Chapter 383 I believe in words Jiang Xiaobai (4/4)

Being swiped like a sandbag by Jiang Xiaobai, others look at Jiang Xiaobai, who still looks a little thin, so violent and brutal, it feels like a foggy face.

At this moment, the student of Saint Neya College who is acting as a sandbag is cold in his heart.

Every time Jiang Xiaobai smashed himself on the ground, the feeling of…strong impact and shock can make this Saint Neya College student feel a sharp pain.

Up to now, but only a few times, the ones that had condensed on his body…The lin armor had already shattered, and many parts of the bones in the body had already cracked.

There was already blood in his mouth that couldn’t help but vomit out.

This is the most venomous beating, this is a death beating.

This Saint Neya College student knows that if this continues, at most three times, it is estimated that it will be difficult to find a good bone in his body.

Thinking of this, this Saint Neya College student was…overwhelmed with fear.


After being smashed to the ground fiercely by Jiang Xiaobai again, a mouthful of blood spurted out, and regardless of the intense pain in his body, this Saint Neiya College student forced his mouth and said: “Let me go.”

Hearing this, the action in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand stopped.

After groaning slightly, Jiang Xiaobai slowly let go of his hand, smiling on his face 110: “Okay.”

Hearing this, the student of Saint Neya College suddenly felt relieved.

However, this Sheng Neya College student was not too surprised by Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction at the moment.

After all, Drake is on the side, and if Jiang Xiaobai continues to ignore him, the next thing that will be met is Drake’s anger.

Forcibly enduring the heartache from various parts of his body, this Sheng Neya College student looked at Jiang Xiaobai, his coldness and killing intent were not…concealed.

Perceiving the killing intent in the opponent’s eyes, Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly, even with a kind smile on his face.

However, just as he just turned around, it was already a step forward.


As a burst of sound emerged, the student of Saint Neya College suddenly felt a cold in his chest.

In the next moment, looking at the blood spilling quickly from his chest and the flying knife with star power fluctuations remaining on it, the student from Saint Neya College turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with difficulty.

Looking at the angry and puzzled eyes of this Saint Neya College student, Jiang Xiaobai spread his hand and said, “Don’t look at me, I promised to send you a code. Now you have more than one code in this step.”

“Do I mean this?”

Listening to what Jiang Xiaobai said, the students of the Holy Academy’s eyes widened.

Staring at Jiang Xiaobai stubbornly, a sentence stuck in his throat, and he couldn’t vomit.

Glancing at the corpse lying on the ground, Jiang Xia pouted his lips. China has a profound cultural history.

To blame, blame this guy for being so innocent, anyway…I can do what I say, and if I put you in a yard, I put you in a yard.

I believe in Jiang Xiaobai.

“Hey, is there any such a game?”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai playing a word game in front of them, those…students from Sheng Neya Academy were already dumbfounded.

Then the look in Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes changed a little.

Especially the Principal Drake who was outside the field, his face was even more ashen as ten thousand years of moss.

Among the five, the two strongest are now killed and injured by Jiang Xiaobai.

If the remaining three people still have the idea to play, if they continue, I’m afraid to wait: I don’t know what tricks the violent assistant over there will play.

Therefore, with the lessons of the first two students, the remaining few do not want to struggle.

After making a look at each other, the few people planned to admit defeat.

One of the students from the Saint Nea Academy already shouted: “We…ah!”

However, just as the student just uttered two words: its part suddenly exploded, causing the student’s words to directly turn into a scream.

The whole person couldn’t help trembling, and his two hands were firmly grasping his scalp.It looked extremely uncomfortable, and he couldn’t utter a word.

“what happened”

The other hot students have their eyes facing each other, some of them are unclear.

But due to the urgency of the situation, they couldn’t tolerate them to think too much, and the other student also wanted to open up and lose.

“We recognize…ah!”

But just like the student before, when this student only said half of the same thing, a blood arrow was already shot out locally.

Seeing this, the remaining student dared to continue, after shaking his body, aside from anything else, he slid towards the place where Drake was on one side.

Obviously he wanted to seek asylum from Drake.

Seeing this, Drake himself did not stop him at all, allowing the student to quickly approach.

But just when the student was only three meters away from Drake.

Suddenly, an inexplicable impulse suddenly appeared in the student’s heart.

Turning his head, when he glanced at a flying knife that was slowly rising in the air, the student stiffened slightly for a moment, his body suddenly turned, and he rushed to Jiang Xiaobai again, kneeling on one knee and putting his hands together. The face was blank and dumbfounded.

“Controlling talent skills!”

Seeing the situation in the field, Drake’s eyes also condensed.

Immediately after that, as long as the three of them just spoke, they were still unable to say a complete sentence, and they would be directly interrupted by screams.

When he wanted to rush to Drake’s side, he would suddenly come back on his own initiative.

Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin next to them had already stopped, and they looked like they were watching a good show.

Even if I didn’t understand it before, it happened nearly a dozen times, even those around…New Mahler Academy already understood what was going on at this moment.

For a time, everyone in the training ground couldn’t help but put their eyes on Jiang Xiaobai, with a sense of inexplicable panic.

And Zhang Xunkun looked at Drake, whose face was extremely blue, and a smile appeared on his face, but in his body there was a wave of star power expressing his attitude.

Glancing at the three Saint Neya College students in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobai’s character is a must-have if he wants to.

Before Drake shot directly at himself, Jiang Xiaobai was already upset, but the old man can’t move now, and the anger in his heart can naturally only be placed on these little ones.


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