Chapter 324 Principal, I want to go home (4/5)

Under Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, the closer the student approached the hand of the watch. Under the complex emotions of tension, rejoicing, and worry in his heart, his heartbeat inevitably rushed.

A bloody hand was already placed on the watch and activated the device on the watch, the student’s heart was finally completely relaxed.

Some people forget the pain once the scar is healed.

That is not only because of intellectual problems, but also because of the indignation in the heart.

Just like at this moment, thinking that he and others have been distracted by students from the same school, this student is…can’t help being angry.

After confirming that he exerts a little force now and can leave in almost half a second, when the student looked at Jiang Xiaobai, all the worries and fears in his eyes had disappeared.

Immediately, raising his head and looking at Jiang Xiaobai, the student said solemnly: “Boy, I remember your voice and body shape. Sooner or later, my Fan Jian will definitely return this hatred.”

After speaking, Fan Jian already gave Jiang Xiaobai a fierce look, and was about to run away after he finished playing.

However, just when Fan Jian was about to activate the device on the watch, a cold light suddenly flashed in the air in his sight.

Glancing at this cold light, Fan Jian couldn’t help but pause: His eyes moved slowly in the air.

The next moment, when Fan Jian reacted, he was already kneeling in front of Jiang Xiaobai on one knee, his palms pressed together to catch a flying knife.

Fan Jian: “”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai close at hand and the flying knife in his palm, Fan Jian was completely stunned.

“Fan Jian, it seems that your name is really correct.”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai was already thinking about it.

Suddenly, Fan Jian felt a blood burst out of his part once again.

The intense pain made Fan Jian couldn’t help crying out.

But unlike before, even if it is partially exploded, it is just a simple tingling.

This time, Fan Jian could clearly feel that as his part exploded again, a refreshing feeling suddenly appeared.

But after a while, an inexplicable spicy pain was already covering the entire part.

At the same time, an indescribable stimulus quickly poured into the top of his head along the local area, making Fan Jian’s entire scalp numb.

Partially, it’s as if cooling oil and chili have been wiped out.

That kind of…like freezing, like roasting, more like tens of thousands of needles, directly overwhelmed Fan Jian’s whole person.

The body fell to the ground suddenly, and I couldn’t help it, and I couldn’t stop screaming.

In that way, it seemed to show polio I…Ten minutes later, as a spatial crack in the dimensional space filled, a figure had fallen out of it.

However, unlike the previous ones…the students who came out of the room.

At this moment, the student was wounded all over his body, his head and face were jet black, as if he had just been hit by an explosion in his neck, and his appearance looked particularly miserable.

Looking around, when looking at Wei Xuehai a few meters away and the students of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy, he looked at the iron piece inlaid on the button on his watch.

Fan Jian couldn’t help but murmured.

“I’m back, I’m really back…”

He kept repeating this sentence, not knowing whether it was because of the scenes he had experienced before, or because of the joy in his heart.When Fan Jian slowly squatted on the ground, he couldn’t help crying.

It was because Fan Jian was uneasy when he was about to leave before, and then he made a comparison to Jiang Xiaobai.

But then, Fan Jian understood what life is better than death.

During the ten minutes that followed, his part inexplicably continued to explode, after a few minutes of continuous devastation that life is not as good as death.

That… the guy who covered his face and dressed in the uniform of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy said “change a trick”

After that, a handful of flying knives came out, making himself like a puppet, constantly controlled by Jiang Xiaobai and knelt forward.

Even when a dimensional creature attacked in the middle, Jiang Xiaobai actively controlled him to send it to that dimensional creature.

Thinking of the scene where the blood bowl and big mouth appeared in front of him many times during the process, Fan Jian’s body was…can’t help being afraid for a while.

Facing these situations, Fan Jian himself, except…

Even several times, his hands were already placed on the watch, and they were all alively interrupted.

Seeing Fan Jian’s situation here, Wei Xuehai took a few steps.

When looking at Wei Xuehai who walked in front of him, Fan Jian couldn’t help but lift his face, crying like a cat, and sobbed: “Principal, I want to go home.”

Seeing Fan Jian who was crying in front of him, who looked like a second fool, Wei Xuehai frowned and asked, “What the hell is going on, why are you like this?”

…But at this moment, Fan Jian was obviously mentally stimulated.

Therefore, no matter…

In the face of Wei Xuehai’s inquiry, the final response was Fan Jianna’s faint “undercover, madman, devil, etc… words.”

Wei Xuehai couldn’t help but frown, and in the end he could only send someone to send Fan Jian to the hospital for treatment temporarily.

However, from Fan Jian’s unconscious remarks before, what Wei Xuehai can be sure of is that Fan Jian’s problem is definitely because of that… the so-called undercover.

Thinking of this, Wei Xuehai couldn’t help but once again gave Zhang Xukun a fierce glance.

In response to Wei Xuehai, Zhang Xukun smiled confidently at this time.

This made Wei Xuehai’s sullenness even stronger.

But by now, most of the students in almost two schools have already come out.

Compared with Jiangnan University, there are dozens of fewer people at the Magic Capital Military District Academy.

In other words, there are dozens of people who are still in the dimensional space.

It stands to reason that from this situation, it is obvious that their Magic Capital Military District Academy has a greater advantage.

But Wei Xuehai didn’t have any confidence at this moment.

If it is said that the freshmen of the Magic Capital Military District Academy are still: the dimensional space is okay, I am afraid that those… those who have not come out have already encountered accidents.

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