Chapter 291 How do you wear Pinru clothes? (5/5)

In the afternoon, after Jiang Xiaobai returned home from the outside with buying vegetables, it was not long before the door was… a faint sound rang out.

Through the voice, Jiang Xiaobai could vaguely distinguish that the voice was like that of Kong Haixiang, who had just moved upstairs before.

After a while, in the room…the sound of the doorbell rang.

After walking to the door in doubt and opening the door, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but stunned when he looked at Kong Haixiang in front of him.

Nothing else, just because at this moment Kong Haixiang is holding a bag of takeaway in one hand and a phone in the other.

And what Kong Haixiang is wearing at this moment is not the one before, but a bathrobe.

Even the two slender legs are exposed outside the bathrobe, obviously, even if they are worn inside, they are only underwear.

After a while, Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his gaze and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai, Kong Haixiang’s face was a bit embarrassing and embarrassing.

After hesitating for a while, Kong Haixiang hesitated, “Um…, can you let me stay at your house for a while?”

“Well, stay at my house for a while”

Jiang Xiaobai glanced up and down at Kong Haixiang’s dressing up at the moment, and his expression was a bit stunned.

Seeing this, Kong Haixiang hurriedly said: “I happened to have the takeaway when I was just preparing to take a bath, but when I went out, the bathrobe hooked the doorknob, so I closed the door with him.”

Listening to Kong Haixiang’s answer, Jiang Xiaobai was speechless.

Then he asked: “Whether you contacted the unlocker?”

Kong Haixiang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice and said: “We have already contacted, but he said it will take more than half an hour to come.

But it’s not appropriate for me to stand outside now, so I wonder if I can stay in your house until the workers who unlock the lock come.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Kong Haixiang, and after thinking about it, he let himself go “Come in!”

Kong Haixiang hurriedly said with joy on her face: “Thank you”

After Kong Haixiang entered the room, she looked at the slippers placed at the door…

Jiang Xiaobai closed the door and said: “Oh, that’s my sister and a friend.”

Kong Haixiang nodded, and then continued to walk into the room.


However, I don’t know if he didn’t pay attention.Kong Haixiang didn’t notice his feet while walking.

At the same time, the takeaway box in Kong Haixiang’s hand was also crushed by Kong Haixiang’s fall.

Those in it…the soup splashed in all directions, directly permeating the bathrobe on Kong Haixiang’s body.

In an instant, the place of the drenched bathrobe was already on Kong Haixiang’s waist.

Reflecting on the slender waist, “I’m sorry.., I’m sorry.., I will immediately clean up these…………”

After getting up, Kong Haixiang took care of the oil stains on his body, but hurriedly apologized to Jiang Xiaobai.

His eyes quickly glanced in the back room, and he took the paper box over to deal with the food on the floor that had just been knocked over.

During the movement, Kong Haixiang was also half sitting on the ground.

Condescendingly, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly see Kong Haixiang’s white flowers bound by underwear.

Then with a light cough, Jiang Xiaobai had already spoken: “Forget it, you go and wash it first! I’ll take care of these things.”

“I’m sorry…, it really troubles you too much.”

Hearing this, Kong Haixiang raised her head and her face was full of apologetics.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand.

After giving Kong Haixiang a pointer to the direction of the bathroom, Kong Haixiang entered the bathroom in embarrassment.

I don’t know if it was too flustered before or for what reason.After entering the bathroom, Kong Haixiang did not close the bathroom door.

Therefore, the sound of the faucet sprinkling in the bathroom is already clearly heard from inside.

If you change to an ordinary high school student, even if you are a college student, I am afraid that now that there is such a graceful neighbor in the bathroom of my home, I will already be excited and excited.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai was a man.After crossing, he lived under the same roof with Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia every day.In addition, when he was still in the magic capital before, Jiang Xiaobai was no longer a boy.

In this regard, the psychology and endurance are naturally much stronger.

So it feels…Fortunately, there is no such kind of…the panic and thoughts in the heart of a young man.

After the things on the floor were processed and thrown into the trash can, Jiang Xiaobai washed his hands before sitting on the sofa.

Gradually, the scent of shower gel and shampoo in the bathroom gradually came out of the bathroom.

When he walked out of the room with his own set of sportswear, Jiang Xiaobai had already seen Kong Haixiang walking out of the bathroom at this moment.

At this moment, Kong Haixiang is already wearing a pink nightdress, because of the previous bath, there are still a few drops of water on his body that still stay on Kong Haixiang’s skin.

Coupled with the previous bath, Kong Haixiang’s face is slightly red at this moment.

In addition to those…the black and soft hair that rests on her body and is supported under the snow-white skin, making Kong Haixiang at this moment exudes a strong sense of maturity and charming.

Even Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but take another look.

However, when Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze shifted to the clothes on the other party’s body, he couldn’t help but be stunned.

After that, almost 493 blurted out and made his debut: “How do you wear Pinru clothes”

“Pin Ru”

Hearing the name mentioned in Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Kong Haixiang was obviously silly.

After reacting, Jiang Xiaobai knew that he had accidentally said something wrong, and then coughed lightly: “No, I mean where did you find this set of clothes?”

Kong Haixiang was a little shy and said, “My clothes are completely dirty. I just saw a folded pajamas in the bathroom, so I changed them. Don’t worry, I will go to the mall and buy a set of exactly the same pajamas. compensate.”

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said, “Forget it, it’s just a pajama, anyway… it’s nothing compared to it.”

“Compared to what”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Kong Haixiang showed some doubts on his face and couldn’t help asking.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and did not answer.

However, as Jiang Xiaobai had just entered the room, a strange fragrance had quietly penetrated into Jiang Xiaobai’s nose.

At the same time, a figure slowly walked into the room where Jiang Xiaobai was from the outside.

: How do you wear Pinru’s clothes? This is the stalk of the previous TV series. Friends who are not sure can search for it on Baidu!

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