Chapter 269 The scene, once caught in embarrassment (3/5)

This time the rewards are all obtained, and everyone needs to return to Yucheng to prepare to enter Jiangnan University.

So the return time is also set for the next day.

After Jiang Xiaoxin and the others had all returned to their rooms, Jiang Xiaobai thought about the first-grade awakener potion, the first-class psychoactive potion, and the first-class psychoactive potion contained in his space ring.

After thinking for a while, I left the hotel directly.

An hour later, Yuan Xiaoning, who was in Jiang Xiaobai’s room, looked at the three potions in front of him, and couldn’t help but feel a strong surprise in his eyes.

You know, even Yuan Xiaoning, who is about to rise to the sophomore year, can’t be exchanged for potions for the Awakeners or psychiatric potions.

For example, the Yuan Xiaoning team’s previous mission in the Colorful Spider Dimensional Space can only get ten points and 10 school points after completion.

In the school, even a potion for the Awakener requires a few points, and a potion for the Awakener or a psychopharmaceutical requires at least two hundred credits.

Now, Jiang Xiaobai directly put out a first-level awakener potion, a first-class psychoactive potion, and a first-class psychoactive potion, how could this not surprise Jiang Xiaobai.

But when he learned that Jiang Xiaobai was actually preparing to hand these three potions to himself, Yuan Xiaoning’s expression changed slightly.

For ordinary people, potions are important resources that can quickly increase their level and strength.

But for Jiang Xiaobai, who has a system, it is a dispensable existence.

Moreover, after taking the medicine, not to mention all kinds of risks, you still need to bear a certain amount of danger, and you need to continue to polish it afterwards to bring the effect to full play.

On the contrary, it is not as good as Jiang Xiaobai to wave directly in the dimensional space and use achievement points to increase the effect of physical attributes, which is safer and harmless.

If it were placed before, perhaps Jiang Xiaobai’s three potions would still be left to Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia.

But after having the previous close relationship, Yuan Xiaoning is already Jiang Xiaobai’s woman.

It just so happens that this extra copy can also be handed over to Yuan Xiaoning for use.

But for what Jiang Xiaobai brought out, Yuan Xiaoning shook his head and resolutely refused: “These three potions are too precious, I can’t ask for them.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said: “Don’t rush to refuse, I will ask you first, do you know about the global competition.”

“Well how do you know this”

Yuan Xiaoning was a little surprised that Jiang Xiaobai knew about the global competition.

Afterwards, Yuan Xiaoning roughly said what he knew.

However, it is very general, even Yuan Xiaoning only knows the game, but the specific content is not very good: understand, a state of half-knowledge.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai said quietly: “Three months later, it is…a new global competition.”

“Three months later, how are you sure”

Yuan Xiaoning asked with some doubts.

Jiang Xiaobai shrugged: “At this time, President Zhang Xunkun of a small Jiangnan University personally said to me. If there is no accident, three months later, I will represent one of the freshmen of Jiangnan University.”

Upon hearing this, Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but feel a little sinking.

It’s not that Jiang Xiaobai said it, but I didn’t expect Jiang Xiaobai to have received such attention before entering Jiangnan University.

But after an instant, Yuan Xiaoning was relieved again.

In the past few days, as the edited video of the national college competition is put on the official website, many people on the Internet are now about… this time the national college competition has exploded.

The main reason was Jiang Xiaobai’s performance, the terrifying strength and the talent skills that made people kneel down during the game.

By watching the video, Yuan Xiaoning can also know that, apart from Jiang Xiaobai’s talent skills, the strength of Jiang Xiaobai’s performance in the video alone is not inferior to him.

Afterwards, Yuan Xiaoning asked Yuan Yang even more curiously.

When he learned that in the dimensional space, facing the dimensional creatures of the ninth level of the Stardust Realm, Jiang Xiaobai could easily kill them in seconds, Yuan Xiaoning was really shocked.

Therefore, Yuan Xiaoning also knows that Jiang Xiaobai is not talking big words now.

Therefore, the strength and potential shown by Jiang Xiaobai now deserve the attention of Zhang Xunkun.

Here, looking at Yuan Xiaoning who was slightly silent, Jiang Xiaobai continued to speak out.

“With the current strength of the senior sister, I am afraid that even if I am promoted to the sophomore next, I am afraid that if you look at the situation of Jiangnan University, the senior sister will not be selected by Jiangnan University as a contestant…”

Yuan Xiaoning was originally a wise man. Hearing what Jiang Xiaobai said, he had reacted instantly and knew what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

If it were other things, perhaps Yuan Xiaoning would still postpone it without hesitation.

But according to what Jiang Xiaobai said in the process, he also understood the importance of global competition.

And Yuan Xiaoning himself is a military family, and his behavior is not that kind of…

Now that he has determined what Jiang Xiaobai meant and understood the rewards of this competition, it is impossible for Yuan Xiaoning not to be tempted.

Therefore, after pondering for a while, Yuan Xiaoning nodded and said: “I understand that for the next time, I will stay in school and use these three medicines to improve my level and strength as much as possible. ”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “I didn’t meet it before, but I happened to encounter this global competition. If possible, of course, our family has rounded up these rewards.”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai speak is to include himself in the “family”

Yuan Xiaoning couldn’t help but smile for a while.

…Seeing that after Yuan Xiaoning received the three potions, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly rubbed his hands and moved closer.

Seeing that Yuan Xiaoning didn’t respond, Jiang Xiaobai got closer again.

After that, one hand was already placed on Yuan Xiaoning’s waist.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai with a bright smile on his face next to him, Yuan Xiaoning still doesn’t know where Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts at this moment have been concentrated on the nails.

Immediately, his eyes were half-squinted, and a sly color flashed in his eyes, and two hands held Jiang Xiaobai’s arm.

After that, Jiang Xiaobai stood up abruptly when he was completely unprepared, and then he held Jiang Xiaobai’s arm in a gesture of preparation to start a shoulder fall.

“Ding, congratulations to the host for achievement points +10”

However, just when Yuan Xiaoning grabbed Jiang Xiaobai’s hand and just stood up, and raised Jiang Xiaobai to prepare to fall on the bed, Jiang Xiaobai’s mind suddenly showed a system prompt.

Suddenly both legs numb and then “puff”

He knelt on the ground with a bang, and couldn’t help supporting both hands on the ground.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai, who was originally in the air, was instinctively adjusted because of Yuan Xiaoning’s sudden behavior when his body was falling freely.

Then, just riding on Yuan Xiaoning’s neck.

Yuan Xiaoning: “……”

Jiang Xiaobai: “…….”

He lowered his head slightly, looking at Yuan Xiaoning with a dazed expression under his nail at this moment, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth was also twitched fiercely.

The scene fell into embarrassment for a while.


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