Chapter 245 Anyway, it’s a death, is it swollen and broken? (4/5)

As the shock of the ground came down everyone’s feet, and feeling the shock under their feet, Yuan Yang in the distance sighed again.

“Is it bad to be alive, why can’t you think about it”

Although Jiang Xiaobai seems to be an auxiliary, the awakening talent skills are also controlled.

But only those of them… only those who have entered the dimensional space with Jiang Xiaobai know what a violent soul is contained under Jiang Xiaobai’s skin.

In the dimensional space, any dimensional creature rushed in front of Jiang Xiaobai, and it basically solved it with one punch.

Even if it is promoted in the dimensional space later, there is no exception when facing the dimensional creatures of the ninth layer of the Stardust Realm.

Now, these silly gangs are thinking of locking in star power, simply using physical strength to be like Jiang Xiaobai’s “four nines three”

Personal beast hard steel.

To be honest, Yuan Yang admires them.

Thieves have courage.

Looking at the one who is only about 1.75 meters tall: Jiang Xiaobai directly picked up the enemy who was almost two meters tall, and smashed the ground like a puppet.The violent picture directly caused the stadium.

A group of people seemed to have seen a ghost, and a pair of eyes suddenly protruded unconsciously.

Especially the students of Xinhan Middle School, seeing that now there is still a student who has completely passed out with one hand clasped, still Jiang Xiaobai’s harmless look of humans and animals, their hearts are shaking. .

After waiting a few times, the internal organs of the student from Xinhan Middle School were already injured by Jiang Xiaobai’s smashing on the ground like this.

The blood is constantly overflowing along the corner of the mouth.

Seeing this, the other people in Xinhan Middle School came back to their senses, and they all had a heartbeat.The students who were close to the competition afterwards all quickly surrounded Jiang Xiaobai and wanted to remove their teammates from Jiang Xiaobai’s hands. Rescued.

But when these people approached, the movements in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand changed, and the Xin Han Middle School that he was pinching at the moment as a weapon slammed his surroundings in a circle.

Seeing this scene, the few people around behind were taken aback, and quickly retracted their weapons, and then raised their hands to take this companion next.

But when their hands had just touched the body of their companion who was dancing in the air by Jiang Xiaobai, the powerful force directly knocked these people out.

One of them had bad luck and flew out of the ring in the inverted flight and fell to the ground.

Suddenly, the voices of several endgames were heard from the mouths of these Xinhan Middle Schools.

But compared to the pain on his body, the Xinhan Middle School student who was flew by Jiang Xiaobai was even more shocked because of the powerful force that was like a brutal beast before…

At this moment, the originally tall Xinhan Middle School student himself was smashed several times on the granite on the ring by Jiang Lian, and he was already suffering.

Now Jiang Xiaobai used it as a weapon and knocked others away.

Under this reaction force, the ginseng student finally couldn’t bear it and fell into a coma.

It was just that before the coma, the Xinhan Middle School contestant opened his eyes and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.The moment he passed out completely, there was only one thought in his mind.

“What the hell are you?”

As a teammate, the student who was stunned by Jiang Xiaobai alive at the moment is naturally familiar to the people at Xinhan Middle School.

Its power attribute is definitely the strongest in the team.

But it was such a student who gained strength with strength, but was directly crushed by Jiang Xiaobai.

And looking at Jiang Xiaobai’s casual look, he obviously didn’t use his full strength.

Thinking of this, I still followed closely before, and the participating students of Xinhan Middle School who were preparing to work on Jiang Xiaobai together quickly stopped their forward body, and then madly distanced.

Afterwards, the various contestants who were harmonious and unrelated at the moment, Xinhan Middle School were all staring at Jiang Xiaobai just like the companion who passed out before, just wanting to ask “What the hell are you?”

Imagine that everyone was overwhelmed by thorns and thorns, tried all kinds of methods, exhausted all kinds of methods, it can be said that after all the hardships, broke through the difficulties, finally broke through and rushed to Jiang Xiaobai’s front 0… When I thought that I could finally regenerate a serf and sing, I suddenly realized that the little sheep I had originally expected had suddenly become a big bad wolf.

And these of them…The hunters who were originally arranged have become little lambs, and they don’t have the ability to fight back at all.

Under this contrast.

Every Xin Han Middle School felt as if there were 10,000 grass and mud horses running past, leaving a place of sorrow.

“How the hell do you play?”

For a while, the students of Xinhan Middle School looked at each other, and everyone looked dumbfounded.

Without limiting Jiang Xiaobai’s star power, under Jiang Xiaobai’s disgusting and ferocious talent skills, I am afraid that they will be like the situation in Shangling Middle School, and they will be played to the point of collapse.

However, Jiang Xiaobai’s star power was banned.Only by virtue of physical attributes, the people at Xinhan Middle School found that Jiang Xiaobai over there could hang them up and beat them.

Anyway, it’s a death, swollen and broken five.In the end, all the people in Xinhan Middle School are looking aside.At this moment, they are stunned by the strength shown by Jiang Xiaobai.Even if their legs have recovered, they have forgotten Zhou Lu who got up. Body.

Feeling the gaze around her, Zhou Lu’s eyelids twitched fiercely.

At this time 1.

1. Zhou Lu suddenly understood why before seeing them attack Jiang Xiaobai by appointment, Yucheng Middle School looked at them so strangely.

Looking back now, the eyes that looked at them before Yucheng Middle School are absolutely like fools.

Recalling the strength that Jiang Xiaobai had exploded from before, although Zhou Lu was unwilling to do so, looking at the teammates around him who dared not advance half a point at this moment, he suddenly didn’t know how to deal with it.

After waiting for three seconds, Zhou Lu couldn’t help but sigh as the original companion who was able to suppress the star power of the awakened person within a certain range collapsed on the ground due to exhaustion of star power, feeling the star power regaining control in her body, Zhou Lu couldn’t help but sigh. .

After a while, he spoke heavily and helplessly: “Our Xinhan Middle School, surrender.”


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