Chapter 319 After all, who is the undercover agent? (4/5)

Here, after hearing what the freshmen of his school said and faintly feeling some of the problems, Wei Xuehai stood up and looked at Zhang Xunkun coldly: “Heh, President Zhang is… ……A good method, it turned out to be: I have placed people from your school in the Academy of the Magic Capital Military Region.”

Now that I heard what Wei Xuehai said, Zhang Xunkun still didn’t know where he was.Wei Xuehai obviously thought that he had prepared in advance for this assessment and had inserted his own people in the freshmen of the Magic City Academy.

That’s why at this moment, the students of the Magic City Military District Academy are completely unprepared to be attacked by people from their school and then kicked out.

After pondering for a while, his expression was calm and slow and said: “You have Zhang Liangji, and I have a wall ladder. Is it possible that only people from your school are allowed to rob our school, and can’t our school be allowed to do other things?”

If Jiang Xiaobai heard Zhang Xunkun’s answer here, I’m afraid he would directly curse the old fox.

Obviously Zhang Xunkun did nothing by himself, everything is Wei Xuehai’s guess.

But now that Zhang Xunkun said this, instead, he told Wei Xuehai in the brief that he did the trick. The people in your school are… with my spies, how can you drop such things? After this assessment is over, I’m afraid this time. Those freshmen with strong talents and strengths in the Magic City Military Region Academy are bound to face Wei Xuehai’s constant suspicions after returning to the Magic City Military Region Academy.

At that time, there may be unlucky inexplicable lying guns.

This trick is simply not too cruel.

In the following time, the level and strength of the dimensional creatures invested in the dimensional space became stronger and stronger, and more and more new students continued to activate the teleportation function on the watch to end the assessment early.

However, the situation at the Magic Capital Military Region Academy not only did not relieve at all, but on the contrary, it became more and more serious.

In just one hour later, there were already nearly six hundred new students who had already returned to the outside trial field.

Compared with Jiangnan University, there are still more than a hundred more people.

The situation in this scene made the complacency on Wei Xuehai’s face disappeared long ago, but he was gloomy to the extreme.

Whenever I look at Zhang Xunkun, in addition to…

“After all, who is the undercover”

…At this moment in the dimensional space, Xu Miaomiao stared at the surrounding students of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy who surrounded him, and his expression was full of sullen anger.

“Enough, don’t deceive people too much.”

“Heh, why we kindly didn’t let you linger in this assessment. You are not grateful, but you are still cold-eyed. Could it be that Jiangnan University is as ignorant of good and bad as you are?”

Just ten minutes ago, the students from the Magic Capital Military Region opposite Xu Miaomiao met together.

At the beginning, Xu Miaomiao didn’t care much: he cared, but as the two sides played against each other, Xu Miaomiao discovered that the strength of the other party was far superior to him.

Especially the boy in the middle… with the long sword, although he didn’t take the initiative to deal with him at the end, but when he faced a dimensional creature of the fifth level of the Stardust Realm, he killed three things one after another after discovering something was wrong. , Xu Miaomiao even wanted to directly activate the functions on the watch to leave this dimensional space.

But in the end, he was stopped directly by the man with the long sword. He couldn’t do it at all.

In the next time, the other party chased him for ten minutes. In the process, he was completely injured and not killed, and he was completely teasing and taunting like a cat and a mouse.

Therefore, being overtaken by these people again, Xu Miaomiao wanted to fight the opponent, but he didn’t have the courage.

After gritting her teeth, Xu Miaomiao said solemnly: “What do you want to do?”

The man with the long sword chuckled: “It doesn’t matter what your level is. If you want to come to Jiangnan University, it will be considered top-notch. In this way, as long as you are willing to go under our crotch, we will let you go, how about?”

Hearing this, Xu Miaomiao grinned, her hand holding the weapon tightened.

A few seconds later, Xu Miaomiao said slowly: “In this way, I still remember the location of some Jiangnan University students. I will tell you the location of these students. How about you let me go?”

Hearing what Xu Miaomiao said, the students of the Magic Capital Military Region Academy were a little surprised.

Obviously, he didn’t expect Xu Miaomiao to be so shameless, for his own sake, he was willing to take the initiative to disclose the news of his school students.

Immediately, the boy with the long sword couldn’t help but mockingly said: “Hey, I didn’t expect Jiangnan University to have someone like you. No wonder the school has been disdainful of you. Jiangnan University is not unreasonable.”

“Well someone is approaching.”

Suddenly, a student from the Magic Capital Military District Academy suddenly looked to the side.

Hearing that, the eyes of several people are all looking in the direction indicated by the student.

In the line of sight, hundreds of meters away, there was a figure that quickly approached from far to near, and while moving along the way, the nearby dimensional creatures all fell quickly.

…After waiting until the distance between the two sides was only about 100 meters, looking at the school uniform that the man was wearing in the dusty room, the students of the Magic City Military District Academy felt relieved.

And Xu Miaomiao suddenly felt a sudden in his heart.

But in the next second, as the opponent approached and looked at the appearance of the man in the costume of the Demon Capital Military Region Academy, Xu Miaomiao’s eyes condensed. After searching for a long time, Jiang Xiaobai was not found.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Xu Miaomiao felt happy.

After that, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai over there, and then at the students from the Magic Capital Military Region Academy nearby.Xu Miaomiao flashed in his mind and thought of a way to cause trouble.

Immediately, Xu Miaomiao quickly raised his finger to Jiang Xiaobai who was approaching over there, his mouth was already open.

However, just as Xu Miaomiao’s words were brewing, she was ready to export: When she saw a flash of light flashing in the air.

In the next instant, Xu Miaomiao just… felt a sudden cold in his throat.

At the same time, an arrow condensed by star power had already passed through Xu Miaomiao’s throat.

Feeling the strangeness in the throat and the rapid loss of vitality in the body, Xu Miaomiao pointed to Jiang Xiaobai who was approaching quickly, her lips moved lightly, but it was difficult to say a word until she fell to the ground: Seven.


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