Chapter 179 I’m not as ugly as you (3/5)

“Ugly rejection, ugly rejection, ugly rejection…”

Originally, Li Wanji had already thought about Jiang Xiaobai’s next reaction in his mind, and he had even planned to do it directly.

But Li Wanji never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would actually say “ugly rejection” to himself.

For a while, Li Wanji seemed to be blinded by these two words directly, and the whole head was surrounded by these two words.

As if it was a key, it directly opened the picture that Li Wanji had been reluctant to recall in the past few years.

In kindergarten, because of her ugliness, she directly scared the little girl at the same table into tears.

When I was in elementary school, because I was ugly and rejected, I went to the school cafeteria to eat at noon. A little Loli sitting opposite took a look at himself and vomited directly.

When I was in junior high school, because of the power outage at night, the whole class was plunged into the darkness for ten minutes. At the moment of the call, the female tablemates who had been at the same table for a few months regained the light in the classroom and were so scared when they saw themselves. “Ghost!”

Frightened and fainted.

…The scenes that were dusty in the depths of memory quickly flashed through Li Wanji’s mind.

Finally, looking at the handsome face in front of him that made him jealous, and the…laughing voices around him, Li Wanji’s face was already green.


After a low growl, Li Wanji directly threw the phone in his hand to the ground, and when his fist was raised, his muscles were already tense, and one foot was exerting force.

However, when the muscles were tight and quickly exerted force to step out, when stepping out to concentrate the power on the foot, I was so immortal that I stepped on the phone that I had thrown on the ground before.

The floor in this training ground was originally piled up with wooden planks, and it was cleaned by dedicated cleaning workers every day.

The smooth thing like a mobile phone suddenly slid under strong force.

Even with that, the foot that made Li Wanji step on the phone couldn’t help but slid violently, causing Li Wanji’s body, who was completely unprepared, to lose balance directly, and there was a “puff” between the forward thrusts of his body.

Just…kneeling on the ground.

At the same time, the burst of force from the tightness of the body’s muscles made Li Wanji even when he was kneeling on the ground, it also led Li Wanji to slide on the smooth floor.

Today’s Li Wanji was originally wearing…shorts and sportswear.

When the knees slid across the floor, the knee position was not covered by any cloth at all.

Therefore, as the skin on the knee slides all the way, the voice is also exceptionally clear.


Seeing Li Wanji sliding five or six meters along the way to Jiang Xiaobai, listening to the sound of the skin rubbing on the floor, everyone around Wei Zidong felt that the position of the knee was a little cold.

Several people couldn’t help but put their hands on their knees and touched them.

By this time, the information about Jiang Xiaobai’s talent had been spread among Yucheng Middle School.

Almost no one knows that Jiang Xiaobai, who is from Class One and Seven, is talented and capable of making people kneel down.

But when you see this scene with your own eyes, it doesn’t matter…

Was it Wei Zidong or the others who couldn’t help but send out “Fuck,” one after another in their hearts.

the sound of.

Seeing that he was sliding on his knees all the way to his face, Jiang Xiaobai snorted softly.

Then in Li Wanji’s daze, his right hand was slowly raised and placed on Ji’s head.


Hearing this, Li Wanji’s eyelids twitched fiercely, and it also reflected that Li Wanji, who knew that he was affected by Jiang Xiaobai’s skills, was kneeling and his eyes were already slightly red.

“Drafted, Laozi killed you.”

After one hand slapped Jiang Xiaobai away in resentment, Li Wanji already roared again, and there were already star power fluctuations in his body, and he was obviously ready to move.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai’s expression remained unchanged, and when his right hand was raised, it was almost instantaneous, and a star force was already rushing towards Li Wanji.

“Father as a mountain”

In an instant, as this star power spread in his body, the fluctuation of the star power in Li Wanji’s original body suddenly dissipated.

When the pictures of his father and his father appeared in his brain, a special emotion had already grown in Li Wanji’s heart and spread rapidly.

At the next moment, Li Wanji’s eyes were already red, and tears came directly from his eyes.

Some dim eyes looked at Jiang Xiaobai and couldn’t help crying: “Dad, I was wrong.”

Li Wanji, who was originally full of anger, was crying like a child at this moment, and his expressions and words were full of regret and self-blame.

Wei Zidong: Other students: Seeing Li Wanji’s sudden change in a hurry, apart from…Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, the other students around were all question marks.

After a while, looking at the crying Li Wanji, Wei Zidong couldn’t help asking each other.

“Hey, why did you say that Li Wanji suddenly called classmate Jiang’s father”

“I don’t know either! Somewhat inexplicable.”

“Could it be that I got mad from kneeling”

“Don’t be funny, even if you are mad, you can’t catch someone called Dad”

…In this low voice, Li Wanji in front of him blurted out his words, and gradually returned to Qingming.

Recalling that I used to call Jiang Xiaobai “Dad” in front of everyone

Not to mention, he even admitted his mistake and apologized.

At this moment, Li Wanji was really dumbfounded.

He didn’t want to understand why he thought of his dead old father when he saw Jiang Xiaobai, and he also regarded Jiang Xiaobai as his father.

But don’t wait: Li Wanji thought, and suddenly felt a slight sound of breaking through the air.

Feeling this change, Li Wanji’s eyes condensed, and he already saw one welcoming “”

The three 3-letter soles are constantly zooming in in my line of sight.

While this kick was on Li Wanji’s face, Jiang Xiaobai’s voice faintly resented already rang.

“Don’t call me Dad, I’m not as ugly as you.”

The voice fell. Under Jiang Xiaobai’s foot, Li Wanji was already “wow”

With a sound, he flew upside down, vacated for three or four meters, and fell to the ground after a distance.

It doesn’t exist to convince people with virtue.

For: Jiang Xiaobai, if you feel uncomfortable, it’s the right thing to do.

Just like now, after one kick, I immediately feel relieved, my spirit is strengthened, and my body is strengthened.

This feeling every second made Jiang Xiaobai feel like facing Li Wanji again…as if the face on the surface of the moon was kicking.


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