Chapter 288 Your wife will be raised by me, so don’t worry about it (2/5)

As this prompt sound emerged, Jiang Xiaobai quickly focused his attention on the skill tree in his mind.

At the bottom of the skill tree at this moment, unlike the past, there is already an extra talent skill.

After concentrating and feeling, the information about this fourth unlocked skill has already surfaced in Jiang Xiaobai’s mind.

“Your wife will be raised by me, so don’t worry, it is also level 1. It takes 100 achievement points to upgrade.

: After using the skill, the target task will randomly increase a certain basic attribute that is increased by 10%% under the excitement, and at the same time, it will generate great trust in the host for a period of time.Note: The effect of this skill is affected by the strength of the target object and Need to be shouted out as a skill activation.



Looking at the introduction and effect of this newly unlocked skill, Jiang Xiaobai was directly choked.

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes widened while he was coughing, and he couldn’t help but say “” in his heart.


“What the hell is this?”

Of course, it is not that there is any dissatisfaction with the effect of this skill.

After all, after using the skill, it can randomly increase the basic attributes of 10%%, which has proved that the value of this skill is definitely the top level among the auxiliary skills.

And according to Jiang Xiaobai’s understanding of systemic urine, I am afraid that as Jiang Xiaobai’s skill level increases, I am afraid that his power will also increase accordingly.

At that time, it is very possible to directly increase the basic attributes by 50%%.

Don’t say it is 50%%.When you reach the Galaxy Realm or even the Star Sea Realm, then only 10%% of the attribute points are ten points or even dozens of points.

The impact of this on the strength of an awakened person can be imagined, and it is definitely not as simple as a little bit.

The key is that this skill is not the same as the previous skills that can be used directly when the mind is moved, but it can be activated only by shouting before using it.

Imagine that when facing a strong enemy in the future, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly shouted to his teammates, “Don’t worry! Your wife, I raise it.”


Jiang Xiaobai felt that he might be beaten to death by his teammates collectively! Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but twitch.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes with a strange and shocked expression, driven by curiosity, the three of Jiang Xiaoxin were surrounded at this moment.

After approaching, Yuan Yang couldn’t help asking: “How about your new talent skills?”

Hearing that, after Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a while, he said vaguely: “It’s still an auxiliary skill.”

“Specifically talk about the effect!”

Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, Yuan Yang immediately followed up and asked.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai can only add one sentence: “After using it, you can randomly increase the effect of a target attribute by 10%% in a short period of time.”

“Well, Yuan Yang, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, who can directly improve their attributes, are all eye-catching.

Yuan Yang was even more looking forward to Jiang Xiaobai: “Come on, let me feel how effective your new talent skill is.”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows lightly.

For this new skill, Jiang Xiaobai explained it earlier, but the latter sentence “produces great trust”

But it is still a little unclear.

For example, this trust is “extremely large”

Once, to what extent can it be reached, Yuan Yang’s self-recommendation just allows Jiang Xiaobai to give it a try.

It seems to be thinking of the last time he was called Jiang Xiaobai “Dad” under the control of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills.

Yuan Yang suddenly stepped back and raised his hand to stop Jiang Xiaobai, “Wait a minute.”

Jiang Xiaobai asked: “What’s wrong?”

Yuan Yang glanced at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously and couldn’t help asking: “I said, your talent skills this time will not have any weird effects!”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t hide it, and directly said the effect of the skill.

After hearing that Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills were only promoted in a short period of time, Yuan Yang’s heart was relieved.

Immediately nodded and said: That’s okay, okay, come on!”

However, even though Yuan Yang had already gained some precautions before, Yuan Yang only asked about the effect of Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skill, but did not ask Jiang Xiaobai’s new talent skill name.

Otherwise, I’m afraid it won’t be so easy to let go of the vigilance in my heart.

Immediately afterwards, in Yuan Yang’s expectation, Jiang Xiaobai slowly said: “You can raise your wife, so don’t worry about it.”

Jiang Xiaoxin: “”

Zhou Jia: “”

Suddenly Jiang Xiaobai spoke…The two women were shocked and couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a dazed expression.

“I don’t have a wife yet!”

As the person involved, Yuan Yang was also dumbfounded, and didn’t understand what Jiang Xiaobai meant by saying such a sentence directly.

But the next moment, I don’t know why, Yuan Yang suddenly had a very bad premonition in his heart.

Afterwards, they did not wait: Yuan Yang, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia asked what Jiang Xiaobai’s words meant.

Under this stream of light, Yuan Yang’s body trembled, and the doubts in his eyes had disappeared without a trace.When he turned to Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes were already covered by trust and sincerity.

There was almost no hesitation, and he nodded and said, “Please.”

Jiang Xiaoxin: “……”

Zhou Jia: “……..”

Jiang Xiaobai: “…”

Jiang Xiaobai obviously did not expect that after he used this skill, Yuan Yang would actually reply to himself and this sentence seemed to be instinctively said by Yuan Yang.Yuan Yang himself did not feel any problems at all.

This feels a bit metaphysical! After answering Jiang Xiaobai’s sentence, Yuan Yang jumped on the spot a few times, and a surprise appeared on his face: “Hey, really, I feel that my agility has increased a lot, Xiaobai Bai, your new talent skill is very strong!”

Looking at Yuan Yang, who didn’t care about what was wrong with Jiang Xiaobai’s conversation with himself, Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head and thought about it. After pondering for a while, he tentatively said: “Brother, you still remember that you owed me something. Thousand dollars?

Hearing that, Yuan Yang frowned and said: “When will I owe you money? Since you said it, it should be true. Maybe I forgot, and I will pay you back.”

“Eh, it’s interesting!”

Seeing Yuan Yang’s reaction now, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but feel a little excited, as if he had discovered some new continent, and continued to experiment.

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