Chapter 222 The whole world is quiet (1/5)

The student from Shangling Middle School listened to the unique sound of a knife piercing his body into his ear, and then noticed that Wang Wenjie’s evil eyes were facing each other, and he immediately withdrew his hand.

However, his expression was full of doubts, and he couldn’t figure out why he was inexplicably, how could such a situation happen to his body.

Glancing at the latter’s reaction, Wang Wenjie was also out of breath.

But Wang Wenjie didn’t dare to pull out the dagger in the abdomen.

“Then what, do you habitually kneel first to show respect in the hands-on room of Shangling Middle School?”

Looking at the two Wang Wenjie kneeling in front of him, Jiang Xiaobai teased with a smile in his eyes.


For no reason, because of the previous accident, I hadn’t touched Jiang Xiaobai, and I just stabbed myself.

Wang Wenjie’s heart was already depressed, but now that Jiang Xiaobai came, Wang Wenjie felt even more uncomfortable.

But for the current situation, what Wang Wenjie can say about his mistakes, so Yuan Yang and others who accidentally stabbed himself couldn’t help but laugh secretly when they heard this.

This is especially true when looking at Wang Wenjie’s suffocated face like constipation.

The anger in Wang Wenjie’s heart was constantly rising, staring at Jiang Xiaobai, and after his legs regained consciousness, he quickly stood up and pulled the students of Shangling Middle School behind him to withdraw quickly. Meters away.

After pulling the distance, Wang Wenjie said solemnly: “Very well, you successfully angered me. Originally, I wanted to give you a happy one, but now you asked for it yourself.”

With that said, the star power fluctuations in Wang Wenjie’s body spread, and it is obvious that he is ready to use his talent skills.

Then, in the sight of Jiang Xiaobai and others, Wang Wenjie’s body was already condensed into a flame and surrounded Jiang Xiaobai.

At the moment the flame just appeared, the surrounding temperature seemed to rise a little out of thin air, enough to see the temperature in the flame.

“Oh, playing with fire…”

Looking at Wang Wenjie’s talent skills, Jiang Xiaobai frowned, and did not use the skills to interrupt Wang Wenjie.

This scene made Wang Wenjie stunned for a moment, not knowing what Jiang Xiaobai meant when he raised the little milk dog like Erha in his arms to him.

But after a moment, Wang Wenjie sneered and did not respond.

However, just when the flame condensed by Wang Wenjie swept the air burning room towards Jiang Xiaobai in the air.

In the sight of the crowd, following the big pug’s mouth opened.

The flames that had already rushed to Jiang Xiaobai’s wait, after a slight pause, turned their directions in unison.

Then, Daha was all sucked in.


After all the flames were swallowed by Daha, Daha seemed to be full, and he hiccuped by the way, and flames spurted out of his mouth.

As early as Daha swallowed the lava star beads of the lava lord, he had the ability to control fire.

Moreover, the flame was still a blue flame, and the temperature was compared with Wang Wenjie…

“How can it be”

Watching this scene, Wang Wenjie’s whole body was already shocked, staring at the Daha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms, as if he had seen a ghost.

Not to mention Wang Wenjie, even if Jiang Xiaoxin and others watched this scene in the field, they were also shocked and looked at the Daha who was pinched by Jiang Xiaobai and motionless in the air, and his expression was full of surprise.

But then every one of them was full of envy.

After all, Daha’s strength has been understood by Yuan Yang and others during this period of time.

Even if it is only the first level of the Stardust Realm, the strength is not inferior to the ordinary three-level dimensional creatures of the Stardust Realm.

Especially the speed, even those…the dimensional creatures of the fourth and fifth levels of the Stardust Realm are not necessarily comparable.

In addition, Daha can also change his body shape, such a pet, who doesn’t want it after changing, Jiang Xiaobai smoothly throws Daha on his shoulder, and walks slowly towards Wang Wenjie step by step.

Glancing at the approaching Jiang Xiaobai, Wang Wenjie’s heart condensed slightly, but after a short while, he shouted “Let’s go together” at the participating students in Shangling Middle School next to him.

When the voice fell, Wang Wenjie and the student from Shangling Middle School next to him were already bullying Jiang Xiaobai one after another.

Regarding the movements of the two of them, Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have not seen them at all.

When the distance between the two parties was less than five meters, Wang Wenjie, who was rushing fast, stared at Jiang Xiaobai, who would be close in the next moment, once again star power fluctuations gathered in his body.

However, at this moment, a sense of deja vu suddenly came from Wang Wenjie’s part.

Accompanied by “Most of the star power has converged to a local location as it is local.

You know, star power is originally a kind of energy.At this moment, under the blessing of star power, Wang Wenjie’s local injury has directly increased several times on the original basis.

Even with it, the local location is like a faucet that opens the gate.

With a loud sound, a big blood arrow blasted out.

When this blood burst out, because of the fluctuation of the star power, its direction was also deflected.

Then, following Wang Wenjie’s body, the student from Shangling Middle School who was staring at Jiang Xiaobai was directly hit in the face by this bloody arrow.

Part of the blood even splashed into the eyes of this student from Shangling Middle School.

At the same time, Wang Wenjie, who was originally rushing in front, couldn’t help but screamed because of the local burst pain, and when his body stopped, he squatted down in pain.

When a person is panicked and can’t see the surrounding situation, the body will instinctively react, especially when facing the enemy, this reaction will be even more peasant.

Just like this student in Shangling Middle School at this moment.

With the pain in my eyes because of the splash of blood, I couldn’t open my eyes, and my heart was extremely flustered.

At this moment, I heard a screaming voice suddenly sounded.

The student from Shangling Middle School was shocked, and subconsciously raised his fist and swung it at the place where the sound came from.

After the contestant felt like he had hit something, with the “bang”

There was a sound.

The whole world is quiet.

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