Chapter 235 This gameplay is somewhat creative! (4/5)

Jiang Xiaoxin’s awakening was originally a long-range talent skill.When facing Xu Yan’s training before, he almost used Jiang Xiaoxin’s hands as a signal.

Therefore, after seeing Jiang Xiaoxin’s hands, Zhou Jia and Wei Zidong were already greeted by the fast approaching Tao Long and other students from Shangling Middle School.

Facing the ice thorns that quickly shot towards him, Tao Long snorted softly.

Suddenly, in the vicinity of these ice thorns, in front of the people in Shangling Middle School, it seemed as if there was an invisible wall.

With these…the ice thorns approaching, after a wave of lines like water splashed in the air, these…the ice thorns were all blocked. Fell down and fell to the ground.

After stopping Jiang Xiaoxin’s talent skills, Tao Long jumped up.

Seeing the top of her head rushing into the air, Jiang Xiaoxin turned her eyes, and once again condensed ice thorns into the air and shot Tao Long away.

“Four Nine Three”

However, it was also when these ice thorns flashed and disappeared in the air, as the star power filled Tao Long’s body, they almost instantly gathered into a gloomy door in the air in front of them.

As Tao Long passed into this gloomy door, the whole person and the door disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Xiaoxin and others were surprised.

“Space talent skills!”

As if thinking of something, Jiang Xiaoxin turned her eyes and looked behind her back.

Sure enough, after Tao Long disappeared before, there was already an extra gloomy door in the sky behind Jiang Xiaobai one meter apart.

Almost at the moment this door appeared, Tao Long’s body had already passed through this door and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai obliquely.

The scimitar in his hand already brought a shadow like water, and quickly approached Jiang Xiaobai.

Obviously, from the beginning, Tao Long’s goal was not Jiang Xiaoxin and others, but Jiang Xiaobai behind.

After determining Tao Long’s goal, Jiang Xiaoxin quickly withdrew her attention, and she turned a blind eye to the reaction, and continued to focus on the other participating students in Shangling Middle School.

At the same time, seeing Jiang Xiaobai with his back facing him, Tao Long, who was already less than three meters away from Jiang Xiaobai, already had a look of hideousness and excitement in his eyes.

While swinging the scimitar, it quickly approached Jiang Xiaobai’s back.

But at this moment, located above Tao Long, the gloomy door that was originally condensed by Tao Long suddenly heard a slight wave of fluctuations.

At the next moment, that door had already exploded suddenly.

Feeling the movement behind, Tao Long’s eye corners: glanced at it and couldn’t help but screamed “dammit, luck is so bad”

One of Tao Long’s talent skills is the previously used space portal.

Through this door, Tao Long can quickly shuttle around a distance of about ten meters.

However, spatial talent skills are difficult to control.

In addition, this talent skill was also the talent skill that Tao Long entered into Stardust Awakening.

So now, Tao Long is using it, and occasionally there will be situations where he can’t control it and the space portal explodes.

But this kind of frequency is very rare, basically only one percent chance.

Tao Long didn’t expect to make a mistake at exactly this time.

Under the strong wave, it directly affected Tao Long, causing Tao Long to fall vertically from above.

Fortunately, with Tao Long’s current physical fitness, that wave of fluctuations just now did not cause Tao Long any injuries, it was just… it blew a piece of clothing behind him.

Immediately after thinking about the floating room, Tao Long was ready to change his legs and then rushed up to attack Jiang Xiaobai when he was ready to land.

But the next moment, Tao Long suddenly felt his legs lose consciousness.

Looking down, Tao Long found that his two calves were turned upside-down.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai, who had begun to turn his head slowly, Tao Long’s heart moved, and a portal once again condensed and swallowed Tao Long directly.

At the same time, in the air about five meters above the ring and Jiang Xiaobai, a portal emerged, spitting out Tao Long directly.

“Why is the position of this portal deviated so much”

Looking at the distance still about one meter away from Jiang Xiaobai, Tao Long appeared from the portal again and was stunned.

Only then did he notice the problem with his body.When Tao Long used this portal, his original idea was to directly teleport to the sky above Jiang Xiaobai, so that when he fell, he could directly attack Jiang Xiaobai.

But no one thought that the distance of the teleportation this time had been deviated.

Seeing this, Tao Long frowned, star power filled the room, and once again created a portal in the room about to land and fell into it.

The next moment, at the same location and at the same height, when Tao Long fell from the air, he realized that he was still one meter away from Jiang Xiaobai…. “Dammit, I don’t believe it anymore.”

Then, when Jiang Xiaobai turned his head, he happened to watch Tao Long fall from the air, then disappear when he was about to land, and then appeared from the air again.


However, although Tao Long only fell from the sky to a height of about five meters each time, Tao Long kept falling in the process.

After each new teleportation, Tao Long’s falling speed will inevitably accelerate further, and the acceleration of gravity carried on his body will also become faster and faster.

After repeating this way almost ten times, almost all the surrounding…the audience can only see a shadow flashing from top to bottom, and the duration in the middle is less than one second.

Under such circumstances, the time for Tao Long to condense the portal is getting shorter and shorter.

Finally, after nearly thirty seconds like this, as he descended from the portal in the air again, it was almost a blink of an eye before Tao Long fell on the ground, and then issued a “bang”.


Suddenly, Jiang Xiaoxin, who was fighting in the distance, and a group of people in Shangling Middle School suddenly felt that the ring under their feet shook fiercely.

At the same time, listening to the painful cries that echoed silently in the sky over the entire stadium, the students from the two schools a few meters away turned their heads one after another and saw the pottery knelt on the ground, cracks emerging directly under both knees. Dragon.

As an arena for fighting between the awakened, 1.

In order to be directly destroyed by the battle during the battle, this time the construction of the ring is also made of some very hard granite.

Now, Tao Long’s kneeling made up for the cracks in the rock below him.

One can imagine how deep Tao Long was just now.

Therefore, at this moment, after seeing the lines on Tao Long’s body… Both legs shook slightly.

Tao Long had already stepped into the Stardust Realm, and he didn’t directly let his legs abolish, but that…the pain was as deep as the heart, because Tao Long felt pain in his knees.

He lowered his head slightly and looked at him kneeling on the ground.Because of the pain in his knees, he couldn’t help his body trembling.Tao Long whose face quickly paled from the pain, Jiang Xiaobai jumped his eyebrows.

“This gameplay is somewhat creative!”


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