Chapter 247 Will your conscience hurt? (1/5)

When Zhu Huanchun approached before, Xu Yan’s attention had been on Zhu Huanchun.

At this moment, when I noticed that Zhu Huanchun stopped, Xu Yan couldn’t help but focus on Zhu Huanchun’s body, faintly with some ridicule after winning.

Perceiving the triumph in Xu Yan’s expression, Zhu Huanchun’s jealousy and anger intensified.

Focusing on Jiang Xiaobai, Zhu Huanchun’s eyes gradually showed a sense of sorrow.

Simply speaking, in Zhu Huanchun’s heart at this moment, it is not Xu Yan that is the first to kill, but the culprit who is now unable to enter the top 20 in Shangling Middle School, Jiang Xiaobai.

Even with it, when he glanced at Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, it was also with resentment.It caused the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms to glance at Zhu Huanchun with dissatisfaction, and then turned slightly and turned his butt to Zhu Huanchun. The picture doesn’t want to care about wishing Huanchun at all.

Seeing the movement of this silly dog, Zhu Huanchun’s fists clenched again unconsciously.

After taking a deep breath, Zhu Huanchun said: “Very well, I have written down today’s affairs, but sometimes, being able to come safely does not mean that you can leave safely, boy, when you go back, you are the best. Be careful, don’t accidentally cause someone to be killed in the middle of the road. When the time comes, I am afraid that your championship trophy will be burned specifically for you.”

A few simple words, but the murky meaning in it is already obvious.

When Xu Yan listened to Zhu Huanchun’s words, her eyes half-squinted and said: “Chu Huanchun, you can give it a try, just because I don’t have any legitimate reason to do it.”

“Just rely on you”

Zhu Huanchun glanced at Xu Yan with disdain, and the ridicule in his eyes was undoubtedly obvious.

When Jiang Xiaobai and a group of students were ridiculed by Zhu Huanchun, Xu Yan’s violent temper was already unbearable.

At the same time, listening to what Zhu Huanchun said just now, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and said, “Can I understand what I said just now as you are threatening me…”

Hearing this, Zhu Huanchun’s eyes were placed on Jiang Xiaobai, and his eyes half-squinted: “Is there a threat boy? If you are to blame, you are a student of Xu Yan.”

Although there is no direct explanation, the meaning and attitude in it can’t be more obvious.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, “Okay, I know.”

After a casual nod in response, Jiang Xiaobai pondered for a moment, then quickly raised his hand and shouted: “Organizer, I want to report the teacher Zhu Huanchun from Shangling Middle School who just threatened me.”

When he said this, Jiang Xiaobai’s voice was not unbelievable, and he still used star power.

And at this moment, the screen was also aimed at the champion team of Jiang Xiaobai and others.

Therefore, the people around Jiang Xiaobai heard what Jiang Xiaobai said at the moment.

At the moment when the eyes are turned, no matter…

When the surrounding audience and the participating students from other schools looked at the camera or Jiang Xiaobai’s side, they all saw the gloomy face in front of Jiang Xiaobai, expressing Zhu Huanchun.

With almost the gymnasium.

Eighty-nine out of ten people turned to this side. While Zhu Huanchun hadn’t recovered, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly took out the mobile phone he had been in his arms before, and then pointed it at the air. Their unmanned camera pressed the button of the phone.

Suddenly, the threat of Zhu Huanchun was released through the phone.

Suddenly, those around…the originally puzzled audience, the students from the surrounding schools, and those from the school…the eyes of the team leader began to change.

Zhu Huanchun was still a little dazed when he saw Jiang Xiaobai raise his hand.

But when Jiang Xiaobai directly played the recording later, Zhu Huanchun’s face was “huh”

Changed in a moment.

Up to now, Zhu Huanchun is still unclear where she is, she is completely…betrayed by Jiang Xiaobai.

As early as when he had just walked over, Jiang Xiaobai had already made preparations, and even recorded all the conversations he had just made.

Don’t wait: I wish Huanchun had a reaction. Jiang Xiaobai said righteously: “Not only did you kill so many students in the individual competition and were eliminated in the individual competition, but they also responded to each other in the ring. The other students in the competition were cruel.

This time the game was originally friendship first and the game second. As the leading teacher of Shangling Middle School, you allow students to indulge in the assassin in the game and now the game is over. After the end, you still want to do the autumn and settle accounts with me. You are too much!”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Yuan Yang and others next to him couldn’t help but take a deep look at their unchanging face, “Friendship first, competition second.”

The slogan Jiang Xiaobai twitched fiercely.

Several people can’t help but think of the lively elimination of half of the participating students in individual competitions, and the lively scenes of Wang Wenjie and Tao Long playing in Shangling Middle School.

“Of course, at this moment, Wei Zidong and others are not stupid enough to say these things.

Jiang Xiaobai’s previous words can be a pun, not only clearly pointed out the threat of Zhu Huanchun at the moment, but also mentioned the behavior of Shangling Middle School in the previous competition.

At the moment, many school students and team leaders were not satisfied with their rankings.

Now I heard Jiang Xiaobai say, these…The participating students and the team leader are all thinking of their…students who were knocked out and the previous ring Some of the teachers and students of the school leader can’t help but speak out about the behavior of the Ling Middle School.

“Oh, it’s not the father’s fault that the students in Shangling Middle School are brutal and cold-blooded. I’m afraid the teachers at Shangling Middle School are not much better.”

“That’s…, it’s just a competition. The start is so ruthless, and it breaks the hands and feet at every turn. Now as a teacher, I still want to bully the young with the big man. The feelings are like a nest of snakes and rats.”

“With this kind of stuff as a teacher, I am afraid that the students who come out of Shangling Middle School will also be harmful to the farmers in the future.”

…What is called a lot of money, what is a word of fear? Under Jiang Xiaobai’s insignificant fanfare, these surroundings… are right. A group of students who were dissatisfied with Shangling Middle School and the team leader sneered.

Even those around…the audience were whispering to Xu Yan at the moment, with disdain and surprise on their faces.

Feeling the disgusting eyes and low-talking words that are constantly gathering on him.

Especially Zhu Huanchun can still notice the faintly dissatisfied gaze of Zhang Xukun’s big guys.

At this moment, the blood on Zhu Huanchun’s face has faded, and there is only one thought in his mind while his body is shaking.



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