Chapter 181 Wonderful flowers are everywhere, never fail this sentence (5/5)

You know, the list of participating students in the school is now confirmed.

It can be said that the whole school knows that students at that age will participate in the competition on behalf of the school.

Now, if anyone is kicked out of the team, it is estimated that it will take less than half a day for the entire school to know the news.

“All the mouths are gold.

Destroyed bones: This sentence is not… a joke.

When the time comes, I will be ashamed and don’t say anything, I am afraid that I will be pointed and ridiculed wherever I go.

For students, this is simply killing without seeing blood.

It was just some quarrels, and it was about to be staged to the height of kicking people directly out of the team.Li Wanji’s character can be imagined.

At this moment, not to mention those students in the second year of high school, even the students who participated in the third year looked at Li Wanji’s eyes with a bit of disgust.

Not to mention Xu Yan what students can think of.

Therefore, after hearing Li Wanji’s words, Xu Yan frowned and said impatiently: “Okay, this matter ends here.


Putting it on other students and hearing Xu Yan speak, no matter how dissatisfied she is, she can only temporarily suppress the anger in her heart.

After all, personal conflicts are small, and competition is the most important thing.

However, Li Wanji is angry at the moment, and he is not good at communication himself, and his emotional intelligence is pitiful.

Seeing that Xu Yan was ready to suppress the matter in a few simple sentences, she was immediately unhappy in her heart.

Looking at Jiang Xiaobai with a sloppy look over there, Li Wanji shouted: “No, Teacher Xu, I don’t want to be a team with this guy. This time the national college competition, there is me without him, and there is him without me.”

If Xu Yan was able to suppress the dissatisfaction in her heart before, then under Li Wanji’s faintly oppressive attitude, Xu Yan’s expression has gradually sunk.

After a few seconds, Xu Yan asked in a deep voice, “Li Wanji, do you know what you are talking about”

Li Wanji snorted coldly: “Of course I know, anyway…I will leave it alone today. If the school wants me to represent the school in the national college competition, only one between me and this guy can stay.”

And Zhou Jia looked at Li Wanji in astonishment.

“I’m going, this guy, where is the courage to compare Jiang Xiaojian’s courage to compare it to Jiang Xiaojian, I feel too good about myself!”

For a while, Zhou Jia didn’t know whether to say that Li Wanji was ignorant and fearless, or he couldn’t recognize himself.

However, Li Wanji didn’t know what Zhou Jia was thinking.

At this moment, Li Wanji seemed full of words.

In Li Wanji’s view, he is already a ninth-level star mechanics apprentice, and he can directly enter the Stardust Realm in one step.

And Jiang Xiaobai only awakened for more than a month, except for… the skills are a bit disgusting, what use can be really used, I am afraid that I will be given a second by someone, and how can I compare with myself? , Li Wanji can be sure that in his and Jiang Xiao, considering the national college competition, Xu Yan and the school will definitely choose to keep themselves and kick Jiang Xiaobai out of the team instead.

“Dare to be so arrogant in front of me, today is to let you know what it will be like to fight against me.”

When he glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, Li Wanji hummed coldly in his heart, almost thinking of the next scene of Jiang Xiaobai being kicked out.

However, although Li Wanji’s thoughts are full, the reality is often full of skinny.

Just like now, with the words of Li Wanji falling, after Xu Yan squinted her eyes, she said casually: “Well, Li Wanji, you can leave now. I will explain to the school leaders later. Let another student fill your place.”

When Xu Yan’s words were spoken, Li Wanji had already glanced at Jiang Xiaobai triumphantly, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

But the others looked at Xu Yan with surprise, and wondered if they had just heard it wrong.

After all, the level of Li Wanji and Jiang Xiaobai is so high, in their opinion, it is impossible to kick Li Wanji out of the team.

Not to mention the other students, even Li Wanji came over at this moment, faintly feeling that something was wrong.

Then suddenly turned his head to look at Xu Yan, Li Wanji couldn’t help asking, “Ms. Xu, who did you just say to leave?”

Not waiting: Xu Yan replied, Zhou Jia on one side already hugged her chest and snorted coldly: “Of course it means you, otherwise you thought it could be someone”

When Zhou Jia said this, Xu Yan did not object, and apparently gave it a default.

After noticing Xu Yan’s attitude, Li Wanji was already flushed after a moment of stunned expression: “I am already a ninth-level star mechanics apprentice, and I only need a hundred star power points to enter the Stardust Realm. Why are you letting me go”


Xu Yan snorted coldly.

In Xu Yan’s opinion, among the few students present, Xu Yan valued the most, except for the two daughters of Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin, it was…

Especially Jiang Xiaobai.

No one knows Jiang Xiaobai’s strength and current level better than Xu Yan.

To be honest, if it weren’t for a forced number requirement, except for…Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia and Jiang Xiaoxin 3, the other six 66, Xu 493yan didn’t want to bring any of them. .

Anyway, even if you bring it and put it in the national college competition, it is just more than enough.

And now, this Li Wanji still wants to force Jiang Xiaobai away.

Really think that she is something but all of this, Xu Yan naturally can’t explain to Li Wanji, and Li Wanji does not have the qualification to let Xu Yan explain.

Facing Li Wanji who was unconvinced, Xu Yan just spit out a word coldly.


Seeing this, Li Wanji was already clenching his fists, and after a pair of eyes were surprised and couldn’t believe it, they all turned into anger.

After a while, Li Wanji was already angrily smiling and said: “Okay, I want to see, without me, what kind of results can you achieve in the competition based on your waste.”

After that, Li Wanji was already heavily “hum”

After a sound, he turned and strode away.

Glancing at the back of Li Wanji who was leaving with anger, Jiang Xiaobai was speechless.

To be honest, a ninth-level star mechanics apprentice with no level but low strength, Jiang Xiaobai really doesn’t know who said this to this guy so much confidence and confidence.

It really complied with the existence of weird flowers everywhere, and never failed this sentence.


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