Chapter 332 Marry your sister to be your brother-in-law, and have a son to be your nephew (2/4)

On the third day, Zhang Xunkun just… handed over the things he said before to Jiang Xiaobai.

After getting these things, Jiang Xiaobai did not directly distribute these…… Body quenching medicine and intermediate nutrient solution.

The more the awakened one goes to the back, the more difficult it is to ascend.

The effect of the potion will not be as important as it was during the astral mechanics apprenticeship.

Otherwise, it is so easy to upgrade the level, this world has already been full of awakened people in the Galaxy Realm and Star Sea Realm.

As the level of the awakened gets higher and higher, there will be a bottleneck between almost every small level.

Many people may be stuck on a small bottleneck for months or even years.

Just like Jiang Xiaoxin and several people, following the previous breakthrough and entering the fourth layer of the Stardust Realm, the progress of these people in the following time can be described as slow to the extreme.

After all, not everyone is like Jiang Xiaobai.

In any case, it can be done directly by relying on the system and achievement points.

The human body is like a water glass, and the star power points are like clear water.

The space that a water cup can bear and contain is limited.Once it exceeds, the body can’t bear it at all, and those…star powers will completely escape.

Up to now, no matter…

Whether it was Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, or even Yuan Yang, even if they used star beads to cultivate, they could barely increase their star power by one or two points in two or three days.

This is enough to show that the star power in the bodies of several people has completely reached the limit that several people can withstand now.

Therefore, in the next time, unless it is three people 3 who obtain the physical attributes, they can break through the previous limitations.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Trio 3 to make great progress, and can only hover at the current level.

The body tempering potion is a potion that assists the awakened to simply enhance the physical attributes.

Through the body tempering potion, coupled with sufficient training, the physical fitness of the awakened can be accelerated, and the purpose of expanding the container to accommodate more star power points.

It’s just different from the potion of the awakened, as long as it can sustain and absorb the energy in the potion, it will inevitably increase the cultivation of the awakened.

After taking the body tempering potion, the awakened must also need a lot of training and practice to absorb it.

Therefore, for: Jiang Xiaoxin’s daughters in the next time, the training items are temporarily set as combat skills and other physical training.

But…for now, there is no need to enter the dimensional space to fight those…dimensional creatures.

This series of training can be roughly handed over to Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaobai only needs to be responsible for taking time out every day to guide the combat skills between Jiang Xiaoxin’s three daughters.

And Jiang Xiaobai was also able to spare time to take charge of Yuan.

When the things that will be exchanged are handed in.

Looking at these… things worth almost 100,000 points, the corner of Xu Yan’s mouth is…

It hasn’t been until Jiang Xiaobai several people report, but these things in Jiang Xiaobai’s hands alone are enough for ordinary students to earn from four years of hard work in university.

The other freshmen have at most a dozen points, and they have more than 20,000 in their hands.

This was when Jiang Xiaobai opened a gambling game before, Xu Yan made money by the way.

And now, Jiang Xiaobai, a freshman, directly put out nearly 100,000 points of cultivation resources, and wanted to say, “You are so embarrassed, do your family know?”

Jiang Xiaoxin has been used to it a long time ago, so she doesn’t feel strange about the medicines and intermediate nutrient solutions that will be used on them next.

But Wang Ningxiang, who had just joined the team next to him, was completely shocked.

But don’t wait: Wang Ningxiang asked, Yuan Yang on one side looked at Jiang Xiaobai who handed all these things to Xu Yan, and couldn’t help but feel a little puzzled.

“By the way, Xiaobai, you give all this to Teacher Xu, what are you doing?”

Upon hearing this question, Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaoxin, and Zhou Jia all turned their eyes to Jiang Xiaobai, with doubts on their faces.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “I am going to marry your sister to be your brother-in-law, and have a son to be your nephew.”

Originally it was just an honest sentence, but when this sentence came out, it made Yuan Yang’s face black and couldn’t help but mutter.

“Don’t tell me, why do you take advantage of me again”

Seeing Yuan Yang’s reaction, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but spread his hands and did not continue to explain.

After giving a gesture to several people, Jiang Xiaobai already waved his hand and said that after a good training, he turned and floated away.


Teacher Xu, Jiang Xiaobai, don’t you train with us?”

After putting things into the space props, Xu Yan said quietly: “Xiaobai is different from you. His strength does not need training at all. Even if you stay here, you are trained by him.”

Speaking of this, Xu Yan couldn’t help cursing secretly, “Smelly boy, he turned out to be a shopkeeper and leave everything to me.”

“Ah! Great, I don’t have to face the bastard Jiang Xiaojian next!”

After Jiang Xiaobai left, Zhou Jia couldn’t help but cheer.

On one side, Yuan Yang nodded when he heard this, thinking of the experience with Jiang Xiaobai over the past month in his mind, which was simply horrible.

Now that they learned that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t plan to train them for the time being, but replaced them with Xu Yan, they naturally felt relieved that Li was so praised.

Not to mention Yuan Yang and Zhou Jia, even Jiang Xiaoxin’s eyebrows are slightly relaxed at this moment.

Seeing the reaction of the trio 3, Xu Yan was shocked.

However, thinking that in just over a month, the three of people 3 had all entered the fourth level of the current Stardust Realm from Astral Mechanic Apprentices, and such a large jump in growth also made Xu Yan interested.

Immediately asked: “Why did Jiang Xiaobai train you when you were so happy for more than a month?”

Later, after Yuan Yang pondered for a while, he recounted some of the things they had experienced in the past month.

In fact, at the beginning of the training, the training of Trio 3 was…Fortunately, it was just pure practice and fighting in the dimensional space.

But later, in order to better train the three-person 3’s on-the-spot reaction, Jiang Xiaobai was already frantic.

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