Chapter 195 As long as the speed is fast, the fairy can’t jump (4/5)

After Jiang Xiaobai came in, several people in the room stared at Jiang Xiaobai viciously.

One of the men with tattoos even shouted, “Boy, did you bring the money?”


Jiang Xiaobai was startled when he heard this, then frowned and said, “Wait first.”

With that said, no matter…

The reaction of these people in the room, Jiang Xiaobai walked slowly to Yuan Yang and asked: “What happened?”

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai, Yuan Yang was aggrieved at the moment.

After Yuan Yang quickly explained it, Jiang Xiaobai also knew the specific reason for the matter.

After Yuan Yang left Jiang Xiaobai’s room before, he and Wei Zidong and others went out for dinner and entered a bar.

When Wei Zidong and others were all dancing, Yuan Yang happened to not go when he was replying to Yuan Xiaoning’s news.

Then a woman took the initiative to come over “Four Nine Three”

After drinking two glasses with Yuan Yang, Yuan Yang was too much to drink and was pulled into the hotel, and then these people broke in.

After listening to this…, Jiang Xiaobai already understands why seeing the situation in this room before feels a bit familiar.

Co-author, this is the legendary fairy jump! And it is still the kind of active medicine to let people drill.

But after listening to what Yuan Yang said, looking at the crying pear flower belt over there, it didn’t look like a fake woman at all. Jiang Xiaobai was puzzled again: “No, you just said that when you put on your pants, These people just rushed in.”

Yuan Yang nodded.

“Although I was confused in the process, I immediately became sober afterwards.”

“Do you remember the specific time”

Jiang Xiaobai asked.

Yuan Yang nodded, “The last message of my sister and I was sent at 9:99, 56. Then those people came in not long after, just two minutes before I sent you the message.”

Jiang Xiaobai calculated the time when Yuan Yang sent a message to himself, and then deducted the woman in the middle who took Yuan Yang directly into the room and these people broke in.

The final conclusion was that from the time Yuan Yang was brought into the room by the woman to these people came in, it took less than three minutes to make a full calculation.

According to Yuan Yang’s description, within the three minutes of entering the room, Yuan Yang had the effect of the drug, and then forcibly pressed the woman under her body to finish the matter.

After Yuan Yang’s affairs were over, and after putting on the clothes, the woman’s companion entered the room.

It’s no wonder that the crying pear flower of this woman is raining, and co-authoring is not acting at all.

It was really handled by Yuan Yang.

Originally, these guys obviously just found the target and set off, just like the common methods of those fairy jumping.

The woman took a shower first, and then the man undressed and undressed.When the clothes were taken off and they were ready, the woman’s accomplice rushed in and blackmailed a sum of money.

But these people have countless counts, and they never thought that the degree would be so fast.

In just three minutes, the matter was finished and the clothes were put on.

When it came, it was completely too late.

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help taking a deep breath, suddenly thinking of a sentence in his mind.

What the fairy is afraid of jumping as long as the speed is fast enough, even if it is a fairy, it is enough to make him unable to jump at all.

Now Yuan Yang’s situation is completely like this.

For a while, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t know whether it was Yuan Yang’s bad luck or the woman’s bad luck.

If I was confused, I just played a fake game and played it off.

Although knowing that this occasion is a bit inappropriate, Jiang Xiaobai, who understood the truth of the matter, grinned and couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’ll go, the fairy jumped to play this part and put the bait in completely, buddies are really awesome pens!”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the men in the room looked at each other, their expressions were a little embarrassed and sullen.

Obviously, Jiang Xiaobai’s previous inference was not wrong at all.

These few people did not expect that after playing the fairy jump so many times, such a problem would occur today.

And after listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s laughter over here, the woman over there was startled for a while, crying even more fiercely.

Then, the thin man who opened the door to Jiang Xiaobai at the beginning said viciously: “Laughing at you paralyzed, your friend has made Laozi’s girlfriend stronger. If you don’t give a hundred thousand yuan to this matter today, we will directly Report to warn you.”

Originally, these people usually extort tens of thousands of yuan from the fairies.

But today, I lost a lot of money. If I don’t knock more, I’m really sorry for the loss on my side.

Jiang Xiaobai laughed for a while… and then took a light breath to hold back his smile, and then casually said, “It’s okay to call the police! Do you have any evidence?”

Listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, the expressions of several people were slightly shocked…. Then, Jiang Xiaobai continued: “It is said that to catch a thief, you need to pick up the stolen goods, to catch a traitor, and to catch a pair. It looks like when you came in, my brother The clothes and pants are all put on, what are you telling us?”

“Huh, kid, we can do the inspection, that kid didn’t take safety measures before.”

The thin man snorted coldly.

Jiang Xiaobai spread his hand and said, “No problem! It’s a big deal together, my brother was drugged by you! It was detected, and it happened to be sued by a blackmailing gang for committing the crime. To compensate my brother for some losses, you are sure to call the police”

As soon as these words were spoken, the expressions of several people changed, and even the crying of the woman over there stopped.

Obviously, these people know that what they are doing now is not visible.

As soon as the police arrived, they could find out what was going on after a little check.

For a time, all of them were a little bit naive, and they didn’t know how to deal with it.

In the end, another man with a big waist and a round waist said viciously: “Xiaobi, he threatened us, believe it or not, Laozi made you unable to get out of this door.”

When speaking, the man also squeezed his fist and made a straight sound.

Regarding this, Jiang Xiaobai grinned and slammed a fist against the wall.

Suddenly, his entire fist and his forearm plunged directly into the wall.

Fairy Jumping Gang:…….. Among the dull expressions of several people, Jiang Xiaobai asked: “Are you sure you want to come hard”

After looking at Jiang Xiaobai, and then at the next…the hole that was punched directly by Jiang Xiaobai, several people swallowed in amazement.

Immediately, the few people who had just vowed not to give up had a smile on their faces: “Little brother, misunderstandings, they are all misunderstandings, you just leave.”

Those who can engage in this kind of activity naturally belong to ordinary people who have not been able to awaken.Otherwise, if you enter the dimensional space at random, the profits you get are much higher than this.

Therefore, after these people know that Jiang Xiaobai is an awakened one, how dare to provoke him.

After patting Yuan Yang lightly, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at these people and left with Yuan Yang slowly.


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