Chapter 286 Be strong and not cry (5/5)

Two hours later, as Jiang Xiaoxin’s three people solved the dark demon elves around him, Jiang Xiaobai did not let Daha continue to bring new dark demon elves.

Raising his left hand gently, raising his hand gently, the longbow appeared in his hand, and when the bowstring fluctuated, the streamer swiftly swept through the air and killed the remaining twenty-odd half-dead dark demon elves.

Seeing those in the…big circle next to…the same kind that was shot by one only, and the other small one: in the circle, the remaining ones…dark The demon elves are silent.

Even the leader of the Dark Demon Elf is the same.

Ants are still greedy, let alone them… they are already conscious silver-level dimensional creatures.

If it is said that when facing the painful torture before, even the leader of the dark demon elves has the first thought of suicide.

But when he saw the same kind of death by Jiang Xiaobai, the tragic death, the leader of the dark demon and the surrounding…the dark demon elf felt that it was better to die than to live.

Afterwards, after waiting for the star orb from the body of a dark demon elven nearby, Jiang Xiaobai pointed to the star orb in his hand to the… Then 07 pointed to the corpses of the dark demon elves piled up on one side.

In an instant, the Dark Demon Elf leader here and other dimensional creatures all understood what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

Let them collect star beads.

But what can these dark demon elves do? They are also very desperate! After changing to other awakened ones, let alone being so arrogant, even if they show their faces, these… Can let those…the awakened know what fierceness is.

But in the face of Jiang Xiaobai, under this absolute power gap, it is impossible to take the lead to resist. Therefore, even if he is in all kinds of humiliation and unwillingness in his heart, he has to smash his teeth and mix with grief, and then walk to those of the same kind. Follow Jiang Xiaobai’s side to do it.

Seeing these dozens of dimensional creatures that are weak and incompetent at a glance, they walked to those with an inexplicable expression of grief….The corpse of the dimensional creatures collected star beads one by one according to Jiang Xiaobai’s instructions. Then put it in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

The three of Jiang Xiaoxin on one side twitched at the corners of their mouths.

Killed a batch, injured them, and now I have to let them help.

Jiang Xiaobai’s actions at this moment are more than ten times worse than murder.

Looking at the situation here, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but say: “By the way, how do I feel that Xiaobai’s current behavior is becoming more and more frenzied! Why did the good dimensional creatures get to Xiaobai’s place? , The painting style is so severely distorted, do these guys still have a little bit of morality and dignity as a dimensional creature”

Zhou Jia next to him now glanced at the dark demon elves who limped and walked in front of the corpses and Jiang Xiaobai because of a local injury.

After hearing Yuan Yang’s words next to him, Zhou Jia wanted to respond first, but couldn’t find any adjectives to describe these pictures at the moment.

In the end, I could only nodded, and looked at those…dark demon elves with a nonchalant line of sight.

Everyone was gathering firewood and the flames were high. With the help of these dozens of dark demon elves, it took less than five minutes to collect the hundreds of dark demon elves that were just killed… all were placed in Jiang. In front of Xiaobai.

With such efficiency, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but think about whether to find these guys first, specifically as a later stage of cleaning the battlefield, every time in the dimensional space.

But glancing at those…Dark demon elves who were a little unsteady on both legs because of bleeding, Jiang Xiaobai shook his head.

You can’t be too much of a human being, you have to give these no matter what…The dark demon elves can take some rest time to recover.

In front of the water general…After the star bead was cleaned once, Jiang Xiaobai installed these……the star bead in the space ring in.

After that, he stood up and packed his things. After Jiang Xiaoxin and others came to him, Jiang Xiaobai patted the leader of the dark demon in front of him, then turned and left slowly.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai and others gradually disappeared from sight as they walked slowly.

The leader of this dark demon elves sat directly on the ground with a thump.

But just sat down:, the pain in the heart is that… the dark demon elf commander’s body suddenly stiffened, and he couldn’t help but exhale in pain.

Not only was this dark demon elves commanded, but other dark demon elves looked at that…after the devil-like humans left, they all felt a sense of relief.

Then, I looked at the corpses of the same kind around me, and then at the companions of the survivors around me at the moment.

After groaning for a few minutes, a faint sob sounded slowly.

Then, the sobbing sound became louder and clearer.

Those who could barely hold back the grief in my heart…The dark demon elves couldn’t help shed tears under the infection of these weeping sounds.

As these…The Dark Demon Elf leader who is the leader of the Dark Demon Elf listens to those… The fog is pervasive.

Perhaps it is because this dark demon elf has a higher level of command.

Therefore, when using talent skills on them before, this dark magic elf leader was the one who was taken care of the most.

It’s just that because of Jiang Xiaobai’s care, he also used a lot of healing talent skills for 493, and now it seems to be the same as other dark demon elves.

I feel that the water mist in my eyes has a tendency to become more… overflowing.

The leader of this dark demon elf slowly raised his head and told himself that he was a leader-level dimensional creature, and he had to be strong and not cry.

I don’t want to be okay, the more I warned myself like this in my heart, the feeling of… grievance and wanting to cry in the heart of this dark demon elf commanded more and more intense.

At the back, two lines of clear tears were already sliding down the corner of the eye of the dark demon elf leader.

And Jiang Xiaobai himself has an unstoppable smile on his face.

After several hours in a row, Jiang Xiaobai’s achievement points were as high as 170,000.

Although it is not as good as the time when the profit was the highest when tossing in the dimensional space.

But the key is that during the whole process, I hardly need to toss, I just need to draw a circle and wait quietly for the wool.

Simply comfortable and convenient.

No wonder everyone says that they like smart people, not just human beings.

It is not in vain that Jiang Xiaobai decided the final training place to this dimensional space after comparing it.

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