Chapter 372 I’ll give you something to eat below (3/5)

Due to the rush of time, Jiang Xiaobai and others set off with Zhang Xunkun and Zhao Hanshan at 7 o’clock in the morning the next day.

Although many things could not be announced, in the subsequent process, a series of green channels also made Jiang Xiaobai feel the country’s importance to this global competition.

Not only is there a bus that the traffic police helped everyone take to clear the way, but even when they went to the airport, they were all luxurious private jets.

Under such a series of operations, it had already arrived in Southeast Asia at 3 o’clock in the afternoon.

As before, after arriving, Zhang Xunkun directly raised his hand with a wave, and sent a few people to the top hotel nearby and settled down.

Just as everyone was gearing up, news came from Zhang Xunkun.

“Because there was a problem with the audit of the target school, the challenge was postponed to tomorrow.”

Upon hearing this news, Jiang Xiaoxin and Yuan Xiaoning both frowned slightly.

Originally, the people who took advantage of the geographical advantage wanted to challenge first, but they didn’t expect it to be delayed.If you wait another night, I don’t know how many more teams will come tomorrow.

This is obviously not good news.

“Principal, if it doesn’t work here, we can challenge other institutions first.”

Jiang Xiaoxin suggested.

But it was quickly denied by Jiang Xiaobai.

“There are only three 3 places allocated by universities in Southeast Asia, and the remaining two are far away from us. If you toss back and forth like this, it will take too much time.”

Jiang Xiaobai said unhurriedly, and there was no hint of panic in his words.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s calm look, Zhou Jia couldn’t help asking: “Aren’t you in a hurry?”

“What’s the hurry, I think there are many teams today, one more is not many, and a few more are still not many…”

Along the way, several people also saw four 44 teams one after another, with complex skin colors, plus the clothes on them, and they knew at a glance that they were from other countries’ schools who were also challenging teams.

“Jiang Xiaobai is right, wait a minute, it’s useless if you are anxious.”

Zhang Xunkun said slowly.

Since things are postponed until tomorrow, and idleness is also idle, so after a deliberate decision, everyone chooses to have a meal first.

Jiang Xiaobai leaned back on his chair satisfied after comprehending the local food full of exotic flavors in the more famous local restaurants.

On one side, Zhou Jia was speechless: “There are so few things here, so I haven’t eaten enough.”

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled lightly: “Isn’t this nonsense? These are foods eaten by ordinary people, not dimensional creatures as food materials. With your physical fitness, you will not feel full even if you eat ten times the amount.”

After speaking, after a slight pause, Jiang Xiaobai said, “However, if you are really not full, I will give you some food when I go back.”

Zhou Jia gave a quasi-response first.

But before he could say anything, he reacted violently.

He glanced at Jiang Xiaobai’s face and squinted his eyes, and immediately realized that Jiang Xiaobai suddenly pulled himself into the car.

Immediately, he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai’s nails, Zhou Jia showed two rows of neat and white teeth to Jiang Xiaobai and said with interest: “Are you sure”

Looking at Zhou Jia’s teeth with a sense of texture, Jiang Xiaobai calmed down decisively every time Zhou Jia took his mouth.

Just as Zhou Jia thought that Jiang Xiaobai had taken care of Jiang Xiaobai and took his attention back, Zhou Jia couldn’t help her legs tighten and her body shook violently.

Then, seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s smirk, Zhou Jia already grumbled and shouted: “Jiang-Xiao-Bai, I will kill you.”

It happened that Zhou Jia was sitting next to Jiang Xiaobai. After the voice fell, Zhou Jia didn’t care…

The oil stains on the lips took a bite away.

In an instant, Jiang Xiaobai’s expression changed.

After waiting for a few seconds, looking at the print on his arm, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth twitched. “I said, your teeth are really tempered by the stars, right? The mouth is too cruel! If you are not full, I will give you to eat.”

When the two men finished fighting, Yuan Yang coughed softly.

When everyone looked over, Yuan Yang took out his mobile phone and opened a weird interface.

“I heard on the forum that there is a world-famous haunted house in this Southeast Asian region.

“It looks interesting.”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said.

“I have no opinion.”

Jiang Xiaoxin said.

Others also said they would go.

However, when he heard the haunted house, Zhou Jia’s body tightened slightly and said: “.

I… don’t go, I still want to train tonight.”

“It wasn’t very good just now, now I’m scared”

Looking at Zhou Jia’s appearance, Jiang Xiaobai said sarcastically.

“Afraid…Whoever is afraid, go and go.”

…It was already night when I came out of the restaurant. Under Yuan Yang’s leadership, several people came to the entrance of a haunted house with a clown head:.

From the appearance of the structure, it looks like a maze. The entrance: and the exit: are less than ten meters apart, but the maze is relatively large. Even if there is a map, it takes ten minutes to get out. There is no ten minutes because it is night. Popularity is even more popular.

“Fuck! Laozi was scared to death, come next time”

“In the middle section, the intestines are all exposed. Fortunately, my old lady’s ability is shielding, otherwise it will be really scared to death.”

“Hey, why doesn’t that thing have a head! Hey…! It came over in a flash, my little heart can’t stand it.”

From the exit, people were constantly complaining about the scaryness in the haunted house, which aroused the curiosity of several people.

In fact, there are also ghost-type dimensional creatures in the dimensional space, undoubtedly…some of these…the ghost-type dimensional creatures that have been tamed are just being tamed. Manipulated.

And the ghosts in this haunted house are real, they are the ghosts captured by some awakeners.

Although it seemed full of confidence before, when everyone arrived at the entrance, Zhou Jia had already unconsciously grabbed Jiang Xiaobai’s clothes corner.

After Xu Yan bought a few tickets, a few people went in. Xu Yan led the team ahead, followed by Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia grabbed Jiang Xiaobai’s clothes, and Yuan Yang and others investigated.

After entering, it was… a burst of pitch black, and then the red spots and the green light flickered strangely.

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