Chapter 273 Lively and cute, and work hard (2/5)

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai is located at a range of about ten meters: an open space full of weeds. Except for dozens of closer awakeners who have gathered, what makes people particularly eye-catching is that the open space is built around. Bonfire.

With the bonfire and the bright moon in the sky, people can see clearly that there are some towering dense forests around this grassland.

Dark demon elves are originally dimensional creatures that grow in the dark environment.

For the awakened person, the black environment will block the sight.

But for these… the dark demon elves are like heaven.

In addition, the IQ of the dark demon elves is much higher than that of ordinary dimensional creatures of the same realm.

And the innate cunning and evil of this dimensional creature.

Not only likes to live in groups, but also a type of dimensional creature that likes sneak attacks.

According to Jiang Xiaobai’s understanding, when this dark demon dimensional space just appeared, many awakened people were sneaked and killed by massage elves when they just entered this dimensional space because of the dark environment before adapting to it.

Support, the government specially arranged for someone to alternately press here every day: a bonfire was built at the entrance of the Dark Demon Elf Dimensional Space.

The purpose is to prevent the situation that the awakened person was attacked and killed just after stepping into this dimensional space from the beginning.493.

However, when entering the dimensional space again, Jiang Xiaobai groaned comfortably.

I have to say that in Jiang Xiaobai’s view, entering the dimensional space is like returning home.

The dimensional creatures are lively and cute, and they work hard.

Playing with these…Dimensional creatures is much more fun than playing with those…Awakened ones.

If others know what Jiang Xiaobai is thinking at the moment, they don’t know what it will be speechless.

For all the awakened, the dimensional space is a place where danger and opportunity coexist, and after entering, it is necessary to be careful.

Where could there be Jiang Xiaobai’s frenzied feeling?

While Jiang Xiaobai was looking at the surrounding environment, dozens of awakened persons beside the Dimensional Gate in this meta-space at this moment also set their sights on Jiang Xiaobai.

Just like the awakened people who have not yet entered the military base outside, watching Jiang Xiaobai’s age and the single person entering the dimensional space at this moment, these surrounding… ..The Awakened can’t help but look carefully at Jiang Xiaobai.

And when Jiang Xiaobai just stepped out of the dimensional space door, he was still teasing the pet in his arms.

It seems that there is no tension at all, and some are just random and undisciplined.

Glancing at these surrounding…After the awakened, Jiang Xiaobai withdrew his sight while shaking his right hand, the Rubik’s Cube weapon, Rubik’s Cube, appeared in his hand.

As the star power is poured into the Rubik’s Cube weapon, it almost instantly transforms into the style of the long bow weapon.

When glancing at the faintly flowing longbow in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, the eyes of the awakened people around flickered slightly.

In addition to the difference in power between ordinary alloy weapons and awakened weapons, when the awakened enters and exits the stars and changes the weapon, the fluorescence that it emits also indicates that the weapon is different.

Just like at this moment, when the weapon in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand changed the style of the long bow, the silver fluorescence condensed on the Longbow Society impressively indicated that the weapon in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand was a weapon of the first-class awakened.

Grade Awakener weapons, almost all Stardust Realm martial artists can’t get such a good weapon.

Only when the awakened enters the galaxy realm, can start some gold-level dimensional creatures, and after the gains increase, can they exchange for level weapons without pain.

I didn’t pay attention to those behind me…The awakened person’s surprised and surprised eyes, after sweeping around, Jiang Xiaobai pondered and moved forward slowly.

In less than ten seconds, he was already submerged in the darkness.

He waited until Jiang Xiaobai’s figure completely disappeared from the field of vision.

Those…the awakened in the campfire just started talking.

“I went, I didn’t expect this kid to be at the first level of the Stardust Realm, and he already has the weapon of the Level Awakener.”

“The other Awakened person next to him also smiled bitterly. Who said it was not? I have been mixing for so many years, and now I use only the kind of… the lowest-level Awakened weapon. It’s a bit too big to perceive it.”

“Just now that guy is only sixteen or seventeen years old, he already has the strength of the Stardust Realm, even if he is a genius in the school.”

…Apart from these awakened people who are talking in low voices, among these awakened people’s discussions, there are also a few awakened people who have a strange look in their eyes.

As he moved his gaze, he had already secretly remembered the direction Jiang Xiaobai had just left and walked in the dense dense forest.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but sigh secretly.

Even if Zhang Xiaobai’s physique is placed here, in this gloomy forest, one can only vaguely see himself within a radius of about 30 meters.

If you change the ordinary, you have just entered the first level or even three or four of the Stardust Realm, the level of awakening, I am afraid that in this dark gold, the visible range is only a pitiful less than ten meters.

If this point of visibility is good for other dimensional creatures, but when facing dimensional creatures that like to sneak attacks, the situation is different.

It is no wonder that although the benefits of the Dark Demon Elf dimensional space are high, at the same time, the risk is relatively high compared with other silver-level dimensional spaces.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly discovered that these…

Whether it is the colorful spider dimension space or the lava demon dimension space or the current one, the danger is relatively high.

And the other dimension space that has not been gone is also relatively difficult.

At this point, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly discovered that it seems that there are some problems with the Feng Shui of Yucheng! The dangers that exist in the surrounding dimensional space are relatively large in the same dimensional space.

Immediately after shaking his head, Jiang Xiaobai walked slowly in the dense forest.

Coming to this meta-space today, Jiang Xiaobai’s main purpose is to personally understand the strength of monsters in the next meta-space. Later, he will go to another dimensional space, but…I didn’t ride like before. Big waves rise.


It was also while Jiang Xiaobai was walking slowly, a rush of breaking through the air suddenly sounded from one side.

Perceiving the sound of breaking through the sky from one side, Jiang Xiaobai quickly turned his head.

After that, in the line of sight, he already saw an arrow mixed with darkness rushing towards him.

Raising his right hand quickly, he directly grasped this arrow in his hand.

Seeing the little fishy smell on the arrow tip, Jiang Xiaobai still doesn’t know where it was extracted with toxins.

At the same time, a slight “crash” suddenly came from a tree about ten meters away on one side.

The sound of leaves moving.

Glancing intently, glancing at the faint shadow, Jiang Xiaobai’s brows frivolous, and a curve is already picked up at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth.

Afterwards, between the two legs, Jiang Xiaobai’s voice suddenly disappeared in place.

: Because of the power outage in the afternoon, the update was a bit late, not much to say, continue to scroll to the codeword!!

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