Chapter 347 Cat and Dog (3/5)

“Run, run”

Seeing the few green steel tiger elites just run away like this, these four awakened people are already dumbfounded.

They couldn’t figure out why these few green steel tiger elites suddenly disappeared. Yuan Xiaoning, who was next to Jiang Xiaobai at this moment, glanced at this scene, and the corners of his mouth could not help but be slightly provoked.

When these few green steel tiger elites just appeared, Yuan Xiaoning discovered that the buttocks and legs of these few green steel tiger elites were stained with blood.

Obviously, these few green steel tiger elites are just a few of the group of green steel tiger elites trained by Jiang Xiaobai before.

After experiencing the previous things, now these few green steel tiger elites see Jiang Xiaobai just as they see the devil. They hope to never meet Jiang Xiaobai again for a lifetime. Say something and continue to do it.

However, Yuan Xiaoning is clear, does not mean that these awakened people are clear.

You know, for a few of them, these green steel tiger elites are completely… their hope of escape this time.

Now, hope has disappeared just as it appeared, and what remains in the hearts of a few people is naturally only despair.

Even with that, the expressions of several people gradually fell down! Seeing that these guys had no other means, Jiang Xiaobai directly kicked the nails of these people one by one, and took the limbs of these people. After the interruption, Jiang Xiaobai left with Yuan Xiaoning, who had recovered a bit of strength.

After returning Yuan Xiaoning from the dimension space to the trial field of Jiangnan University, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the staff in the trial field first.

After confirming that there was no change in the expressions of these staff members, they took Yuan Xiaoning to leave.

Noting Yuan Xiaoning’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said, “Senior sisters don’t have to worry so much. With me, there will be nothing wrong with these people..”

“By the way, senior sister, is there any way to make ordinary dimensional creatures become mutant dimensional creatures”

Today, when I saw those…Qinggang Tigers, Jiang Xiaobai…I felt that…Qinggang The tiger is…More obedient, and suddenly he intends to recruit another pet in his heart.

After all, cats and dogs are the winners in life.

Now that I have a dog, I am missing a cat.

It’s just that even those…Qingsteel Tiger elites are barely strong, and their bloodline limits their growth, Jiang Xiaobai naturally doesn’t look down on them.

Yuan Xiaoning thought for a while and said: “As far as I know, if ordinary dimensional creatures want to mutate, in addition to…the kind that…accidentally mutate, the other kind is… The power of the bloodline of the mutant dimensional creatures of the same level or higher than their own level is absorbed to achieve transformation.

It’s just that this process of absorption is for dimensional creatures, and the chance of failure is extremely high.”

Now that he knew there was a way, Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask: “Then these in our school………in the dimensional space, are there any…mutant dimensional creatures?”

Yuan Xiaoning shook her head and said: “Alternative-dimensional creatures are very rare.Almost ten years later, there may not be any dimensional space with mutant-dimensional creatures. ”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai was a little disappointed.

It seems that the idea of ​​both cats and dogs can only continue to wait.

However, in the next time, I can find a way to choose a meta space, and then let this stupid dog find a way to also advance.

The star beads in a mutant dimensional creature like Daha can only be said to be used as a ration, which can slowly temper the star power in the body.

But if you want to be promoted, you can only swallow some dimensional creatures with special cores and energy.

Such as the blood wolf king who had the heart of the wolf king before and the lava lord of the lava heart.

Therefore, if you want to increase Daha’s level, you need to continue to swallow these…Similar things can be used.

When Yuan Xiaoning was sent back to the hotel, when the former entered the bathroom to take a bath, Jiang Xiaobai turned to take out his phone and told Zhang Xunkun the previous thing.

“You just said that these people seem to have been hypnotized by someone using their talent skills”

After pondering for a while, Zhang Xunkun asked.

Jiang Xiaobai gently “hmm”

Then he asked: “Yes, does the principal have anything… suspected?”

Zhang Xunkun, who was on the other side of the phone, did not conceal and replied: “There is one, there is a guy in the Eastern Kingdom who has a talented skill just like the reaction you described earlier.”

“Dongying: Do you?”

Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that no matter…

Whether it was the previous life or this life, little devils are so annoying!”.

In other words, this time it’s Dongying: The ghost over there.”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

“It’s not necessarily. It’s just Dongying: If there is such a big movement, I am afraid that it is still united with people from other countries.”

After speaking, after a pause, Zhang Xunkun continued: “The next time, if possible, you’d better go to the dimensional space more, and see how many unlucky guys will take the initiative to provoke you.”

After talking for almost five minutes, the two people ended the call.

And two hours later, Jiang Xiaobai also received a message from Zhang Xunkun.

But it said that people who had problems in the school had been arrested.

Seeing this message, Jiang Xiaobai snorted, are you really a fool? They only entered the dimensional space with their front feet and back feet. It took only twenty minutes for someone to follow them on their back feet, saying that there were no enemies in the school. People, did Jiang Xiaobai say everything? It’s impossible to believe it.

After glancing at the information, Jiang Xiaobai had already focused on a combat skill information attached to Zhang Xunkun’s back.

In previous national competitions, Zhang Xunkun was… promised Jiang Xiaobai to redeem a combat skill in the school.

But now Jiang Xiaobai doesn’t need it for the time being, so it’s temporarily shelved.

It was only after seeing Yuan Xiaoning’s battle today that Jiang Xiaobai realized that Yuan Xiaoning remembered it.

The old rules, after directly learning this combat technique, Jiang Xiaobai walked directly in front of Yuan Xiaoning and handed this combat technique directly to Yuan Xiaoning.

In the next time, in Yuan Xiaoning’s situation, even if the level has been upgraded to the eighth level of the Stardust Realm or the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, in the same realm, the strength is definitely not the top level.

Naturally, anyway… it’s all training, Jiang Xiaobai naturally does a two-pronged approach.


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