Chapter 380 bring it on! Don’t pity me (1/4)

It was also because of this change that Jiang Xiaoxin and others, who had just been separated, broke through the surrounding soil wall that trapped them and reunited together.

The advantages that had been accumulated through a series of cooperations on the opposite side of Saint Neya Academy disappeared.

After entering Jiangnan University for more than a month, Jiang Xiaobai’s preferred dimensional space contained some dimensional creatures with special cores.

After devouring these one after another…After the core of the dimensional creature, Daha’s level will not rise to the same level as Jiang Xiaoxin and other women.

But it also entered the third level of the Stardust Realm.

And Daha itself is a mutant dimensional creature, and one improvement is… it can make great progress in strength.

Although it is only the third level of the Stardust Realm, in terms of strength, it is a bit stronger than Jiang Xiaoxin, Yuan Yang and others.

However, this time, the people dispatched by Saint Neiya Academy were obviously not like Jiangnan University.They were only pure freshmen.

The worst among them was the awakened person on the seventh floor of the Stardust Realm, and the student named Shrek had even reached the ninth floor of the Stardust Realm.

Even with Daha joining, as the battle progressed, Jiang Xiaoxin had already begun to show fatigue.

Seeing such a scene in the field, Drake already smiled, looking at Zhang Xunkun next to him with a faint expression.

“I think Principal Zhang should give up early, so that these students in your school will not wait: it is not good if they are injured, or if they are accidentally killed directly.”

In response to this, Zhang Xunkun said “No hurry.”

The expression reacted with a sense of calmness and determination.

Zhang Xunkun’s reaction made Drake couldn’t help but wonder whether Zhang Xunkun was supporting or having other cards.

Afterwards, Drake swept his eyes from the people at Jiangnan University in the field, and finally put his eyes on Jiang Xiaobai’s body.

After pondering a little, Drake asked, “Or, your confidence comes from that…the little guy who has awakened the talent of the animal training.”


Zhang Xunkun responded directly.

Seeing this, Drake chuckled and stopped talking, but his expression was extraordinarily sloppy.

“Dammit, what the hell is this wolf so difficult to deal with”

In the field, a person from Saint Neya College avoided the daha who fluttered, and after the counterattack was invalid, he couldn’t help but cursed.

Not to mention this student, even other people looked solemn when they were watching Daha at this moment.

If it hadn’t been for the appearance of this scarlet giant, the battle would have ended long ago, how could it have been delayed until now, Shrek looked over there while yawning, not knowing why it was… gas.

Seeing the others set off in succession, Shrek was already rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai with flickers.

When they noticed that Shrek was moving, Jiang Xiaoxin and others were still in their hearts, but when they discovered that Shrek’s goal was to go to Jiang Xiaobai, they all regarded them as if they hadn’t seen them.

But Shrek didn’t know what they thought in their hearts.

It should be Jiang Xiaoxin and others who are flawless at the moment, distracting and worrying about themselves.

After moving his gaze on Jiang Xiaobai’s body, Shrek sneered and said, “Boy, didn’t you have a big tone just now, I see how arrogant you can be now.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai groaned for a while and directly took out a piece of chewing gum and chewed it in his mouth.

Then “Ha” at Shrek far away

After a sigh of relief: “Is there any more now?”

Shrek: “……”

After Jiang Xiaobai’s sudden operation was stunned, Shrek said in a huff: “I’m not talking about this tone.”

“What kind is that”

Jiang Xiaobai asked curiously.

“I’m talking about that… tone.”

Shrek subconsciously responded.

But when the words were spoken, there was something wrong.

Then he cursed secretly, feeling like a fool now.

Soon, I was too lazy to continue talking nonsense with Jiang Xiaobai, and with a flick of my finger, a white light flashed in the air, and then gathered into a circle of light to directly circle Jiang Xiaobai in it.

“Are you controlling talented skills?”

Jiang Xiaobai gently raised his hand to touch it, and realized that the aperture was like a solid body and bounced Jiang Xiaobai’s hand back.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai was controlled by his talent skills, Shrek sneered and waved a spike in his hand and said: “Boy, give you a chance, now kneel down and beg for mercy…”

“What if I don’t”

Jiang Xiaobai asked with interest.

Shrek didn’t even think about it and said, “Then don’t blame me for being ruthless after a while.”

Regarding this, after Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while, he nodded to Shrek and said, “Come on! Don’t pity me.”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s answer, Shrek couldn’t help but stunned.

Obviously, he did not expect Jiang Xiaobai to respond to himself in this way.

When looking at Jiang Xiaobai later, Shrek couldn’t help but wonder whether the opposite Jiang Xiaobai had a brain problem.

But soon, looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s casual look, Shrek didn’t know anything about it, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t put himself in his eyes at all.

Immediately, Shrek snorted coldly, ignoring Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction.

Between the fluctuations of the star power on his body, a white blade flashed.

At the same time, as the white energy converged, Shrek’s speed skyrocketed, rushing to Jiang Xiaobai almost instantly.

However, at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai’s hand flickered, and a small flying knife about three inches long suddenly appeared in one of his hands.

After that, in the sight of everyone, the hand holding the small flying knife slowly handed it in front of him.

This scene gave Drake to one side and history in the field 1.

7 Lake all looked at him for a moment, not knowing what Jiang Xiaobai’s action meant.At the same time, Shrek, who was approaching Jiang Xiaobai quickly, suddenly felt a sense of numbness on his knees.

Under this numbness, Shrek’s body that was rushing quickly suddenly stiffened, and then he knelt directly on the ground.

At the same time, because of the…quick impulse just before moving, he slid on his knees for several meters between Shrek’s knees and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai.

When the body came to a complete stop, Drake’s neck happened to be the top of Jiang Xiaobai’s three-inch flying knife that was slowly raised in the air.

This feels like Shrek took the initiative to pass his neck to Jiang Xiaobai’s weapon.

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