Chapter 255 White, beautiful, long legs, a lot of money, people are stupid and love me (4/5)

The next day, I won the ranking in this national college competition.The good schools returned with joy, and the schools that failed in the competition returned in defeat.

But because the reward involved this time is the weapon of the Awakener, the top ten students still need to stay for three days to wait for the weapon to be produced, and they cannot leave for the time being.

Therefore, the students in the top ten schools can also take advantage of the spare time of these few days to play for a few days.

After the celebration banquet last night, it was already notified that the top ten students in this competition the next morning would choose the school they would like to enter next in the hotel.

However, Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Yuan Yang, who had already reached an agreement in private, did not need to go.

Magic City is one of the most prosperous cities in China. Before, Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia were almost “four nine three” because they were concerned about the competition.

It is training in the training room.

Now that things have come to an end, I naturally want to take a stroll.

Therefore, while Yuan Yang was still sleeping, Jiang Xiaobai was already pulled out of the hotel by Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia.

And the so-called shopping of the two women is not to go to the magic city… to be watched by the iconic buildings, but to go to major shopping malls and clothing streets.

Regardless of….

Neither Jiang Xiaoxin nor Zhou Jia is the winner of the poor money.When you buy something, it is naturally inhumane.Basically, you choose a little bit.After you have a fancy, you can buy it without trying it.

Fortunately, both women have storage items, and Jiang Xiaobai also avoided moving the two women.

If someone asks Jiang Xiaobai, is it tired to go shopping with a woman, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely say that it depends on his face and figure.

It’s like now, wandering with two women in various shopping malls and clothing stores, watching the two women constantly trying on clothes and showing their bodies in front of them, it feels like a thief.

“Brother, you also come to buy clothes with your girlfriend”

It was also while Jiang Xiaobai was sitting on the sofa waiting for the two women to change clothes inside, and another boy in his twenties who wore a suit and had a strong second-generation breath waited for his girlfriend to choose clothes and sat beside Jiang Xiaobai.

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “Yes!”

Seemingly boring, the man in his twenties asked: “Look at your age, you are still a middle school student! Puppy love”

“Puppy love, count it!”

People in this world are eighteen years old, not when they were sixteen in the previous life.

Not to mention that Jiang Xiaobai is indeed still a middle school student.

“Heh, not bad! I brought my little girlfriend to this kind of shop at such a young age. It seems that your family’s conditions are pretty good!”

The man said with a smile.

Jiang Xiaobai smiled and said: “What kind of money can I have, just a student, but my girlfriend has money.”

“Girlfriend has money”

The man was shocked.

Then he turned his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

Don’t say, this looks is handsome, I am afraid that many young girls will have a good impression.

I replaced those rich women who were older and added this bite.

After thinking about it, the man already smiled contemptuously.

It seems that he noticed that the man next to him is getting older and older, and the sudden change of voice, Jiang Xiaobai’s heart turned, where is the meaning of this man’s strange eyes.

He immediately raised his eyebrows to explain.

But when I noticed that the man’s girlfriend on one side looks pretty good, but the makeup on his face is too thick, it is estimated that the contrast will be great after removing the makeup.

Immediately, Jiang Xiaobai showed a sweet smile on his face and said: “Yes! Both girlfriends have money, white and beautiful with long legs, the kind of money who is stupid and loves me….

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said with a sorrowful feeling: “To be honest, apart from being handsome, everything else is mediocre, but fortunately, they have been with me all the time. He even gave me money to spend and cook for me to eat.”

“Two, rich, and so good to you! Are you really stupid?”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the man didn’t believe in such a good thing at all, it was all when Jiang Xiaobai was bragging.

It seems that Jiang Xiaobai’s identity merits are low, and the man moved up to the edge of the sofa.

It was also when the man felt that talking to Jiang Xiaobai had lowered his identity, the two doors of the fitting room opposite were almost opened one after the other.

Then, two girls who were almost fifteen or sixteen years old, but who looked extremely beautiful, walked out of the fitting room.

Just looking at the two girls, the man had difficulty removing his eyes.

But the next moment, what surprised the man was that the two girls went straight to Jiang Xiaobai.

Then Qi Qi turned around and asked Jiang Xiaobai: “How about it, does this look good?”

Perhaps it is thinking of entering university, so now Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia are trying a short jumpsuit 0…It’s just that Jiang Xiaoxin wears white, and Zhou Jia wears it. Black.

This makes Jiang Xiaoxin’s original cold temperament slightly more gentle at this moment.

On weekdays, Zhou Jia, who is not a righteous person, is more dignified.

In addition, the two women themselves are the awakeners, and the years of training have made the two women’s figures not too good.

Even if it is Zhou Jia of the airport in Jiang Xiaobai’s view, it is actually better than ordinary girls.

Therefore, looking at the dressing of the two women at the moment, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but nodded and raised a thumbs up and said: “Awesome.”

Hearing Jiang Xiaobai’s praise, Zhou Jia needless to say, even Jiang Xiaoxin’s face is full of smiles.

All of a sudden, like a hundred flowers in full bloom, it is so beautiful.

The man in his twenties in a suit sitting on the sofa already looked at him.

After the two women swiped the card directly and paid the money, Jiang Xiaobai slowly stood up.Then, in the eyes of the man in the suit, he walked forward, one left and one right, and walked towards the door with his arms around Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia’s shoulders.

And when passing by the man in the suit, Jiang Xiaobai also said in passing, “Brother, you slowly accompany your girlfriend to buy clothes, let’s go first!”

After finishing speaking, before waiting for the man in the suit to respond, Jiang Xiaobai had already left with one hand and twisted buttocks.

Seeing such two beautiful girls get caught by Jiang 1.

1 Xiaobai hugged left and right and took it away. The man in the suit returned to his senses and couldn’t help but dumbfounded: “This kid turned out to be true, not by those… .Forty-five-year-old rich wife, but two girls of the same age.”

Thinking of Jiang Xiaobai’s previous sentence, “white skin, beautiful, long legs, too much money, people are stupid and still love me”

, The man in the suit was silent for a while, then took out a cigarette and lighted it on, and took a deep breath.

“Dammit, my mentality is a little broken.”

“Honey, do you think this one looks good”

At this time, while the voice of the girlfriend of the man in the suit came, the man in the suit turned his head and looked at the pink on his girlfriend’s face and the obviously trimmed nose.

Thinking about the money spent on this woman on weekdays, the man suddenly threw the cigarette in his hand on the ground, and his mentality collapsed even more.


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