out how their own part could perfectly overlap with the music from Jiang Xiaobai’s side. After that, Gangmen Qianai from the Akita Academy got up from the ground, thinking of the continuous shock of the local part. Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai over there.

After a slight pause, Gangmen Qianai already said angrily: “Asshole, don’t sing.”

I don’t know if it was Jiang Xiaobai deliberately.The song played almost all bounces, bounces, and bounces, and the rhythm is very fast.

Now, Gangmen Qianai feels that she has a faint feeling that she is about to explode.

Hearing what Okamon Qianai said, several other students at Akita Academy stared at Jiang Xiaobai in the same way.

Obviously, for the music released by Jiang Xiaobai, several people are also deeply painful.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, and then in front of everyone’s sight, while shaking his right hand, he directly took out a portable speaker…

After connecting the mobile phone, I felt that it was almost echoing in the entire training ground “bump, bounce, bounce…”

The voice of Akita Academy is about to explode, and the lungs of Okmon Qian’ai and others are about to explode.

“This guy is so cheap!”


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