Chapter 349 It’s totally unrecognizable to cheat people (5/5)

Being able to dispatch a mentor who has reached the Star Sea Realm as one of their leading teachers this time is enough to show that the school attaches great importance to this global competition.

After a slight pause, Zhang Xunkun continued: “In the next week, you will also be trained by two teachers. If there are any problems in the middle, Teacher Zhao and Teacher Xu have every effort to replace your qualifications.”

Hearing that, the expressions of all the students were tight.

The global competition is the gathering of the top talents from all countries.

Being able to participate in such a competition, even if it cannot be made public, is in itself…a privilege.

Naturally, no student is willing to be replaced halfway.

After the corresponding matters were accounted for, Zhang Xukun waved his hand and said: “Other students can leave first, Jiang Xiaobai stays, I have other things to look for you.”

After speaking, when there was only one student Jiang Xiaobai left in the office, Zhang Xunkun said, “What do you think about this national competition?”

Hearing this question, Jiang Xiaobai was stunned for a while, feeling a little bit inexplicable. After hesitating for a while, Jiang Xiaobai tentatively said: “Sit and watch.”

Zhang Xunkun: “……”

Later, it seemed to mean that there was something wrong with what he asked, Zhang Xunkun said again, “I mean, do you think Jiangnan University has a chance to win the championship in this national competition?”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Hanshan in the room, then looked at Xu Yan and asked, “Can you speak directly?”

Zhang Xunkun said in a huff: “Say.”

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his thumb and index finger and said, “It depends on how much benefit the school gives.”


Xu Yan on one side listened to what Jiang Xiaobai said.Although she was prepared in her heart, she still did not hold back.

Even the corners of Zhao Hanshan’s mouth twitched at this moment. Obviously, for Jiang Xiaobai’s answer, Zhao Hanshan was unexpected, and his face was a little unstretched.

And Zhang Xunkun himself was even more black.

“I said, your boy, who is so unprofitable and can’t afford to have an early temperament, can you change it, can you not be so cheap, you are a student anyway”

Jiang Xiaobai snorted, “There are too many cubs waiting to be fed in the house. From time to time, a few people who make a fortune with a muffled voice come here. Otherwise, it can’t be raised.”

While talking, Jiang Xiaobai still looked at Zhang Xukun faintly.

“Am I…”

At this moment, Zhang Xunkun collapsed three words directly in the end.

But thinking that there are other people in the room, Zhang Xunkun forcibly endured it.

Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction at this moment was beyond comprehensible, and he clearly remembered the incident of his own gambling in the previous gambling game.

Not to mention Zhang Xunkun, even the look on one side is a bit awkward.

In the end, Zhang Xunkun gave up and Jiang Xiaobai continued to make a direct assertion: “Okay, don’t talk to you, if there is no advantage, you will be the captain of the Jiangnan University team in this national competition, honestly bring me those students to take it. A result that satisfies me.”

Regarding Zhang Xunkun’s act of wanting horses to run but not eating grass, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but contempt to the extreme.

But at this moment Jiang Xiaobai didn’t say anything, just nodded faintly “Oh”

There was a sound.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction, Zhang Xunkun glanced suspiciously. Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and asked: “I said, your kid doesn’t want to threaten me by winning or losing when the game is critical!”

“I go”

Jiang Xiaobai was shocked when he heard Zhang Xunkun’s words breaking through his heart’s plan.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction, Zhang Xunkun was basically certain that Jiang Xiaobai really thought so.

This made Zhang Xunkun say “”

Almost did not hold back.

If it weren’t for the fact that I already had some understanding of Jiang Xiaobai, and I was cautious, I was afraid that afterwards, I would really continue to be severely slaughtered by Jiang Xiaobai.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xunkun felt that his brain was hurting badly.

“Why did I hire such a thing to come to the school in the first place”

If Jiang Xiaobai just pits people outside, it’s okay, the key is that Jiang Xiaobai pits people completely because he doesn’t recognize his emotions.

Open the drawer, take out a bottle of heart-protection pills from the inside and place a few pills in your mouth.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhang Xunkun said with a calm face: “Don’t think about the extra benefits. Get a good enough ranking,,, the school will naturally have corresponding rewards. If you can’t get a good ranking, then, For the next four years, wait for your feet to be wrapped and keep wearing shoes!”

When it comes to this, Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and acknowledged it.

On one side, Zhao Hanshan listened to the conversation between the two, especially when he knew that Zhang Xunkun would directly appoint Jiang Xiaobai as the team leader to lead the other students, Zhao Hanshan was…

“Principal, let a freshman as the captain lead other senior students, I’m afraid it’s a little inappropriate.”

…. Zhang Xunkun waved his hand and said: “You don’t know, this kid has a lot of nigger ideas, and being a captain is no match for him.”

Zhao Hanshan frowned and said, “But even so, I’m afraid that other students of a few ages will not be convinced in their hearts.”

As the captain of the team that replaces the school, if you don’t get a good ranking, then forget it.

Once you get a good ranking, the rewards you can get will also be the most.

And the students of Jiangnan University, who is not arrogant and let a freshman be the captain, what do those…sophomore, junior or even senior students think? How about you tell them directly, as long as you can beat this kid, I won’t have any problems with them as the captain.”

“Well, what the principal means, he is very strong”

Zhao Hanshan asked in surprise.

“Ask Yan girl about this! She knows best.”

Zhang Xunkun pointed to Xu Yan.

In response, Zhao Hanshan turned his head and looked at Xu Yan, with a little doubt on his face.

Xu Yan nodded and said: “Xiao Bai’s strength is very strong. When he was on the fifth floor of the Stardust Realm, his strength was comparable to that of the awakened people on the fifth and sixth floors of the ordinary Galaxy. I must dare to say that I will win him.”

Hearing what Xu Yan said, Zhao Hanshan was completely shocked by Nai.


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