Chapter 385 Dad loves you (2/5)

Although he is already a strong man in the Nebula Realm, Drake is obviously not the kind…broad-minded and generous.

Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction at the moment and the scarlet wolf that gently swayed his butt against him, the killing intent in Drake’s eyes once again surged.

But when he felt Zhang Xunkun locked his sight next to him, Drake could only grit his teeth and suppress the idea of ​​directly slaying the person in his sight with a wolf on the spot.

I can’t do anything, and staying here can only be constant anger. Immediately, Drake already waved his hand and said in a deep voice: “Take these waste corpses and go.”

Hearing this, the few students standing behind Drake looked at each other, then stood up and walked into the court.

It’s just that, during the walk, among the remaining five students, the first two students with mobile phones “six five seven,”

not moving at all.

But the other three students of Saint Neya College kept their eyes on Jiang Xiaobai’s body, their expressions full of alertness and tension.

During the previous battle, they stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, through the reaction of Shrek and others, these students also have some understanding of the effects of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

Naturally, at this juncture, these Saint Neya College students were also worried that Jiang Xiaobai would suddenly send those skills to himself.

Jiang Xiaobai is not stupid, he still stands up to the murder just now.

If you continue to do it now, I’m afraid that Drake and Zhang Xunkun might really have to fight.

Therefore, even if the three people quickly took away a few corpses, Jiang Xiaobai did not take any further action.

After Drake snorted heavily and turned to leave, one of the other two Saint Nea College students who had been standing still, a blonde student suddenly spoke.

“Even though the waste is dead, it’s completely their own poor strength, and they can’t blame others.

However, after all, these rubbishes are also students of my Saint Nea College, so you better remember my name, Apollo Richardson.

If I meet you next time, I will be the one to kill you.”

Facing the opponent’s middle-two outfit comparison behavior at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai groaned slightly, and a golden light flashed suddenly.

In the next instant, I saw the student from the Saint Neya College who was on the opposite side…the arrogant and arrogant student body was already shaking, opening his mouth just…the two words “Dad” popped up.

Listening to Apollo Richardson’s name, Jiang Xiaobai snorted in his heart.

I want to pretend to be in front of me, it doesn’t exist! Drake on one side saw this, his eyes half-squinted, and then he let out a soft sigh of star power fluctuations in his body.

With the sound of this shout, Apollo Richardson, who had just been dim in his eyes, had already woke up.

Only after the reaction came did I blurt out Jiang Xiaobai “Dad”

At that time, Apollo Richardson’s original indifferent and arrogant expression had completely disappeared, and turned into anger.

“Yellow monkey, dare you be so ashamed”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly, raising his face lightly: “Humph, son, I think you might as well pray that that day will not happen.”

“Hmph, remember it for me, if there is a chance, I will be frustrated and ashes.”

Apollo Richardson said harshly.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and when he looked at Apollo Richardson, Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes suddenly softened.

After a slight pause, he slowly said, “Dad loves you.”

Hearing this, Apollo Richardson suddenly thought about his father Jiang Xiaobai’s name, and immediately bit his teeth.

Dammit, a few thieves are irritating.

After glancing at Jiang Xiaobai fiercely, Apollo Richardson turned around and walked away without saying a word.

When I came, I was full of confidence and arrogance, but when I left, I was a little bit ashamed.

Even when the remaining few students passed by Jiang Xiaobai and took the corpses away, they all had a faint trepidation in their expressions, and kept their eyes on Jiang Xiaobai.


Jiang Xiaoxin and others only breathed a sigh of relief when everyone at Saint Neiya Academy had cleaned up and left completely.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai’s previous behavior was indeed a bit harsh.

All five 55 students from other schools were directly killed at one time, and it was still when the principal of the other party took the initiative to speak…Fortunately, there was no fight in the end.

“Xiaobai, you are too ruthless. Kill people in front of the principal.”

Zhou Jia came over and said.

Jiang Xiaobai curled his lips and smiled softly, seeming not to care very much.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai seemingly indifferent, Zhou Jia and the others were also speechless for a while.

“well done.”

Outside the court, Zhang Xunkun walked over with a smile and patted Jiang Xiaobai on the shoulder.

Originally, Jiangnan University and Saint Neiya College would not deal with it.

Now that Drake ate and went away desperately, Zhang Xunkun’s heart seemed to be as refreshing as a sip of ice water in the summer.

Seeing Zhang Xunkun’s smile on his face, like a Maitreya Buddha, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even think about it, just… he said, “Principal, don’t be frustrated, I’ll help the school. It’s not good.”

Zhang Xunkun: …After agreeing to give Jiang Xiaobai 10,000 points as a reward, the joy in Zhang Xunkun’s heart was instantly wiped out.

A moment ago, Zhang Xunkun was still happy, but when Jiang Xiaobai said this, Zhang Xunkun suddenly felt calm.

Then there was a moment of speechlessness in his heart, and he almost forgot that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t see the rabbit or scatter the eagle at all.

After that, everyone present eased for more than ten minutes, and the new Mahler Academy was 0.

After the 7 people also cleaned up these bloodstains, Zhang Xunkun motioned to everyone.

“Do business first.”

After hearing this, everyone understood in an instant what Zhang Xunkun was referring to.

For a while, everyone’s eyes were on the people of the New Mahler Academy who were hiding far away.

After noticing the sight of everyone at Jiangnan Academy, the Academy of New Mahler Academy always felt like a prey stared at by a lion.

Especially when I felt Jiang Xiaobai’s stolen gaze, it seemed harmless to humans and animals.

But before thinking of the way he started his hands, everyone at the New Mahler Academy felt afraid for a while.

Then the principal of the New Mahler Institute smiled bitterly: “No need to compare, the New Mahler Institute surrenders.”


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