Chapter 361 The confused ones were sold (2/5)

Listening to what Chu Yang said, Zhu Huanchun frowned and said, “Didn’t President Zhang have issued a prohibition order to prevent all students from leaving the school within half a month?”

Chu Yang said solemnly: “That’s right, but you see when Jiang Xiaobai was restricted from entering the trial field, but Jiang Xiaobai brought people in every day.

The school’s rules are of no use to that guy.”

Chu Yang’s remarks were indignant, and Zhu Huanchun couldn’t help but nod his head.

Compared to other students, Jiang Xiaobai is only a freshman, but it does seem a little different.

Looking at the look of Chu Yang in front of him, I thought of the situation in which a group of students hadn’t completed a task because of Jiang Xiaobai in the past month.

If this situation continues, Zhu Huanchun estimates that, as Xu Yan and Jiang Xiaobai said before, I am afraid that he will become the first in Jiangnan University, and 19 of all top universities have only been dismissed after just one semester. Mentor.

At that time, this matter will also become an indelible stain on Zhu Huanchun’s life.

This is something Zhu Huanchun cannot tolerate.

But with the contradiction between himself and Xu Yan and Jiang Xiaobai, Zhu Huanchun can be sure that as long as Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan stay a day, his situation will only go from bad to worse.

As for what Chu Yang said, Zhu Huanchun had no doubts.

In the past few days, almost all the students in the school have known that Jiang Xiaobai and the strongest students in each grade are gathered together.

Before, Zhu Huanchun was strange.

But now it seems that everything is because of the national competition.

It’s just that what Zhu Huanchun cursed in his heart was such a thing.

If it weren’t for Chu Yang to know now, I’m afraid that he is still kept in the dark.

“By the way, how did you know about this?”

Zhu Huanchun asked.

Chu Yang had almost no hesitation and immediately replied: “The brother of a friend of mine is… a student who was selected this time in the junior year. He told me about this matter.”

After confirming these…………, Zhu Huanchun asked: “Is the time confirmed?”

Chu Yang stubbornly said: “It seems to be at 7: 0 in the evening.”

Zhu Huanchun thought for a while and asked, “Does anyone else know about this matter?”

It’s no wonder Zhu Huanchun asked, although it is said that the cultivation of Jiang Yu’s students and teachers is…competition with each other.

But if it is to kill, it is impossible to show it to the bright side.

Otherwise, Jiangnan University would be messed up with such a swaggering hand to kill the tutor and the students. Chu Yang shook his head and said: “How can I tell others about this, I only told you, Teacher Zhu.”

Hearing this, Zhu Huanchun’s expression eased.

Immediately after discussing with Chu Yang again, Zhu Huanchun had already left slowly.

While walking, Zhu Huanchun still had a strong sneer on her face.

After waiting for Zhu Huanchun to leave, Chu Yang took out his mobile phone and made a call directly, “Hey, you guys will pay attention to that bastard’s movement, and you will notify me as soon as you leave the residence.”

It was also after a few phone calls from Chu Yang. Behind a large tree that was about 30 meters away from Chu Yang, which was surrounded by three people and three people, Zhu Huanchun, who had already left before, didn’t know when he had been standing here. Behind.

After observing for a while, he regained his figure and quickly left.

Almost at the moment Zhu Huanchun had just left, Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan also walked out from behind the grass beside them.

“Heh, as you said, even her own students, this woman is so vigilant.”

While walking, Xu Yan half-squinted her eyes while looking at where Zhu Huanchun stood before.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “It is already possible, at least so far she believes it. If someone who is not familiar with it comes over, it is impossible for her to believe this… .”

“Do you want to take Xiaoxin and the others over tonight?”

Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said, “Forget it, after all, Xiaoxin and the others are not strong enough… and it’s useless to go.”

Xu Yan nodded and felt that Jiang Xiaobai was right.

During the dialogue between Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan, Chu Yang on one side had already stepped forward and walked in front of Jiang Xiaobai, “Student Jiang, I have told Teacher Zhu the things as we rehearsed before.”

At this moment, Chu Yang, who was facing Jiang Xiaobai, was a bit familiar and natural when he stood in front of Zhu Huanchun a little bit earlier.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai gave a thumbs up and said: “Good job.”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s praise, a triumphant expression appeared on Chu Yang’s face.

But the next moment, as Chu Yang’s body shook slightly, his eyes had completely recovered their clarity.

Then he looked at himself, then at Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan in front of him, his expressions changed drastically: “You, you guys actually used me”

8 Faced with Chu Yang’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even think about it but… he said, “You have no worries about your wife.”

As the golden light poured into Chu Yang’s body, after the body trembled slightly, Chu Yang already put a heavy hand on Jiang Xiaobai’s shoulder, “Brother, my girlfriend will leave it to you.”

That swearing look is full of sincerity and trust.

Although this is not the first time Xu Yan has seen Jiang Xiaobai use this talent skill.

But now listening to the conversation between the two and Chu Yang’s reaction again, Xu Yan still couldn’t help but pick her eyelids.

Especially seeing Chu Yang trusting Jiang Xiaobai to the extreme at this moment, Xu Yan couldn’t help but shook her head.

At the same time, Xu Yan also made up her mind.

Otherwise, maybe one day Jiang Xiaobai will come and be sold out if he feels confused.

Thinking of this, when Xu Yan looked at Jiang Xiaobai, her eyes were a little more alert.

Noting Xu Yan’s sudden change of eyes, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help being confused, wondering how Xu Yan suddenly stared at him with such anti-wolf eyes!

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