Chapter 326 Do you have any misunderstandings about staying a line? (1/5)

In the office, Zhang Xunkun looked at the Level Awakened Potion with joy.

Thinking of Wei Xuehai’s expression of wanting to kill people before, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t hide the smile at the corner of his mouth.

However, when looking at the Level Awakened Potion in his hand, Zhang Xukun suddenly felt that another line of sight was also placed on the Level Awakened Potion in his hand.

Looking up, when looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s potion in his hand.

Especially when he sensed the faint thoughtfulness and bad intentions in Jiang Xiaobai’s sight, Zhang Xukun’s hand just… couldn’t help but tremble.

“What the hell is this minibus bastard holding back?”

Thinking of Jiang Xiaobai’s endless routines, Zhang Xunkun was very wise to put the Awakener potion in his hand back into the space props.

Seeing Zhang Xunkun directly put the medicine back, and at the same time looking at himself with a guard, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but feel a pity secretly.

Noting Jiang Xiaobai’s obviously pityful eyes, Zhang Xun 12kun couldn’t help but pick on his eyelids, “Little bastard, you are enough! This level of awakened potion is useful for me, so don’t hit it and pay attention.”

Jiang Xiaobai rubbed his hands and smiled: “So what, look at the principal, this time I also helped you earn a potion for the Level Awakener, or you will be sharing a little benefit for me later.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Zhang Xunkun was speechless for a while.

I couldn’t help but faintly said: “You still have to not talk about the things you said before, just this time you gamble how much you will earn… Some students are afraid that you won’t be able to earn this time in four years of university. More, what do you want”

After that, Zhang Xukun still didn’t have a good temper: “By the way, can’t you change your personal pit? You always stare at me alone”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “Look at what you said, the principal, where did I cheat you? Just like this time, I made a bet. Didn’t you also buy 50,000 points?”


When Jiang Xiaobai told the matter directly in front of him, Zhang Xunkun’s old face was also slightly red.

After all, I am a principal anyway, but I bought 50,000 points before.

This is all…Relying on knowing the inside information and co-authoring Jiang Xiaobai to pit the students.

Decisively did not continue to entangle Jiang Xiaobai on this topic, Zhang Xunkun asked: “In other words, how did you think of playing Infernal Affairs in the dimension space before?”

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Xunkun’s room and replied: “Oh that…ah! After all, they are all in the magic city. I can see you when I look up and lower my head. I may meet in the dimension space one day, so I think about doing things and leaving a thread in the future. Good to see each other.”

Zhang Xunkun: “…”

“Why do I feel that when these words come out of you, the taste has changed”

Zhang Xunkun asked not in a good mood.

Just the ones before…the ones who were brought out by Jiang Xiaobai…the students of the Demon Capital Army, almost every one of them vomited “internal traitors” after waking up.

Two words.

Just looking at the way the students gritted their teeth is enough to know that these students absolutely hate Jiang Xiaobai.

Not to mention making it clear that Jiang Xiaobai also killed a number of them in the previous session.

Just like this, it’s also called keeping things on the line.

You are afraid that there is a misunderstanding about staying on the front line. After that, Jiang Xiaobai still took out his mobile phone and showed Zhang Xunkun the corpses of the three students that he had photographed before. ”

Zhang Xunkun was white. Jiang Xiaobai gave the phone back to Jiang Xiaobai.

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai is still unclear about Zhang Xunkun’s plan, obviously he intends to let his rewards from the Magic City Academy.

After all, as for the number of participants from Jiangnan University this time, the Magic Capital Military District Academy is also not clear.

Therefore, if Zhang Xunkun reported a few dozen more and a hundred less, the other party would not know at all.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes, Zhang Xunkun knew that Jiang Xiaobai had guessed his plan.

While feeling a little embarrassed in his heart, Zhang Xunkun also had brain pain.

Stayed at Jiangnan University: It’s not that Zhang Xunkun has never seen troublesome students for so long, but this is the first time I have seen a student like Jiang Xiaobai who can toss.

But it doesn’t matter if you like it, but Jiang Xiaobai can get stuck every time.

It’s not to make you scold, nor is it to praise, it’s simply uncomfortable.

Then Zhang Xunkun asked, “In addition, about that…the one called Zhu Huanchun, you should solve it as soon as possible.”


Jiang Xiaobai asked puzzledly.

It’s not surprising that Zhang Xunkun knew about Zhu Huanchun’s side.

Zhang Xunkun said in a huff: “Why did the three students before that… Zhu Huanchun revealed it to the Magic Capital Military Region Academy, otherwise how did you know it as they did?”

“The ghost of Zhu Huanchun is a bit interesting.”

Jiang Xiaobai touched his chin with interest.

Zhang Xunkun said, “Anyway…you get rid of this kind of people as soon as possible.”

After finishing speaking, Zhang Xunkun waved his hand and said, “Okay, the reward will be returned to you in two days. Now that the assessment is over, you can directly find the research girl for the next 850 things.

In the rest of the time, think of ways to improve your strength and prepare for the global competition in two months. There is no important thing in weekdays to toss on my side. I am old, my heart is not good, and I can’t stand the toss.”

Other people are like Jiang Xiaobai’s age, and they are still just like white paper.

But when he switched to Jiang Xiaobai, he was shrewd like an old fox, and he was completely overwhelmed by things.

Even Zhang Xunkun was caught by Jiang Xiaobai several times.

This time, fortunately, the Demon Capital Military Region Academy was taken advantage of, otherwise he would have to be severely slaughtered by Jiang Xiaobai.

School has just started, and that’s it for Jiang Xiaobai.

Judging from Jiang Xiaobai’s actions at these times, Zhang Xukun estimated that Jiang Xiaobai would still have to slaughter himself a few more times on the grounds of national competitions.

If this continues, Zhang Xunkun is really worried that he will not have a semester.

At that time, if you are your own age, you may have to make the next yuan space to work hard to make money.

Thinking of that picture, Zhang Xunkun can feel a pain.

Therefore, Zhang Xunkun felt that to be on the safe side, he still rarely saw the safety of this little bastard.

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