Chapter 197 I was beaten by a husky? (1/5)

Although Daha didn’t use a lot of strength…the power to play with Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin was a little bit stronger.

But at any rate Daha is a silver-level dimensional creature, just hitting it so little, it is no less powerful than an ordinary adult.

Therefore, under the integration of a dog’s palm, Zhang Feiyue’s body that was directly beaten staggered, and his head buzzed.

“I was beaten by a husky”

While the pain came from his face, Zhang Feiyue had only one thought in his mind.

But after a while, when he reacted, Zhang Feiyue was already angry and raised his fist.

But don’t wait: Zhang Feiyue did it, and the few people from Zhiling Middle School next to him were already pulling Zhang Feiyue from left to right.

“Calm down, private players will be disqualified from the competition before the competition.”

During this process, Daha had already woke up, and seemed to realize that he had just hit someone suddenly, and then the dog’s paw lifted up, gently placed on Zhang Feiyue’s face and gently touched it, it looked like it was Same as apology.

Daha’s current form is already cute and bursting, and coupled with the appearance of a little milk dog, it looks so cute and bloody.

Therefore, watching Daha’s movements at the moment, everyone around him felt softened, and even the anger on Zhang Feiyue’s face at the moment dissipated a lot.

After gently touching Zhang Feiyue’s face, Daha turned his head a little cautiously and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.

He found that Jiang Xiaobai’s expression hadn’t changed the slightest, even after raising his eyebrows, Daha was startled, then turned his head and looked at Zhang Feiyue in front of him, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai, and immediately understood.

After Jiang Xiaobai nodded, Daha was already re-aligning the dog’s face at Zhang Feiyue.

After the dog’s palm that was originally placed on Zhang Feiyue’s face was slightly retracted and bent, it was already swung out suddenly like a spring.

Then, a little hand with short flesh slammed Zhang Feiyue’s face frantically.

When Daha slapped his face again, Zhang Feiyue had already reacted, and his face was once again filled with confusion.

Not to mention Zhang Feiyue, even the other people next to him are dumbfounded at the moment.

Obviously, I didn’t expect that Daha, who was just a docile and well-behaved, suddenly violent and started doing it again, staying in place for a while.

However, Zhang Feiyue was driven by two classmates around him, one on the left and the other on the right.

Don’t say it is hands-on, even if you want to hide, there is no way.

It looked like the two students from Zhiling Middle School and Jiang Xiaobai were in a group who turned to control Zhang Feiyue.

In the stunned crowd of people, facing Feiyue’s face, Daha was like a cat fighting, and the short palms had already brought up afterimages because of the rapid waving.


In just two seconds, he fanned a dozen times in a row.

The process is short and rapid.

When Zhang Feiyue and Zhang Feiyue two students from Zhiling Middle School came over and drove Zhang Feiyue back a few steps, Zhang Feiyue himself was already fainted by the fan with a light hum.

At this point, Jiang Xiaobai put Daha in his arms again, and then gently stroked Daha’s chin in praise, took out a 1 bronze star bead and fed it into Daha’s mouth.

At this moment, the eyes of Zhiling Middle School and other people around them looked at the face of Zhang Feiyue who had already lost consciousness on the opposite side.

Originally, the face that was still a little handsome because of Dahan’s crazy hands just now, half of his face was already swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And the swollen half of the face is all the palm prints left after being slapped by the pug’s palm.

Looking at the wounds on Zhang Feiyue’s face, these… all the students at Zhiling Middle School took a breath, and looked at the big ha in Jiang Xiaobai’s arms in a bit of amazement. .

“What the hell is such a small dog that can slap people out directly”

When several students at Zhiling Middle School looked after Zhang Feiyue, who had been knocked out by Daha, another student pointed to Jiang Xiaobai and said angrily: “Asshole, you dare to beat people.”

Hearing the words, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the student who was speaking indifferently and said, “Do you have any evidence if I did it?”

The student pointed to several monitors around his head and said, “Huh, there are monitors around, I’m not afraid you won’t admit it.”

The eyes of all the people around were looking up, and as expected, they saw the cross-placed monitors in the two corners of their heads.

The students of Yucheng Middle School have a sudden heart.

Jiang Xiaobai is the captain of the participating students in Yucheng Middle School this time.

For a time, Wei Zidong and others’ expressions changed slightly.

On the contrary, Zhou Jia, Jiang Xiaoxin and Yuan Yang looked as usual.

Based on the knowledge of several people about Jiang Xiaobai, since they dared to do this, they would definitely not fail to consider the consequences.

At the same time, the student from Zhiling Middle School who spoke coldly said, “Just wait for you to be disqualified from the competition!”

Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly, and said: “Disqualification, you’re just a fool!”

The student’s face solemnly said: “What do you mean?”

Jiang Xiaobai digs out his ears with his pinky finger, and said: “From start to finish, I have never moved my hands at all. It is my dog’s hands. Don’t forget, the organizer’s regulations only require students from participating schools not to Do it, and there is no rule that the dog can’t do it”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth still provoked a ridiculous arc and continued: “Even if you report it, I will at most hurt people with a dog, but your people in Zhiling Middle School were beaten by the dog Manuohao and are still alive. He fainted and didn’t know how it would be transmitted. People from other schools would react if they knew it.”


Facing Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the student’s speech was stagnant, but he didn’t know how to respond.

As Jiang Xiaobai said, if this incident is stabbed out, everyone will know that a contestant in Zhiling Middle School was stunned by a pet dog or a little milk meat like Erha, and the whole Zhiling I am afraid that middle school will become the laughing stock of various colleges.

At that time, I am afraid that the entire Zhiling Middle School will not be able to raise their heads to farm.

In response, Jiang Xiaobai snorted and walked towards the restaurant.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai trembling step by step while teasing the dog while walking away, the students in Zhiling Middle School were all angry with liver pain.

However, the rules of the game cannot be done in private.


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