Chapter 374 Watch less resource movies at night (5/5)

This angry voice caused Jiang Xiaobai to turn his head and look around, only to find that the zombie was obviously dressed up.

Obviously the staff inside this ghost.

Of course, if it’s just like this, then forget it.

The key is to create an atmosphere of horror, and there are some glass shards inserted on the ground for decoration.

And when the zombie was kneeling, it happened to kneel on top of a piece of glass, and the blood had already begun to spread along the wound.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai could only helplessly slowly.

Then he took a few steps forward and pulled the man in black up.

“It’s okay.”

“Sorry, it may have been standing for a long time, and my legs were a little numb by accident.”

After all, it was the guest, and I made a mistake on my own side, and the staff member looked embarrassed.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “It’s okay, anyway…you are not scary here.”

staff member:”…….”

After looking at the piece of glass stuck in the staff’s leg, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head, and then one hand was… placed on the piece of glass.

In the dumbfoundedness of this staff member.



Originally, the staff member was wondering what Jiang Xiaobai was going to do now, but Jiang Xiaobai pulled out the glass without saying anything.

The blood just… rushed out, like a small stream of water.

After a scream, the staff member looked at the blood spurting from the location of his wound, and was so scared that he hurriedly covered the wound and shouted: “I, Cao, don’t you know that this thing can’t be pulled out? Will you bleed heavily when you come out?”

“I know!”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

“Then you and he are still pulling”

The staff member said angrily.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: “I have a healing talent.”

The staff was dumbfounded when he said this.

After pondering for a while, the staff member resolutely said: “I’m sorry, I blamed you.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, then handed half of the glass block with blood in his hand to this staff member, and said with a smile: “But I changed my mind, you call an ambulance!”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai already stood up and looked on the sideline with cold eyes.

staff member:”……”

“Am I…”

I have to say that the staff was confused by Jiang Xiaobai’s sudden change.

This is too capricious! But looking at the blood constantly spilling from the fingers, this staff member was sure that even if the ambulance came, he was afraid that he would not be able to make it to the hospital.

Immediately begged for mercy: “Little brother, don’t mention it! Help me! Otherwise, I’ll be dead.”

After pondering about this, Jiang said, “Call Dad!”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s request, the staff member turned black.

What kind of person is this! Under the threat of being so cheap and humiliating, this staff member spoke with no ethics: “Dad, I was wrong, please help.”

Seeing the staff being so decisive, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly felt boring for a while, and had no idea of ​​continuing to joke.

After snapping his fingers at the staff, the golden light flashed, and the staff suddenly felt that his whole body was wrapped in a warm feeling.

With this feeling of falling into the clouds, the staff member couldn’t help but yell out.

And the wounds on the legs heal quickly.

“What’s the situation, brother, there is something wrong with your talent skills!”

After returning to his senses, the staff member couldn’t help but widen his eyes and looked at Jiang Xiaobai when he thought of the feeling he had just now.

At this moment, the man has already begun to doubt his habit.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said: “It’s okay, my talent skills are like this.”

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai glanced up and down at the man and said: “I remember to watch less resource movies at night. After a while, my legs won’t be so weak.”

………… “Why don’t the gods look at some resources”

Yuan Yang on one side jerked the corners of their mouths.

This staff member didn’t know, Yuan Yang and others didn’t know what was going on, and they all looked at Jiang Xiaobai speechlessly.

After solving the matter, Jiang Xiaobai signaled that he was already leading other people to walk into the ghost.

However, after waiting for more than ten minutes, as Jiang Xiaobai and others walked out of the exit, Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang’s faces were slightly gloomy.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai, whose expression hasn’t changed much from beginning to end, several people have a kind of “fuck,” in their hearts.

a feeling of.

Facing the faintly resentful and speechless expressions of several people, Jiang Xiaobai could only respond with a wry smile.

I don’t know if Feng Shui in this place matches Jiang Xiaobai too much, or that the people of this ghost are too bad luck today, and the five elements are in conflict with themselves.

In the following time, it was basically the same as before, from beginning to end, he knelt as soon as he appeared.

Even the dimensional creatures of the ghost class and the costumes of the staff inside are very scary.

……But as soon as it appears, if you don’t say anything, it means…kneeling, and the fear is gone.

Therefore, a well-known haunted house unexpectedly made Jiang Xiaobai walk out of the feeling of the emperor.

Wherever he goes, there is always someone kneeling to greet him all the way.

Originally, although Zhou Jia, Yuan Yang and others were a little afraid of this trip to the haunted house, they were still full of expectations.

But now with Jiang Xiaobai’s tossing, this sense of expectation and fear disappeared.

This feeling is like approaching the movie theater with great interest to watch the movie that I am looking forward to, but the movie has only begun, and the person next to me will tell myself the story from beginning to end.

This feeling makes people suddenly feel: the urge to press Jiang Xiaobai to the ground and give him a hard beating.

Therefore, this time traveling together, it also made Zhou Jia and the others make up their minds that they will not be able to enter some adventure casinos with Jiang Xiaobai again after they are killed.

It’s just too ruining the experience.

But when Jiang Xiaobai and others are not clear.

It was not long before Jiang Xiaobai left before and after. A few minutes later, the haunted house, which had been open for 365 days all the year round, had a “under maintenance, temporarily closed” at the door.


And all the staff in the haunted house are now busy adjusting their relationship and mood with those…ghost-type dimensional creatures in the haunted house.

Almost every time I just had those…ghosts or well-dressed ones

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