Chapter 281 Leave me alone, our gameplay is different (5/5)

If Jiang Xiaobai guessed right.

The dimensional creature that was violent against the group of awakened, I’m afraid it is the dark demon elf commanded by him.

But after inquiring in detail again, Jiang Xiaobai from the awakener’s mouth, he also knew that the original awakening team that was led by the dark demon elves and directly killed the four 44 members that day was not very good, and it was often in the dimension. After killing people in the space.

Combining the time spoken by the awakened person, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly understood.

Immediately, the guilt that had just risen in his heart disappeared without a trace.

“Is that what the Dark Demon Elf leader was like before? Why haven’t we heard of it?”

At this time, Yuan Yang on one side suddenly asked.

The awakened person shook his head and said, “Speaking of this, I’m also surprised. I haven’t heard that the dark demon elves in the meta-space have this kind of habit. At most… they like to eat people, but they don’t know how. It’s so cruel! Torture people in this way.”

After talking about all of this, the gaze stopped on Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia behind Jiang Xiaobai. The awakened man shook his head and said, “Look at how many of you should be students in 07, and be able to be at this age. I thought about entering this meta-space, I’m afraid your talent and strength are very strong.

So I advise you to change to a safer dimensional space, this dark demon elf dimensional space, wait until your strength becomes stronger!”

“Okay, I will consider it.”

After giving a gesture to the awakened person, Jiang Xiaobai already took Jiang Xiaoxin and others directly towards the entrance of the military base: walk away.

“Hey boy, don’t you think you can go in?”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s reply, the awakened person still showed a teachable look.

But when he watched Jiang Xiaobai’s words just fell and led others to continue walking into the entrance of the military base, the awakened person couldn’t help but ask.

Jiang Xiaobai turned his head and glanced at the awakened strangely, “When am I unable to enter?”

“Just now!”

The awakened person didn’t even want to answer.

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hand and said, “I said I would consider it, but I don’t plan to consider it now!”

…Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s answer, the awakened person was obviously choked.

And when he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai who had already entered the military base, the awakened one still shook his head.

If you don’t listen to the old man’s words, you will suffer! After entering the military base, Zhou Jia suddenly leaned forward and asked, “Honestly, does the uncle’s remark have something to do with you?”

Jiang Xiaobai always doesn’t like hiding things, so Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin also know that Jiang Xiaobai left before saying that they are going to the dimensional space to try the water, so that they can choose a training place and combine it with the awakened person who said that in the dimensional space… The method turned out to be the dark demon elves who stabbed some people.

Hearing Zhou Jia’s words, Jiang Xiaoxin and Yuan Yang also looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s body, waiting for Jiang Xiaobai’s answer.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai shrugged: Maybe yes! But I don’t know that the guy will revenge what I did on it on other awakened people.”

“Wow, it’s really because of you.”

With the confirmation from Jiang Xiaobai, both Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang couldn’t help but shout out in shock.

Even Jiang Xiaoxin was speechless at this moment.

“By the way, what is the situation with the guy who just escaped alive, as the awakener said just now?”

Yuan Yang suddenly asked as if thinking of something.

“It is said that it is still: the hospital is receiving psychology and treatment. It seems that there is a problem in my heart because of the previous things.”

Zhou Jia replied after thinking for a while.

Afterwards, the three of 3 looked at each other, all in silence for the few awakened who were captured by the dark demon elves and severely ravaged.

Ignoring the singing and harmony of the two guys Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang, Jiang Xiaobai sneered and said: “Now you can still be happy, you should try to keep it, and after you enter the dimensional space for a while, I see you face those… …….Is it still possible to laugh when the Dark Demon Elf?”

Hearing this, Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang, who had a bit of teasing on their faces, immediately turned off their flames, and their faces were filled with grievances again.

And according to what Jiang Xiaobai said before, if there is no accident, it is very likely that they will enter the dimensional space where the dark demon elf is located every day for training in the last month.

Thinking of this, Yuan Yang’s heart was… a wailing.

In the end, it is facing the silver dimensional creatures, even a few people are already facing even more powerful ones in colleges and universities across the country.

But when everything needs to be dealt with by himself, even Jiang Xiaoxin can’t help but feel a little nervous at this moment.

Just stepping into the dimensional space, looking at the endless darkness and the sound of rustling leaves being blown around, the three of them 3’s hearts are already a little nervous.

I have to say that the luck of Trio 3 is not bad.

Unlike the last time, the first dimensional creature Jiang Xiaobai encountered when he entered this meta-space was the most insidious Dark Demon Elf hunter.

Glancing at the nine dark demon elves and an elite dark demon elves rushing towards Jiang Xiaoxin, Jiang Xiaobai directly raised the alloy longbow in his hand.

With “swish swish”

Several arrows condensed by star power shot out.

Considering that Trio 3 has just been promoted, and the strength is not stable enough, to be on the safe side, Jiang Xiaobai only left two Dark Demon Elf 493 intact and one Dark Demon Elf with one arm destroyed.

After doing this, Jiang Xiaobai was already leaning on the tree next to him and pouting to a few people.

Seeing this, the three of them 3 gritted their teeth and rushed up together, sharing them equally.

For the awakened, fighting is the best opportunity for improvement.

Now Jiang Xiaoxin and three of them have just broken through, and the star power and attributes in the body have not been completely stabilized.

Through constant battles with dimensional creatures, it is also possible to shorten the period of the solid strength of the three people 3, and prepare for the next increase in the potion of the awakened.

Seeing that Trio 3 spent nearly five minutes killing these three dimensional creatures and rested, Jiang Xiaobai threw Daha on the ground and gestured.

After understanding Jiang Xiaobai’s meaning, Daha had already changed his voice into the blood wolf king form and rushed out.

After Daha left, Jiang Xiaobai turned to take out a bottle of spray paint that had been prepared before from the space ring, and then took the spray paint and sprayed it around.

“Xiao Bai, what are you doing?”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai’s movements, Yuan Yang couldn’t help but ask.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t raise his head and said: “Leave me alone, our gameplay is different. Taking advantage of the opportunity to take a good rest now…, your training will start later.”

Although it is not clear what Jiang Xiaobai is doing, all three of them have a bad feeling.


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