Chapter 284 Coming brother! (3/5)

As this elite dark demon elf rushed into the cave, quickly kneeled in front of the leader of the dark demon elf and used “嘤嘤嘤”

Verbal exchange: “Commander, I have discovered human beings.”

“Where is it?”

Hearing the words of his subordinates, the dark demon elf commander’s eyes lit up and quickly asked.

Even if the past is like smoke, it has been several days.

But until now, every time he saw that person and a wolf in his dream, the leader of the dark demon elf would be directly awakened from his sleep.

Therefore, in the past few days, the leader of the Dark Demon Elf thought of a way of revenge.

Of course, this retaliation is not against Jiang Xiaobai.

For the leader of this dark demon elf, the human figure can’t help but demonize in his mind.

The leader of the Dark Demon Elf said that he didn’t want to see that human again.

And the method of revenge that the leader of the dark demon elves came up with was to capture the human race and let them suffer the pain they had experienced.

In the past few days, more than a dozen people have been under the leadership of the dark demon elves.

Now that he heard what his subordinates said, the leader of this dark demon elven naturally brightened his eyes.

Immediately, after inquiring, the leader of the Dark Demon Elf stood up from the wooden chair and walked out of the cave.

With a low roar, the dark demons around the cave were gathered.

In this way, with a sense of enthusiasm, under the leadership of this dark demon elf, he was already walking through this dark secret order.

……..On the other side, after Jiang Xiaobai’s guidance on several people and the guidance on combat skills, holding that actual combat is the best criterion for testing theory, Jiang Xiaobai has been re-elected A few dark demon elves that are eagerly yearning for Jiang Xiaoxin’s side.

He even gave a gift of a Dark Demon Elf who bleeds too much and fell into weakness.

Jiang Xiaobai continued to brush his achievement points leisurely.

But when Daha once again brought 30 new friends to Jiang Xiaobai’s side, a roar suddenly appeared in the distance.

Hearing this roar, those who were standing in the circle shivering…the dark demon elves were all humanized with a bit of joy.

After that, they shouted in low voices.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai tilted his head and looked at those…Dark demon elves with excitement and joy on their faces, raised their brows, and after a series of skills, they immediately calmed the surrounding area.

At the same time, in this dense forest where you can’t see your five fingers, shadows are constantly flashing on the branches.

Through the response from the dark demon elves just now, the leader of the dark demon elves has already determined that there are indeed several humans over there.

Thinking of this, the eyes of the leader of the dark demon elves were already full of excitement.

Until three minutes later, the few dark demon elves who were fighting fiercely with Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin and Yuan Yang seemed to feel something strange, and their eyes turned to look in a certain direction.

Looking at the reactions of the dark demon elves in front of them, Xin and Zhou Jia also seemed to have noticed something and turned to the side.

Before Yuan Yang could react, he suddenly felt a few strange noises.

In a blink of an eye, it was discovered that there were already several dark demon elves leaping from one side of the tree, occupying several positions.

Not only that, in the next few seconds, more and more dark demon elves are also rushing to control.

Dozens of dark demon elves surrounded Jiang Xiaoxin and the three of them.

If it were for other awakened people, so many dark demon elves suddenly appeared to surround them, I am afraid that they would have turned pale with fright.

But I glanced at these surrounding…After the Dark Demon Elf, Jiang Xiaoxin and the three of them were taken aback, and then looked at these…Dark In the sight of the demon elves, it was already like looking at a fool.

Up to now, because of Daha’s attraction, the surrounding dark demon elves can be said to have been affected, and the remaining few scattered dark demon elf hunters can see those here from a distance… ..The tragedy of the dark demon elves is… ran away without looking back.

Where is it like this, there are still people who take the initiative to send it to the door.

After waiting for Zhou Jia’s trio 3 to be surrounded by groups, I waited for a few seconds, these…the dark demon elves are already separated by a gap.

After that, the leader of the dark demon elves approached without any haste.

Seeing the leader of the dark demon elves, the surrounding dark demon elves bowed their heads.

0 And those who are trapped in the white circle on Jiang Xiaobai’s side…The dark demon elves are happy to speak out again and again.

Hearing the voices here, on the one hand… the dark demons and elves who had just focused their eyes on Jiang Xiaoxin and the others all raised their heads.

When I noticed those who are ten meters away…have gathered in a pile, and the number is almost a hundred of the same kind, these…the dark demon elves who have just arrived They all looked startled.

Now that I have noticed these… the dark demon elves gathered in a group at this moment, the leader of the dark demon elves naturally also noticed the Daha who is also on the side.

When looking at the red giant wolf that has appeared in his dreams every day for the past few days, the dark demon elf, whose eyes were still full of emotion and excitement, suddenly stiffened.

……With some difficulty, I moved my eyes a little again, when I watched sitting next to Daha, sitting on a chair with Erlang’s legs, licking melon seeds and looking at him. When Jiang Xiaobai.

Staring at the human face that… has completely become even his own nightmare, this dark demon elf’s leading body is already shaking uncontrollably.


At the same time, Da Ha, who was originally by Jiang Xiaobai’s nose, suddenly moved, and then gave Jiang Xiaobai a soft cry.

Hearing Daha’s call and gesture, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the dark demon elf leader and couldn’t help but place his gaze on the opponent’s forehead.

When you see the… “ten” on the other’s forehead

After the engraving of the characters, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth picked up.

Then he waved to the leader of the dark demon elf, and said very well: “Come on, brother!”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai, who was familiar with him, raised his hand and gestured, the dark demon elf leader standing ten meters away hesitated for a moment before turning around without saying a word.

Glancing at the reaction of the leader of the Dark Demon, Jiang Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and gently “Hmm”

There was a sound.

The voice just uttered, as if it were an instinctive reaction.The dark demon elves who had just taken a step before shook violently.

Then, in front of a group of dark demons and elves, he turned around again, and faced Jiang Xiaobai’s pleasing “嘤嘤嘤”

After a few sounds, he knelt on the ground without saying a word.

Several people from Jiang Xiaoxin: “”

The dark demon spirit staying in the circle: “B”

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