Chapter 334 Do you think you are a young lady? (4/4)

“Well, it’s not right! Does our school have this school rule? Why haven’t I heard of it before”

“I know the school rules, but there are only a few simple ones that make people respect the teacher and don’t commit crimes or crimes. If there are more than 700 rules, it is difficult for us to ignore them before.”

“But didn’t Wang Junhao, who was a junior in last semester, picked a few people from the school? I haven’t heard of any punishment.”

…All the students around were faintly shocked when they watched Jiang Xiaobai recite this school rule without changing his face.

And Fang Hanfei personally looked at the students around him, gritted his teeth and said, “Fart, why haven’t I heard of this before… School rules, you made up your mind?”

Listening to Fang Hanfei’s words, Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, “Yeah! I made it up.”

Fang Hanfei: “…”

Students around: “……”

Originally, everyone saw Jiang Xiaobai vowed to recite such a school rule, and he looked so determined, maybe there are these things, but all of them didn’t pay attention before.

But where I can think of, this is basically made up by Jiang Xiaobai.

You guys made it up and said so rightly and arrogantly, if you are sick, for a while, all the students feel like a fool and Jiang Xiaobai will press their brains on the ground a few feet.

Glancing at Fang Hanfei, who was stunned in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said: “Don’t be so nervous, just kidding.”

“Brother Fang, this kid is playing with you.”

After regaining his senses, a student next to Fang Hanfei couldn’t help but said angrily.

“No need to remind you”

Fang Hanfei glared at the talking student next to him before turning his head and staring at Jiang Xiaobai ill-intentionally.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said: “Although, I don’t know who is making rumors indiscriminately saying that I am behind the scenes saying how you are sophomores, but the rumors stop at the wise.

If I were you, I would probably investigate it carefully so that some guys would not be used as guns.”

Fang Hanfei said coldly: “Huh, the surname Jiang, don’t care…

Was the previous incident a rumor, but you dared to play with me just now, and today’s matter cannot be so simple.”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Fang Hanfei weirdly, and after a few seconds he said quietly: “Hey! Hey! Hey! I warn you, you can eat rice, but you can’t talk nonsense. What is it that I played with you, you treat you as a young lady?”


When these words were spoken, some students around couldn’t help but laugh out loud.

Feeling the laughter around him, Fang Hanfei’s face sank completely.

He swept around with cold eyes, and when the laughter diminished, Fang Hanfei said coldly: “Okay, very good, kid, you are the first to dare to be so arrogant in front of me.

I want to see if you really have arrogant capital.”

When the voice fell, Fang Hanfei already shouted loudly and stepped on it.

After directly stepping on the smooth concrete floor with a footprint almost a few centimeters deep, Fang Hanfei’s body was already rushing towards Jiang Xiaobai.

Almost at the moment when the body just started, his fists were already raised quickly.

Feeling the speed at which Fang Hanfei burst out at this moment, the students around…

At the same time, some people couldn’t help but turn their eyes to Jiang Xiaobai, wanting to see how Jiang Xiaobai wanted to respond.

However, what is surprising is that in the face of Fang Hanfei’s movement, Jiang Xiaobai at this moment has absolutely no plans to deal with it.

Even two hands are still holding the blood-red little milk dog in his arms, and the other hand is gently rubbing the chin behind the little milk.

“Is this guy stupid?”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s reaction, everyone around him was shocked.

In the next moment, Fang Hanfei’s body had already crossed several meters, and he was already rushing to Jiang Xiaobai.When he saw that he would rush to Jiang Xiaobai in the next moment, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly came from behind.

Hearing the sound, Fang Hanfei quickly turned his head and found that it turned out to be a 1 football.

Seeing this, Fang Han’s flying steps stopped and he was ready to block the 1 football.

However, just as Fang Hanfei squatted down, an indescribable tingling sensation suddenly came from his legs.

…………Under this strong sense of soreness, the moment I just stopped, I just…kneeled straight down On the ground.

At the same time, the football that had originally flown from behind also slammed into the back of Fang Hanfei’s head accurately.


With a dull voice sounded.

The powerful force directly caused Fang Hanfei to snorted, and couldn’t help supporting his hands on the ground while leaning forward.

“Why, how could this be?”

Almost on the ground, Fang Hanfei, who could see clearly the fluff on an ant that had crawled above, realized that his posture at this moment, his whole person was already stupid.

Not only Fang Hanfei, but even the surrounding students looking at Fang Hanfei who was kneeling on the ground were dumbfounded.

They didn’t expect that just now, they were still aggressive, and a picture of Fang Hanfei, who wanted to press Jiang Xiaobai to the ground, suddenly knelt in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Looking at Fang Hanfei in front of him, after Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while, he slowly raised a hand and touched Fang Hanfei’s head.

“Love Qing flat body”

Fang Hanfei: “…Two 2”

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